Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunday Night

Yup, that's right - Sunday Night. That is, until I realized that I had spelled it "noght" in the subject line. Noght? Distant cousin to "nought" I suppose. (And how many of you just opened a spell-checker to check, eh?) Anyway, it's still Sunday night, no matter how hard I try to pretend it's not. By now, you're probably wondering why the fuss about Sunday Night, right? (Hey, at least let me dream, okay??) Tomorrow is somewhat of a busy day, what with two things happening -

1. My fourth wedding anniversary

2. My 47th birthday.

That's right, my wife set it up so that there is no freaking way in bloody hell that I can EVER forget my wedding anniversary. Not to mention that there was a earthquake on the day that we got married. Now, how cool is it that even Mother Nature gives ya a shake for your wedding day/birthday??? I remember standing outside, arms around my wife, about 6-7 hours before the ceremony, and just letting the ground sway and shake under us. Remarkable! No damage, as it was fairly small, but watching the car sway was simply wonderful.

Hey, I can't help it, I'm just weird. As much as I enjoy/hate earthquakes (sort of a love/hate relationship, you know), I used to say that I would rather go through a hurricane/tornado than a earthquake - at least you can make an attempt to run the hell away from a hurricane/tornado. Now, I think I would rather go through an earthquake than a hurricane/tornado - more of a "coolness factor" to me.

Well, I really guess I should get in a shower before the big day, tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow?

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Another day

Yup, that's right, another day. Done and gone. Almost bedtime. Or not, as the case may be.

I had a pretty decent day, today. I used some plaster and patched a hole in the wall of the stairwell. Sister did a head-dive down the stairs and missed the turn (she wasn't hurt) and blasted a pretty decent hole, along with breaking the corner post thing. So, I finally (after about 2 months) get the gumption up and slap some plaster on it. One thing I forgot was that the plaster in the pre-mixed container is sort of on the sloppy side. I got smarter than the plaster, though - I took about 4 handsfulls and slopped them on the plastic tarp and let them air dry for a couple of hours. Presto, semi-solid plaster! Still, I will have to tidy it up tomorrow and then sand it in about 4-5 days so it won't look too sloppy.
(Word for the day, kiddies - SLOPPY! Yaaaahhhh!!)

Other than taking a power-nap, I spent the rest of the day just fooling around with my computers. Got my tablet connected, but still have to find the pen that goes with it, and installed a program that I have been meaning to install for a couple of months.

I think I'm going to go take a shower. How about you?

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Add on...

Well, due to overwhelming demand, (Yah, right, and just what side-street of the Twilight Zone do you think I live on? Points and cash to the person who guesses right.) I have decided to post a picture of myself. Enjoy.


"First impressions are best" is horsehockey.

Posted by Hello

Back again

Okay, how do so many people seem to manage to post on their blogs, when they are suffering from some form of depression? I sit and stare at the page, hoping that something comes up that I can talk about, that won't cause me more depression. I get depressed just reading some blogs, so that most certainly doesn't help.

Anyway. Here goes another attempt.

Got kids? Almost teenager kids? Know that they will, happily and with clean conscience, lie their asses off to you? My son was on my computer the other night and when he had gotten off and gone to bed, I found that the screen had some blobs of goop on it. They were a mess and quite difficult to get off. Now, before you start screaming at me about my own cleanliness habits, I know for a fact that when I had gotten up there were NO blobs of anything on that screen. The next day I confronted him and he totally denied doing it. Hell, at 11 1/2 years old, he most assuredly knows right from wrong, so saying he has problems with telling right from wrong is out. I finally found out that he was getting the goopy stuff out of my mouse pad (it has a pocket of jell-stuff in it for my wrist) and got it on the screen. Other than him doing it, I was mainly concerned about getting it off, so I can see the screen. My main response was that, if he did it again, he'd lose use of my computer for a month. Since it's the only one he's allowed to do internet surfing on, he agreed, pretty quickly.

We had a bit of a "family discussion" on how kids tend to lie and steal. Maybe it did some good. I certainly hope it did. When tears start and parents are talking "in a nice tone", I tend to feel that some soaked in. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they have a cousin who is a policeman and can help us out with "jail", either.

Okay, that's it. Go take a bath, I'm planning on one.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Just rambling

What, nine days and counting, right? Or is it eight days? Hard to keep track, sometimes.

I sometimes wonder why I write this. Is it for notoriety? Fame? Fortune? A big car? What? Hell, if I knew I'd probably be bigger than Dooce. As it is, I guess I'm lucky enough as it is. After all, once a week or so can't be all that bad. Can it? Naaaaah.

