Sunday, August 21, 2005

Just stuff

Oh, what joy it is to pack up all your crap so you can move it. Such fun. Then again, I'm usually full of shit, so you can take it any way you want. I will happily admit to my faults, unlike many who decline to admit that they are human and can make mistakes. I try not to get too close to those kind of folks, since they usually tend towards pig-headedness, to put it nicely. My time is mine to waste, but that's going a bit too far, even for me and my weirdness.

Hmmm... What to write. I am just sitting around, doing some file copying to CD and trying to keep an eye on the kids playing with their XBox. Or is it X-Box? I don't really care, it's mainly something for the kids to do when they get really bored and no one is willing to run them to the pool. We haven't been to the pool in a while, so I figure that one more trip will do it for the year. I hope so, anyway. School starts up on the 29th of August so they don't have much time left. That, and the weather has been kind of funky, recently. I think all the hotness has departed and the coolness is here to stay.

Oh! I almost forgot. I have to mention this - it looks like I will have to go with satellite Internet access at the new home. It may be hard to believe, but the little town we are moving to doesn't even have DSL Internet! Satellite won't be too bad, since no one really plays anything online that would require something like DSL or cable to play. As long as nothing requires "twitchy" moves, it should be okay, I guess. I do a lot of file transfers with a buddy in Washington state, so I don't know, yet, how that will be affected. It seems that downloading is set to some kind of "limit" so I will have to see what happens. Oh, don't worry, nothing illegal - I'm too chicken when it comes to what could happen if I did get stupid enough to do something illegal. So, I guess I'll still miss out on all the P2P file-sharing networks out there. No great loss, I have enough problems what with all the legal crap I download and/or buy and deal with.

Guess that's it for this time. I'm tired of typing and just want to go over the files I have copied. Such fun, I got.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Today's crap

Huh. Well, they finally got me. I just had to delete a spam from my comments. To be honest, I figured that it was only a matter of time. And I am smart enough to know that, at some future point, some other slime will put their trash up, again. I mean, how much money can outweigh the guilt, the sadness and the lack of self-esteem that doing shit like that (posting spam) causes? Damned useless, moronic, shitheaded, lowlife, no-life-having assholes is what they are. End of discussion. Period.

Okay, I know that I am not the neatest person in the world, but I really wish people would ask before they start going through my stuff. I know it looks messy, but I know exactly where everything is. When things are moved by someone else, it makes me feel bad to ask someone else where my stuff is. I guess it's either a "woman thing" or a "wife thing", I don't know. It's not that messy, like I said, and I know where things are. Oh, well, live and learn and ask, I guess.

My wife is now going through things in the basement, boxing them up and getting them set up to get moved to the new house. I have found that my best bet is to just stay out of her way. Mainly because she is hesitant about asking me to help, due to my back. I do ask her if I can help, but she tends to fall back on my medical status and rarely asks me to do anything. You have no idea how frustrating that is! Of course, I also tend to sort of jump into whatever she is doing, lift and grunt to move stuff, and then spend many hours on my back due to the pain. The main problem is that I just feel so damned useless that I could scream. Sort of like how I feel when I do something stupid, like lifting stuff I shouldn't.

Oh, the hell with it, here goes.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A good day

It's been a fruitful day. We managed to get the house we have wanted for quite some time. Well... Actually we are going to rent it for a while, until my money comes in, and then we will purchase it outright. It's not too bad, the price is under $80,000. It's in a very small town, and very old, thus the small price tag. I'm still attempting to come to grips with it, to be honest. Tomorrow, I get to see how much time I can spend on the telephone, seeing what can be changed, added, deleted, etc., at the new address. Of course, my main concern is the internet access. I would probably kill myself if I have to drop back down to dialup. I most certainly hope that it doesn't come to that, I would make a nasty corpse. I'm not all that good looking to begin with, so I know. Here's to hoping.

So, off to bed - to dream of moving, yet again. Heh.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

New stuff

I've decided to increase my blogroll by adding in the blogs that I read on a (usually) daily basis. They are on the right side of the screen, if you are curious. Somewhat eclectic, but basically pretty good stuff. You may notice that there are no political blogs listed. Well, that's for good reason - I try to keep politics out of this blog, as much as I can. I have found that there are way too many people who will happily judge a person by the politics they keep, and will also happily call someone every dirty name in the book if the views held aren't exactly like theirs. So, I try not to bring it up, if possible. You can certainly ask, if you want. Just remember that there is much more to a person than their political views, and I will remember the same.

Maybe I'll have some interesting stuff to add later, but you never know. Tomorrow is my day to watch some stuff I have copied from tv and, considering my wife will be out of town most of the day, who knows what may happen. Heh. Like my life is that exciting.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The last few days

Wow, what a weekend! I have been pretty busy the last few days and today (Tuesday) is my "sit-around-and-do-nothing-much" day.

