Sunday, April 24, 2005

Another post, why not?

Shit. I think that my meds are beginning to either work against one another or that I am finally becoming "used to" them. That's the way I seem to operate when it comes to medication - I either have complications from then fighting one another or my body gets so used to it that it just doesn't work as well as it did when I started it. One case I can recall is the drug Flexerill(sp?) which is a muscle relaxant. I started on that and I was loopy like you wouldn't believe. However, after about 6 months, I could pop those suckers like candy and the effect was not even as great as if they were candy. So now I don't take them anymore. Story of my life in regards to medications.

Anyway, I figured I'd take a few minutes and post here. I'm going to read a few blogs and then tear into my "play" computer and see if I can verify why it shows a 32k bad sector on the hard disk. Well, that and why the windows explorer tends to screw up, too. Crap, that means that I will have to run Norton from the CD. Oh, well, that's okay, too, I don't want to load Norton up anyway, just run the diagnostics.

And how is/was/will be your day?

Friday, April 22, 2005

Taking time to watch

Today was another interesting day. I went to my mother-in-laws house to do some work and was there for about half the day. First thing was that we (my wife and I) went over to my brother-in-laws house to get some wood so we could build Mom some flower boxes. That was interesting, as several of the boards were about 12 feet long and we were in the car. We managed to get them into the trunk and braced them well enough so that, driving slowly, I was able to get them the 200 or so yards to my Mom's house. Then, using my saw, of course, I measured and cut them to the size I felt was appropriate. (Yes, yes, I know, my wife was the driving force, but I still managed to make a couple of decisions on my own. Sheesh.)

We then took the pieces and nailed them together - not too bad. Not too bad. Then, I took some kind of framing aluminum and bend it so that I could screw it around the outside and make it into the hanging frame. Then my wife put some black plastic on the inside and stapled it. Of course, I decided to use my drill to make some drainage holes in the bottom of the boxes, and, wouldn't you know it, I was stupid enough to make my first attempt from the *inside* of the box. After I unwrapped the plastic from the drill, I sheepishly gave it back to my wife so she could re-staple the plastic. After that, the drilling went nicely, thank you very much.

The hanging of the boxes was interesting, too. My wife held the box from the bottom while I bent the aluminum so that I could screw it onto the frame of the front porch. Then, she helped me while I used tin snips to cut the aluminum into manageable lengths. Once that first box was done, she helped me cut the aluminum on the second box before she held it up for me to attach to the porch frame.

After that, it was a simple matter of putting in the soil, planting the flower and herbs (spearmint and peppermint, yum!) and watering them a bit. Not too bad a job, considering I was using minimum tools (not having my electric screwdriver really sucked!).

The other thing was when we were getting ready to leave. I was sitting in the car, door open, and was watching some of those big, red, Colorado ants on the curb/berm next to the car. If you have never watched ants, you really should take some time and just sit and watch them - it's fascinating! Anyway, as I was watching them, I noticed one ant who was carrying a stone. I figured that, in comparison, if I was carrying that much, I would have my car in my teeth. The funny part was that the ant kept sliding, falling and rolling down the side of the curb/berm. Yet, all that time of not having its balance, the ant totally refused to let go of that stone. It took it about two minutes to get about two feet from where it started and let go of the stone.

Now, when comes the time that I will think about giving up on something, I can recall the struggle that ant went through and think that if that ant can do it, I can do it. After all, I do think that I am a bit smarter than that ant, you know. (Just not as physically strong, comparatively speaking. Heh.)

Oh, something else I thought of:
I have always been fascinated by ants. They are working little devils. They don't bitch at each other. They don't screw one another over for a higher place in society. They don't "collect" friends to show how popular they are. They don't lord themselves over others just because they can. They don't screw one another over for a few extra bucks. Then again, they are ants, so most of that doesn't matter, right? But, look at what ants are doing. They are preparing for and taking care of one thing - children. That's right, their goal is to make sure that things are right for their children. Makes me wish that people, especially people in positions of power, had even one twentieth of that need. Won't happen, because all those things I said that ants don't do is exactly what people WILL do. Since ants don't do them, they have no need to justify their actions. People will do and say ANYTHING, and I do mean ANYTHING AT ALL, to justify their actions. And that is why many children, of people, continue to suffer.

