Gads, what a week. Of course, I speak about the last seven days, not the calendar setup. First, I wind up in the Emergency Room on two nights in a row because of pain in my hip. I could just slap the doc, since he walked into the room and he said, "What do you want me to do?" Hell, he's the, supposed, doctor and he wants me to tell him what I want him to do. It took a while, but he finally gave me a shot and some vicodin for the pain. Of course, since I usually take methadone for pain control, the vicodin was like taking an aspirin. The second night was a bit better, since my wife tore him a new asshole and made him actually act like a doctor. He gave me a different shot that worked for about 4 days and now the pain is back. I guess I'll have to go back this evening, since I still haven't heard from the doctor about when I can get in to see her. It really sucks.
Other than that, nothing much has happened since I last posted here. Christmas came and went. I got some really cool tools and I got that "Rotozip" thing for my wife, along with some movies, a tv and a vcr/dvd combo player for the bedroom. She seemed to like it, so who am I to say otherwise? Heh.
Right now, I'm sitting here, doped to the gills and writing this so that I can try to stay awake. I would rather not take a nap, since I know that it would really mess me up, when it comes time for me to really go to bed. It's kinda hard, trying to keep my thoughts in some kind of decent order, so I can write this down without too many typos. Then again, I like my backspace key, so that helps, too.
Damn, I just can't help but to keep saying that I have a boring life. Boring, boring, boring. Playing on the computer, playing with the kids, chatting with my wife. Sad, isn't it?
Well, I think that this is all for now. Maybe something exciting will happen soon and I can really have some justification for posting here. Heh.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
It's Saturday
Yah, big horking deal. It would be a much better day if I wasn't hurting so much. It's one of those type pains that when I try to blow my nose if feels like my left leg is going to explode. I think it's sciatica, but I'm not sure. I'll have to bring this up with the doctor when I go in on Monday. It's getting pretty damned old, that's for sure.
Anyway, not much has happened in the last few days. I did manage to get one item on my list of things I am getting my wife for Christmas, though. I think she'll be decently surprised with a tv to put into the bedroom. I still have to get the dvd/vhs player, but that's easy enough to do in the next couple of weeks. No big rush, is my motto. Though I have to admit that that motto has, on occasion, kinda jumped up and took a chunk out of my ass.
I finally got a power supply for my computer and took the old one and put it into my "new" play computer. Actually, I took my "good" play computer and swapped it out for my sister(step) to use. She and computers don't seem to get along too good. I think her energy is so scattered that it affects electronics that she spends time near. I mean, I can sit and surf the web with ease, but when she tries it, blooey, it starts acting up and the computer will even go so far as to reboot on its own. Then again, this is the same woman who stood on top of a computer, to kill a mouse, and squashed the poor thing.
Well, that's enough for today. I'm going to play around with my play computer and see what damage I can cause.
Have fun!
Anyway, not much has happened in the last few days. I did manage to get one item on my list of things I am getting my wife for Christmas, though. I think she'll be decently surprised with a tv to put into the bedroom. I still have to get the dvd/vhs player, but that's easy enough to do in the next couple of weeks. No big rush, is my motto. Though I have to admit that that motto has, on occasion, kinda jumped up and took a chunk out of my ass.
I finally got a power supply for my computer and took the old one and put it into my "new" play computer. Actually, I took my "good" play computer and swapped it out for my sister(step) to use. She and computers don't seem to get along too good. I think her energy is so scattered that it affects electronics that she spends time near. I mean, I can sit and surf the web with ease, but when she tries it, blooey, it starts acting up and the computer will even go so far as to reboot on its own. Then again, this is the same woman who stood on top of a computer, to kill a mouse, and squashed the poor thing.
Well, that's enough for today. I'm going to play around with my play computer and see what damage I can cause.
Have fun!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Just another day...
Yup, just another day in the life of a meanderer. I have been sitting here, working on my laptop and updating the silly thing. It's an older model and only has about 60Meg of RAM, so it's not very fast. However, I only really use it for writing, so it doesn't need to be all that fast. I am considering loading another operating system on it, but I waver on that. I have Win98SE on it and it does what I want it to, so I can't complain. Maybe just fool around with some internet programs and that's about it, really.