Let's see - - on Friday my wife, son, mother-in-law and I took a trip to Pueblo, Colorado, in order to watch my brother-in-law be ordained as a deacon in one of the local Catholic churches. He's the first deacon in this area in over 150 years. My mother-in-law is tickled pink to be "in the book" as the mother of the first deacon in this area in such a long time. Anyway, we left here about 4 PM and got there about five thirty, ate at a restaurant and then went to the ceremony. I think there was a total of eight guys getting ordained, so it lasted from 6 PM till about 10 PM, including the sort-of "snack time" afterwards. Then we left and finally managed to get my mother-in-law home about 11:30 PM and then home and to bed about 1 AM.

On Saturday morning, we dragged ourselves out of bead about 9 AM and went to garage sales. Got some decent deals, including an X-Box for a hundred bucks, which came with four disks with games on them. I think I'll hook it up later today and let the kids check it out. I'm not much of a "game box" player, except for games on the computer. Still, I may check it out. Heh.

On Sunday morning, we got up about 7 AM so we could go to the first Mass performed by my brother-in-law. It was a 9 AM Mass, so we didn't get out of all the hoo-ra until about noon. Then we went over to my mother-in-laws house for a while and then on to my brother-in-laws house for a while. We finally managed to get back home about 5 PM. Oh, I almost forgot! The Mass was taped and shown on the local leased cable channel and one part is pretty cool. The location of the camera was back to one side, near the front, and my sister(step) and her son were clearly visible from the back. When they did the communion bit (you know, the bread and wine thing) the camera clearly caught my mother-in-law coming back to the pew and pulling on my sister's(step) hair. We all got a good laugh out of that, knowing that perhaps dozens of people will see that.

On Monday my wife and I got up about 8:30 AM so we could give my brother-in-law a tape of the ceremony (which we copied off the tv station which broadcasted it) and I could get to a doctor appointment. We were running around, including a stop at my mother-in-law's house, until 5 PM.

As you can see, the weekend was pretty busy (for me, anyway) and today, Tuesday, is my day to be a "bum". Of course, when I woke up about noon, the rest of the family was not here, having gone to my mother-in-law's house. As I type this, I am home alone and just reading e-mail and surfing the web. Oh, and doing this blog write-up, too.

Tomorrow is grass cutting day, so I may not post, but you never know. Hell, with my luck, I may be able to post in a few days about how I cut off some appendage while mowing the yard. Either that, or have an interesting story about how the weed-whacker ate my shoe or something.

That's it for today. Have a nice one.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Something funny

Oh, I just HAVE to blog about something I found the other day. It deals with a website that many people have read and enjoyed, myself included. The person who has this site enjoys "saying it like it is" and, in general, having a blast by saying whatever strikes his fancy. Here's the link: Yup, "the best page in the universe". What's so damned funny is that this link is about blogs and associated terms/situations. What he doesn't realize is that his entire site is a blog. He may deny it, but it's still the truth. Just something I thought I'd throw out for anyone who reads my drivel.

Anyway, I thought that it was funny and, to be honest, I enjoy reading his site. Lots of angst and fun interspersed with the madness. My kind of reading material. Heh.

That about it for today. Just a "hit-n-run" post.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Another day, another blabbering

Another fun-filled day. I haven't really done anything, except change out the CD drive on the kids computer and do dishes. Other than that, it's been just another typical day. Keeping track of what the kids are watching on tv and surfing the net. So much fun, I can tell you.

I have checked out some CD's we got at garage sales over the weekend. Found out that I was too stupid, once again, to check on a couple and paid 50 cents for a couple of empty CD cases. One of the other CD's doesn't even work and yet another seemed to be some kind of telemarketing setup CD. (I didn't pay for that last one, it was in a "free" box.)

Seems that one of my sons' buddies has decided to be buddy with him, again. You see there was a big whoop-te-doo over someone getting shot with a BB gun and, of course, all of them held the others responsible and friends didn't want to be friends, and all that that entails. But, things are settling down and they are, from what I can tell, back to being friends again.

My wife and sister(step) went out earlier to take my sister(step) to an eye doctor appointment and then they had to go to my mother-in-laws house to get her truck and then do some shopping. Tomorrow is my turn - I have to take my nephew(step) to his "wart doctor" and that is about a 2 hour drive away. The only problem is taking my sister(step), who has a habit of talking. And talking. And talking. She has arguments with the tv and has no problem with talking to walls. It's not too bad, since I rag her unmercifully about getting lost in the bathroom.

Okay, everyone is now home and I need another bath.