Sunday, October 01, 2006

Still kickin'

Wow. I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted here. Just goes to show that ¨real life" can, and will, take over whenever it can. Oh well.

Let's see... What's been happening?

Well, my wife and I finally closed on the house. Actually, houses, since there is the smaller three room house next to this one. It's being used as a studio for my wife, a computer center for me and a place to store all the nails, hammers, drills, etc., etc. It's working out pretty good, too. I really didn't know how many computers I have. It´s sad, really, is what it is. I have everything from a 086 laptop (runs at 5Mhz) to an 800 Mhz computer. I have 5 laptops and 7 desktops (about half of which aren't worth turning on). Of course that doesn´t include the one that the online school sent for my son. Heh.



Oh, yeah, I am now a grandfather. My daughter had a baby boy. The only problem was that she had to have a cesarian at six months. It was either that or lose both of them. Tiny little guummbah. Pretty healthy, though. My wife is there (1500 miles away) with her and they have been doing well. The only problem is that I have difficulty going to sleep at night, without her next to me. At least it won't be too much longer. I hope.

Okay. Other than having a pinched nerve that is killing my left leg and the purchase of the houses, there is not really anything else going on. Gads, my life is pretty boring.

Alright, that's enough for now. I guess I should try to update this more frequently. With my son sitting next to me on his computer and me on my computer, I will probably have loads of time to update this thing.

If I can remember to, that is. Heh.