This is hard for me. I mean that. I want to write, but trying to get the words to jump onto the page is hard for me. I wonder if you know what torture it is to have such a lack of focus that the act of typing words from brain to keyboard is sheer hell. I have lucid moments, to be sure, but they seem to work against me, rather than for me. I WANT to talk, to type, to gush, to free-associate! Hell, I WANT to WRITE!!! And my mind tends to just sit there and sort of go Pllllllbt at me.

I went to the doctor today. Got another prescription for my stomach. Soon to be scheduled for an upper and lower GI exam. I had one of those, before, so I know what to look forward to. Oh, yes, I most certainly do! The drinking of the fluid that seems to be super-lax, the pills that sort of push the super-lax through and then the enema. Talk about being clean. Of course, I may get lucky and have the same type of procedure where I get to lay on a bed and have a pretty nurse to chat with. (Though I'd rather have my wife there.) Then, the nice drugs that make everything go away while tubes and such are shoved into my mouth and asshole so that they can tell me, most likely, the same thing - "just a couple of polyps, no ulcer". I like my health, but is this really worth it? The cute part about the appointment, however, is the "shit cards" I was given. Heheheh. I get to swab my shit with a stick and mail it to them. How cool is that?

Hell with it, I'm going to bed. What about you?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Doctor Visit

Okay, I know it's been less than a week since I last posted, but that's okay, it just seems like a week to me.

My mother-in-law is pretty cool. Whenever I am at her house and she offers me something and I say, "No, thank you", boy, she just grabs that and runs for a touchdown with it. Everything from the sarcastic repeating of "No, thank you" to rolling eyes to mumbling to threats of never offering me a damn thing ever again. Today was an exception, sort of. I was driver of her truck to take her to a doctor appointment (we try to not let her drive - I'll explain later) and I had to make an emergency Pepsi stop before we got onto the freeway. Driving away, she began a tirade about me and how I wouldn't take a Pepsi from her but I would buy one at a store. I mentioned that I would have taken one had we gone to her house to pick her up (her daughter-in-law drove her to my house), but that only got her started. I mistakenly said that she should have brought one with her, for me. Her response? "What, do you think I'm stupid and carry one in my purse?!?!?" I think I smiled, but knew better than to laugh outright.

My mother-in-law is 82 years old and her reflexes are not the best anymore, thus we tend to arrange her appointments where one of the children can drive her. With a daughter, son, daughter-in-law and son-in-law within 10 miles of her house, we are pretty adept at getting to her before she manages to get into her truck and make a drive on her own. I haven't been here long enough to observe her driving, but the stories told to me have been more than enough to make me side with the other kids and not let her get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

The only problem with the drive today was the amount of sunlight mixed with snow covered plains on both sides of the freeway. Ever try to drive through sunlit snow without snowglasses? I was squinting so hard my sinuses clogged. The only other part that was somewhat disconcerting were the occasional quiet times. When you have one male and three females in a vehicle and all three females stop talking, you can bet on one of two things - one is that one of them made a faux pas and was waiting for me to get mad/sad/whatever and the other is that one of them made a comment/question and they were waiting for me to get mad/sad/whatever. I have found that my best response is the best response that any male can give in that kind of situation - "What?"

All in all, a good visit to the doctor and now Mom has to go to physical therapy for her arm. Just don't ask her how her heart is. That is, unless you are ready for at least 15 minutes of "The left side is good, the right side is good, etc., etc."

I need a shower and some sleep. How about you?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another Week Goes By...

Gads, I love having a wife who's "crafty"! She can take the oddest things, put them together and it comes out as "art". Mainly, her beadwork is wonderful and I wish I had the energy to really put together our website to publish and sell her work. It's in the cards, it's just that the hands being dealt to me recently haven't even been worth the opening bid.

I kind of like reading other blogs and you can probably tell which two I tend to read the most regularly. The diversity is wonderful and the comments people come up with are pretty neat, too. I have made a few comments, myself, but can't tell if they have been noticed by the publishers of the blogs where I made them. Not that it really matters, since I have a nasty habit of doing what I call a "hit, shit, and run raid" wherein I make astounding comments (ya, right) and wait to see how long it takes the shit I stirred up to settle again. However, I must say that I tend to be a bit more (I HATE using this word) "conservative" in what I say, as I want to make sure that I have a way to back up my comments. Tends to be less messy, that way. Still, they can "take me on", I have ways to back up what I say. Heh.

Oh, lastly, I just wanted to tip my hat to the RIAA and congratulate them on a job well done. After all, only the most exceedingly stupid would go so far as to sue a dead woman, who never even owned a computer, for sharing music online. Hey, dudes, how does it feel to be laughed at for being so damned ignorant that you can't even tell who's dead and who's alive? Wanna go after my mom, next? After all, she's only been dead for 15 years - good for at least 3 lawsuits, you know. As long as the lawyers get their "cut", who cares, right? Fucking parasites.

I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. Why don't you?