That's it for now.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Another day, another whatever

I am so glad that I don't take crap personally. I mean, I can rant about how some people treat other people and expect to get shit about it, but I refuse to take it personally. I mean, how many times does the average blogger get slammed and belittled in another blog? Heh. Now on to better things, no more rants about how people can be cruel and smile and say it was just a joke.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Rant time

Okay, I have to vent on this. I just read a blog where an adult female still giggles about the "size" of a guy she dated in high school/junior high. Women of all stripes complain, again and again, about how guys are soooooo insecure and afraid of commitment, but still resort to disparaging guys due to their "penile size". They moan and bitch and whine and complain about guys who look at other women and how men only look at "model" type women and drool over big tits. Then, when a guy shows interest in a woman, she has to judge him based on how big his dick is. These are the type of women that carry on the saying of "size matters" and make liars out of those women who say it doesn't. Or, at least, make those who say size doesn't matter still looked at with caution by guys.

I just wanted to say that women need to get over their giggling and disparaging of men because of the size of their dicks and look at themselves when they do start giggling. And, finally realize that there is more to a guy than how big his dick is, and they don't need to belittle those guys who don't "measure up" to their oh-so-exacting standards of dick size.

Rant over.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Today's Meandering

Okay, I know I've not been updating this thing as frequently as most blogs I've seen, but I really don't care. This is my place to meander and this is were I will meander. If anyone really wants to read this, they'll just have to deal with it. I won't say I'm sorry, because I'm not. I'm not a "blog whore" who just has to post every day about every detail of my life. Even if that detail is bigger than usual. Heh.

Anyway, we have been in the market to purchase a house and it seems that our credit isn't enough to get it. We tend to purchase things with cash and haven't any credit cards. Yup, not even from a local store/gas station. We have plenty of stuff on our credit file, some not so great, of course - we're not perfect and don't claim to be (unlike some people who will smugly say that their credit is "perfect" and look down at those who have some slight blemishes on their credit - smug, nasty, self-important, useless bastards is what they are). But, what we do have on our credit is just not enough "stuff" to satisfy those money-sucking whores that call themselves "lending institutions". Not that I am all that pissed off, to be honest, but I am getting tired of paying rent when I could be paying off a place I can call home for good.
Anyone want to co-sign with me?
(I slay me!)

Pain is a close, personal friend of mine - both physical and mental. Not a friend I want to have, but I manage to keep it close enough that it doesn't turn into an enemy. I classify pain with that old saying - "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer". Hey, it works for me. Even though my pain hasn't really gotten to the enemy stage, I do what I can with what I have. Medication helps, but only to a certain point. So, like I said, I do what I can.

Well, that's enough for today.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Getting old?

Gads, I seem to have some good ideas about what to write and then, blooey, they're gone and I forget to post here. I don't know what to write half the time and the other half I just forget to write down what I want to post here. Oh, I have a small text file that I use to write in, and, when I am ready, I just copy and paste it into my blog. Easier, as I don't have to worry about getting logged off the site for not doing anything for a specific amount of time. That is, if Blogger even does that. I don't know, and to be honest I don't care, since I will do it my way and not worry too much about their way.

This is hard to believe, but I am sitting here and there is a blizzard going on outside. Geeze, southern Colorado can get weird, I guess. My son was whining earlier to go over to a friends house, but I managed to deal with the whining until the weather let up a bit. Of course, now him and two of his buddies are in the kitchen, eating my huney buns and doing whatever it is that 12 year olds do when adults are not breathing down their necks. I didn't ask why they decided to come over here and I don't think I will. I do know, however, that the mother of the other two boys is just as happy to get them out from underfoot as we are to get mine out the door whenever we can. Whining can only be tolerated for a certain amount of time, then it gets to be like the bit where kids are going, "MINE, MINE, MINE" over and over again with that voice that goes into your brain and makes you want to chew on tinfoil to stop the voices. Heh.

I guess I can place myself along with the "old folks" now. I was working on the "goose house" for my mother-in-law and wound up with a minor sunburn. The problem is that I managed to get it on the top of my head. Not enough hair, now, to keep out the sunlight. I'm not really all that much of a hat person, but I guess I don't really have that much of a choice. Even though I tend to call myself a troglodyte, I still get out enough to need to cover my head, now, I guess. Still, I don't worry all that much about losing my hair. It's all grey now, anyway, so losing it is the next logical step. And, no, I refuse to color it - I figure that I worked my ass off for each and every grey hair that I have and I am proud of it. If it wants to fall out, that's okay too.

I think I'll go and mess with my wife.