Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Actually, this is from yesterday...

Gads, what a blah day. When I woke up this morning, the second thing out of my wife's mouth was that she wanted to go to my mother-in-laws house and put up a fence around the front garden to keep the rabbits from eating all the tulip bulbs out of the ground. I politely declined to go along, not only because I had just woken up and had not woken up completely, but because I just didn't feel like going. I have a sneaking suspicion that she had an ulterior motive, but I will not bring that up, as it causes a bit too much emotional problems. (She does read this, on occasion, and I don't want to put in anything that she would not "appreciate". I guess.)

Besides, I just feel to blah to get involved in much of anything. Even this is such a chore that I am amazed that I am getting this much down.

Anyway, here's a blurb I found - unfortunately I haven't a clue as to who said it, so if you know, let me know so I can attribute it properly. Deal?

"English doesn't borrow from other languages; English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."

Later is later and maybe I am, too.

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