My wife is sitting across the room, working on some projects that have a lot to do with glass shards, boxes, and glue. One seems to be mostly done and the other seems to be completed. They look really cool, too! When I get my act together, I plan on setting up a website and start selling some of her work. I kinda/sorta have a basic template for it, but a lot will depend on how I want to accept payments and such. Damn, I wish I was one-tenth as creative as she is!
Well, I am going back to the laptop and fudge around with it for a while.
My wife is sitting across the room, working on some projects that have a lot to do with glass shards, boxes, and glue. One seems to be mostly done and the other seems to be completed. They look really cool, too! When I get my act together, I plan on setting up a website and start selling some of her work. I kinda/sorta have a basic template for it, but a lot will depend on how I want to accept payments and such. Damn, I wish I was one-tenth as creative as she is!
Well, I am going back to the laptop and fudge around with it for a while.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Still here
Well, hell. I just realized that it's been a while since I posted here. Not that anyone is reading my crap, but I think I was doing better at making entries when I was offline than I do when I am online. Shit.
I just got back, yesterday actually, from a trip to the VA hospital in Albuquerque. Not anything major, just the "finger up the butthole" thing to see if they want to do a G.I. test or not. Of course they do. Now I have to wait for them to schedule it. The good thing is that I asked to have it done after the first of the year, so I have plenty of time to whine and bitch about having it done. They plan on doing both the upper and lower G.I. test at the same time. Going to "meet in the middle" is my guess. I just hope that they give me the same good drugs that I had the other time I had this done.
Taking a break to go and check mail.
Okay, that was mostly a wasted trip. Just a couple of oddball things, nothing great.
Okay, that's enough for today, I'm going to try to catch up with the blogs that I have missed reading while I was offline.
I just got back, yesterday actually, from a trip to the VA hospital in Albuquerque. Not anything major, just the "finger up the butthole" thing to see if they want to do a G.I. test or not. Of course they do. Now I have to wait for them to schedule it. The good thing is that I asked to have it done after the first of the year, so I have plenty of time to whine and bitch about having it done. They plan on doing both the upper and lower G.I. test at the same time. Going to "meet in the middle" is my guess. I just hope that they give me the same good drugs that I had the other time I had this done.
Taking a break to go and check mail.
Okay, that was mostly a wasted trip. Just a couple of oddball things, nothing great.
Okay, that's enough for today, I'm going to try to catch up with the blogs that I have missed reading while I was offline.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Another post
Okay, so the title isn't all that hot. What can I say, the mind is not going even half-speed today.
Anyway, it's been an interesting day. Had an IEP (Individual Education Program) meeting at the school today about my son. Things went well and he seems to understand that he needs to work on his responsibilities. My wife made a comment about one of the teachers and how my son's rosary was stolen and I think the teacher got pretty upset. Heck, she'll live. Other than that, it went well.
It's nice having internet access again, that I can tell you! This is the first post that I have made directly onto the Blogger site since I got access back. Feels good.
Well, I have to get back to checking out the e-mails that accumulated while I was gone, so I'll end this now.
Anyway, it's been an interesting day. Had an IEP (Individual Education Program) meeting at the school today about my son. Things went well and he seems to understand that he needs to work on his responsibilities. My wife made a comment about one of the teachers and how my son's rosary was stolen and I think the teacher got pretty upset. Heck, she'll live. Other than that, it went well.
It's nice having internet access again, that I can tell you! This is the first post that I have made directly onto the Blogger site since I got access back. Feels good.
Well, I have to get back to checking out the e-mails that accumulated while I was gone, so I'll end this now.
Friday, November 04, 2005
I made it back
Hokay, I am finally back online. I just posted a whole bunch of posts that I had done while I was offline. They seem to have made it okay. That's good. I guess. Not that I really suspect that anyone is reading this, but it's my thing.
Well, I don't really have anything to say, right now, so I'll end this here and see what havoc I can cause on the net. Heh.
Well, I don't really have anything to say, right now, so I'll end this here and see what havoc I can cause on the net. Heh.
Offline Entries
I am writing this on 29 September, 2005.
Well, I finally made it to the library and posted to my blog. Hopefully I'll have internet access soon and be able to post this without the hassle of going to the library.
No much has happened over the last couple of days. Just he usual of getting the kids to school and trying to maintain throughout the day. Right now the dog is going into my son's room and bringing out papers. Of course, he also tries to get her (the dog) chasing toys and other stuff. All I can say is "He's a trip". Heh.
Okay, enough for today, I am going to play on the computer and, maybe, watch "Galaxy of terror" on the computer. Hey, it's a good movie and I like a lot of those "B" movies. They are usually so cheesy that they are entertaining. What can I say?
Oh, alright, I'll just say "Bye", then.
3 October, 2005
Okay, I have to admit that I feel pretty shitty this evening, but I am taking the time to do a bit of writing to put into my blog. The problem with depression is that you get sad and depressed, but you can't put a finger on just what it is that is causing you to feel that way. I didn't do much today, but I managed to get my computer area cleaned up a bit. Oh, and I hung a holder on the wall for my wife's necklaces. Other than that, I just haven't been worth a shit, today.
Right now, my wife, sister(step) and mother-in-law are in the living room, watching tv and chatting. I'm here at the computer, typing this up before I decide to fool around on the computer. My son is in his room, doing homework and my nephew(step) is down in the basement watching tv and singing along to something. My son just came to me with one of my wife's CD's and asked me to make a copy, so I guess that is what I will do. Enough typing for one day, anyway.
14 October, 2005
Alright, I know that it's been a while since I even updated this thing, but I didn't realize that it's been *that* long. Sheesh. What's really sad, though, is that there has been absolutely nothing happening worth blogging about. I get up, have coffee with my wife and mother-in-law and watch tv until I have to go to the local college and pick up my sister(step). Then, it's off to more tv after supper and then reading till bedtime. Damn, it really is sad, isn't it?
Things will change, soon, I hope. I should have internet access before next weekend and then I can get back into my surfing and blogging habits. Probably not as much as I used to, but some is better than none, I can tell you that! The main problem is that the dude who is going to install the satellite internet waits for almost a week to tell me that the system I had chosen won't be available until December. So, I tell him to go with the other system and I haven't heard a peep from him for three days! Oh, well, Monday starts another week and I will call him then and start bitching. For what good it'll do, anyway. Like that commercial - customer service sucks in this day and age and the consumer is the big loser.
Okay, I've whined enough, on to playing around with the computer.
Oh! I almost forgot. I think my motherboard fried, so I had to change out my hard drives and video card into my "play" computer and I guess that'll have to do until I can scrape up enough money to get a new system. And I *DO* plan on getting a brand new system before too long, too!
I quit, for the evening.
15 October, 2005
Yep, just sittin' around and trying not to do anything. Story of my life. Yep, I am lazy. Period. I don't want to do anything and I sometimes succeed. Sometimes. My wife won't let me get too lazy, as she most certainly has no qualms about making sure that I have a "honey-do" list most assuredly available at all times. It still pisses me off that I can't do a lot of them, though. I can make decent attempts, but my back quite often decides that I can only make the attempt, but not get through to a finished product or whatever.
It's cloudy outside and the temp is dropping. For some reason I get the feeling that it will snow tonight. My wife cleaned off the vents to the main heater, so I may light up the pilot light tonight and see how it works. Well, actually I will light it up and run it for a while, just to make sure that it is in operable condition without having to worry about it stinking up the house or even catching on fire.
Alright, I'm stopping this now - I am babbling way too much and my meds are definitely kicking in. That's all for now.
Oh, the hell with it, I want to type and babble. Not that I have a whole lot to babble about, just that I like to babble. One of my problems is that I am not the world's greatest typist (though I am better than most) but I have a nasty habit of watching my fingers and then looking back at what I wrote and correcting it. Wait. That's not really a problem, is it? At least no one will know just how good or bad of a typist I am. (I am pretty damn good with a mouse, too. Heh.)
I just ate a bunch of chocolate "twizzlers" (kind of like licorice whips, to those who are not sure of what I am speaking about) and my stomach is gently reminding me that it is the boss, not me. Boss of pain, anyway. It doesn't help that I have several gall stones to help it out, along with my hiatle hernia. I've talked about my hernia before, so if you want more info, look for it, I'm not going to look back just to make sure I've spelled it right. Deal with it; or not; I don't care. Sheesh.
I have a piece of paper sitting on the desk, next to mine, that is about a writing contest. I think they are looking for unpublished writers and I am wavering about entering it. I have some decent stories, but they need polishing, and I am not all that certain about entering. I guess I need to get on the stick and start my writing up again. And do it seriously, this time.
Well, now is the time to stop. I want to check on my wife and see what's going to happen tomorrow. Later.
16 October, 2005
It is now late Sunday afternoon and I am feeling sort of out of it. My son washed the car, today, so I had to go out and do a bit of interior cleaning. Wasn't too bad, but it needs to be vacuumed, badly. I won't vacuum it with the house vacuum, so I guess that when I take it in for front tires tomorrow, I'll run by one of the car wash places and vacuum it out. It really does need that done.
My sister(step) is in the kitchen, doing whatever it is that she does when she cooks. For someone who is legally blind, she gets around pretty good. Of course, it helps that we tell and show her where everything is in the kitchen. She enjoys cooking, so we deal with it. She's actually a pretty good cook. She makes beans (pinto) to die for and she makes a killer meatloaf. Her biscuits and gravy is damn good, too.
My wife is laying down, as her sciatia is acting up a bit. If you are wondering, that's a nerve that runs through your hip and down your legs. Lots of pregnant women suffer from it, as the baby can move and wind up laying on it and causing quite a bit of pain. I have a bit of it, too, so I know how she feels, to a certain extent, anyway.
Tomorrow is when I call the internet guy and see what is up with that. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll do it on Tuesday. I really don't think that he will do it tomorrow, to be honest. Still, that would be nice, though I know it won't happen. Heh.
I have an apple that is sitting on the desk next to mine and I think I will eat it tonight. My wife picked it yesterday, from a neighbors tree. It's not all that big, but it has a great flavor. I know that because we have "stolen" apples from the same tree, before. I don't really consider it "bad" stealing, since they are not picking them and they are falling on the ground and rotting there. In a way I look at it as helping them out a bit by keeping some from rotting in their yard. So, sue me, okay? Besides, in this little town, everyone knows my mother-in-law and, by default, they all know her daughter - my wife. So, it's basically a forgone conclusion that they won't do anything except probably tell us to take as many as we want. Everybody knows everybody here and no one is "mean" to anyone else. They may bitch and moan, but that's just human nature.
Well, that's enough for now. I am going to finish up something and then go and get up my wife.
19 October, 2005
Well, hell. Just got a call from my internet guy and he's had a death in the family, so it's going to be a little longer before I get my internet set up. I guess I can wait a couple more days. I could always call one of the other folks, but I like the way this guy operates so I will wait. Other than that, nothing much is happening. Went out yesterday and managed to get the hedges trimmed. I like the trimmer because it is lightweight and it cuts really well. And, because of the way the hedges are I was able to do it without any bending of my back. My arms got tired, but my back was pleased with me and I didn't have to "recuperate" from it very much. Oh, I still hurt, but it wasn't all that bad.
Today is just a sit around and do nothing kind of day. Tomorrow is when we will work in the wiring for the dryer. The hookup is in the room we use as our bedroom and we will have to disconnect the wire in there and pull it down into the basement. The hardest part will be moving the bed to get to the plug so I can unmount it from the wall. Getting it set up in the basement will be a piece of cake, considering that it's a little cramped and the vent will have to be positioned in just the right area to keep the basement from getting flooded with lint from the dryer.
I just realized that I have some work to do, right beside my desk. The swamp cooler is right outside the window and the vent comes in and almost points at my face. So I will have to get some plastic and cover it up. