Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I made it!!!!

*****Okay, I finally made it to the library. Below are my posts that I wrote up and now have the opportunity to actually post here. Have fun reading. (Yeah, right. Heh.)*****

I am writing this on 5 September, 2005.
Kind of a "catch-up" here. Actually, I am writing this without access to the internet. Oh, I may go to the library and see if I can upload this to my blog, but I know that some libraries won't let you upload things, but I may get lucky.
Well, we have finally moved. It was a royal pain in the ass, as you may well understand. Moving always is. Even when I moved in the Air Force, it was a pain. No matter if someone else did the actual packing and shipping. Pain in the ass city, period.
I most definitely don't have the space I used to have, but when the purchase is final, I'll have a lot more space. It's not too bad, since I have my "own" little corner to play with my computers. I only have two set up, right now. The other has not even been turned on, but it's ready to be. I have some half-assed plans to put everything I can on CD and then get a new hard drive, since the bad sectors keep expanding. (I just remembered that I need to format a floppy disk for my son for school, so I will do that now.)
This part is written on 6 September, 2005
Well, I didn't manage to get back to the computer, last night. Figures. I got caught up with doing stuff and completely blew off doing anything on the computer. Of course, I had to change out the printer cable with another printer and, when I turned the monitor back on this evening, I was faced with a screen that was telling me that the video card was having fits. A simple re-boot took care of that, as I figured it would. My kids are in the basement, doing horrible things to the small tv there, and my wife and sister(step) are in the living room with my mother-in-law. They are not really watching tv, rather my mother-in-law is holding forth on various subjects and my wife and sister(step) are giggling and laughing. My mother-in-law can be a real hoot when she wants to be.
I think I'll end this here, as I have a feeling that things will need to be moved/found/checked on/whatever real soon.
All I can say is that I can't wait for my internet access. I have a feeling that I will be crawling the walls soon, if I don't get online (at home, that is).

September 8, 2005
Okay, so I haven't been able to get this uploaded. Maybe in the next couple of days I can get to the library and get this put up. I dunno. I bought a new file cabinet yesterday and I still have to go through a plastic container full of documents and junk so I can transfer it to either the two-drawer cabinet or the 4-drawer. Of course, the 4-drawer will also hold computer bits and pieces, so that's a benefit.
Crap, I just realized that I haven't been reading my blogs, either. Boy, will I have a lot to catch up on!
Right now, it's about 1:40 in the afternoon - my wife is taking a nap, my kid is in school, along with my nephew(step) and my sister(step), so it's kind of quiet. Except that the door to my son's room keeps swining shut from the wind. Oh, my mother-in-law just left, too. She sat with us, watching tv, for a while. It was kind of funny, too, as she fell asleep at least twice and we didn't even notice until she started snoring. Heh.
Okay, I just went and completely closed my son's door so it would quit swinging and banging in the wind. I guess I'll quit this, too and maybe join my wife for a nap. Either that, or play around on the computer and see what happens.

September 9, 2005
interesting day. Found out that my son has another medical problem that we will have to deal with. The good thing is that it's controlled with medication, so it's not too bad. My wife is not feeling too great and I am sure that she blames her ex. He may be my son's biological father but I am his dad. And I feel like I am his dad, too. I couldn't wish for a better son. Oh, he's not my "favorite", since I don't have one, but he is up there. I feel that the medication will help him in school and maybe around the house, too. The screaming matches between him and my nephew(step) are getting real old.
My sister(step) just stepped in and gave me an update on the hurricane thing. I know that this may make me sound evil, but I just can't bring up a whole lot of sympathy for the folks hit by that hurricane. I mean, it would be like me building a house in a swamp and whining for help while it is sinking. I mean, C'mon, for crying out loud. Can't these people think far enough ahead to realize that they are going to get hit by a hurricane, at some point? Do they have *that* much "faith" in their god? If someone dies during a hurricane, it's called a tragedy and you are supposed to suck it up and wander around mouthing platitudes like, "they are in a better place, now" and such like. Then, if someone survives the hurricane, it's "god was watching out for them". Well, hell, is god good or not? I guess that the people who died were supposed to die and go to god. I dunno, all I can say is that I have trouble in believing in a god who will "smite" you with a thunderbolt and say that its doing it because it loves you. Hmmm... Yup. Got cancer? It's god telling you that it loves you. Has to be that way, or that god cannot control "the devil" and evil is allowed free reign. So, remember to bow down to the christian god, cuz if you don't it'll lovingly smite you down and send you to hell while telling you that it loves you. Heh.
Okay, enough religious babbling. It depresses me. Anyway, there is my outlook on religion and hurricanes. It also applies to those who build houses on hillsides, on earthquake faults, and other such like things.

September 11, 2005
Ah, another day, another batch of depression. Well, not exactly. Today has been better than the previous couple of days. I didn't get to sleep until about 12:30 am last night, but I managed to get up around 10:30 this morning. That's a pretty decent deal, for me, anyway. My wife and sister(step) went out and cleaned and polished my mother-in-laws truck (Blazer). It seems that my MIL may have put wax on it at some point in the past, but forgot to take it off. With just a little bit of effort on their part, it shined up really nice. I did a couple of things (mainly polishing the roof, since they both really detest climbing a ladder) and managed to go through a stack of papers I needed to check out and put in the right file cabinet. Oh, and I managed to put up my wife's certificates on the living room wall.
Right now, my sister(step) is cooking burgers for the boys and my wife has gone across the street to my MIL's house to find some chicken noodle soup. I usually don't eat chicken noodle soup, but I have this weird urge to eat some. Maybe even try to polish off the pickled pigs foot in the fridge. Oh, I can already hear the moaning and screeching - "Oh, my goddess, that sick SOB eats *pickled pigs feet*!?!?!?!?!?!" Yeah, I was introduced to them when I was a kid and I still enjoy them on occasion. Not much worse than what some other people eat, so don't knock something you don't like and I won't knock what you like to eat. Oh, I know that there are some scummy things eaten by people who will turn up their "hoity-toity" noses at pigs feet, so just keep your comments to yourself, unless you want to get into what you like to eat and how I should moan and whine that that is "icky" to me. Deal with it, eh?
Okay, that's enough for today.

September 16, 2005
Oh, I know it's getting a bit too long, but what can I say? I won't have internet access until October and this is just a way for me to continue with bits and pieces until that time comes when I can upload this. I did make a run to the library, but I forgot to put this on disk and see if I could have uploaded it to the blog. Ah, well, such is life. Things have started to slow down a bit and we are doing things a little at a time. I did some more odd-jobs in the yard and my wife has attempted to paint a bench of my mother-in-law's. The poor thing is sitting in our back yard, awaiting the second coat of red paint on the metal parts. I just realized that I need to do something with this computer, as it is making just a bit too much noise. More than it should, anyway. I guess that, tomorrow, I can take it out back and spray some air in it and make sure all the cards and cables are tight and secure. Maybe.
Oh, yeah, we now have a dog. Some type of long-haired terrier mix, I think. Still not completely housebroken, but we are working on that. She's very friendly and loves to lick. And she enjoys car trips. Not to the point of sticking her head out the window (which I will not let her do, period) but she loves to watch what is going on and going by her. I'm more of a cat-type person (Yah, a guy who likes cats, deal with it) but she's okay; for a dog, anyway.
Okay, enough for now, it's late and I think I am going to bed. Got a busy day ahead of me - if it's nice and my wife is feeling okay, we are going to garage sales. Bye.

September 17, 2005
Another day, another whatever. I managed to do a bit more yard work, today. I cut down some bushes that were growing a bit wild in the area where we would like to put the garden for next year. Now comes the fun part - roto-tilling the area. With all the roots and sand, it's going to be fun. Still, once we get it tilled and the fertilizer added, it should set well for the winter and be quite ready for planting in the spring. The worst part to come will be our attempts to keep the rabbits and squirrels out. We had a garden at my mother-in-laws house and the damned squirrels and rabbits ate most of the plants. Those suckers ate the tomato plants down to the ground. They didn't touch the carrots, the hypocrites.
I'm just sitting here, playing around on the computer. Did a backup of my important files and am in the process of chasing my son into the tub so he can go to church. With my brother-in-law being a deacon in the local catholic church, religion is kinda important to him. I think he likes to go just so the "little old ladies" can fawn over him. Hell, they seem to think he's the best thing they have come across in ages. One even gave him five dollars, just because "he's so cute". Of course, being a parent, I keep wondering just whose kid they are talking about. That, and I want them to send *that* one home and keep the one who's a pain in the butt. Heh.
Okay, that's it for now. I don't know if I'll add to this anymore today or not. Probably not. I guess I'll just play around a bit more. Enough work for one day. (Gads, this is getting big, isn't it?)

September 19, 2005
Just getting ready to head downtown. My wife has a doc appointment and I need to go to the social security office since the idiots in Fresno managed to screw up my address. I just hope that the stuff they mailed manages to make it to me, even though the address has the wrong town on it. The folks in Fresno changed it, but since it has already been through all their hoops, it's considered as "closed out". Maybe I will get it, I dunno.
Anyway, I plan on putting this on to a disk and maybe getting it uploaded today. Hope so.
Other than that, it's a typical day. I was out in the yard on Saturday and managed to screw up my back royally. Spent most of yesterday sitting/laying around and moaning. Movement was only as extremely necessary. Today is much better, not too awful much pain, though it still hurts.
Okay, that's enough for now. going to shut down and put this on a floppy and hope that we can stop by the library and I can upload it.

September 20, 2005
Well, hell, another chance shot to shit. When I had the time to get to the library, I forgot the disk and the time I did remember the disk other stuff came up and I didn't have the time. Such is my life. One damned thing after another. And me without the time necessary for any of them.
Other than a bit of running around, today was definitely nothing special. Woke up, had coffee, went to the hospital so my wife could get some x-rays done, took a tape measure back to the guy who put in my tv satellite dish and had supper. Now, I'm just sitting here on the computer, while my wife tries to sleep. She as a pinched nerve in her hip and it's driving her crazy. At least I can fully sympathize with her, as I know what pain is and what it can be like. Maybe the new meds will help - I certainly hope so!
Alright, enough for now, I'm gonna play on the computer and just veg out.

September 22, 2005
Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I keep trying to get to the library to upload this, but things keep getting in the way. I guess I'll have to set aside some time and make sure that it is allocated to doing nothing but going to the library to get this posted to the blog. Not that anyone will read it, but at least it will be there, for me, if for nothing else.
After three weeks of living in the new house, I still haven't found out if there is outside plugs for electricity. I really should check, since I have hedges to trim and I still have to get a hedge trimmer - electric, of course.
Just had to go out the front and tell the dog to quit barking. Haven't the foggiest what she was barking at, but that seems to be one of the "jobs" that dogs have, barking at anything and nothing. The only drawback, if you can call it that, is that she seems to have a motorized tongue. She loves to lick faces and ears and still has a tendency to just go "wild" with running from person to person and trying to get her tongue on faces.
Oh, almost forgot. If anyone reads this, I have a tidbit to pass on. If you have CD's that have scratches on them, I have found that using toothpaste works great. Just gently rub some toothpaste on the CD, let it sit for about 20 minutes and then gently wash off with lukewarm water. I have brought back five CDs with this method, so far. I haven't tried if with my data CDs, but it works great on music CDs. Maybe I'll make a "play" data CD and see if it works on that. Of course, since most of my data CD's just sit in binders, I don't have to worry about scratches all that much, but you never know. I have found that some CD drives can get downright vicious with CDs, so...
Okay, that's enough for today, I'm off to play on the computer. I think I'll call the satellite internet guy today and see what he has to say about setting me up. Other than that (oh, and an appointment for my son), today is just another one of them days.

September 23, 2005
Okay, another day has passed and I still haven't made time to get to the library to upload this. If I have to, I guess I can wait until the 3rd of October, as I will be getting my internet set up then. It was interesting, seeing as how the satellite dish gives off some type of radiation. Nothing all that bad, as long as you don't sleep next to the silly thing. Crap, that just made me realize that our bedroom is just on the other side of the wall where the dish is going to be mounted. Maybe the wall will keep out the "rays", but I guess I should call the guy who puts it in and ask, just to make sure. Not that I'm all that awful worried, neither my wife nor I can have children, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. Heh.
Nothing much happened today, so I guess I'll end this here. No need to write about the same damned thing, day after day, eh?

September 24, 2005
Well, hell, I screwed up, again. I went out and did some yard work and wound up with a back that just don't like me, at all. My wife has sciatica (pinched nerve in the hip area) and she is really hurting, but I think it's a "toss-up" as to which of us is hurting more. I am barely able to sit and do this and the meds are just not kicking in, yet. Still, I think I hurt more, just thinking about how much my wife is hurting. I really don't like it when she is hurting. Guess that's love, huh? I'd rather have a broken leg than for her to have this damned sciatica. I just hate it when she is hurting, period.

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