Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Another post

Okay, so the title isn't all that hot. What can I say, the mind is not going even half-speed today.

Anyway, it's been an interesting day. Had an IEP (Individual Education Program) meeting at the school today about my son. Things went well and he seems to understand that he needs to work on his responsibilities. My wife made a comment about one of the teachers and how my son's rosary was stolen and I think the teacher got pretty upset. Heck, she'll live. Other than that, it went well.

It's nice having internet access again, that I can tell you! This is the first post that I have made directly onto the Blogger site since I got access back. Feels good.

Well, I have to get back to checking out the e-mails that accumulated while I was gone, so I'll end this now.

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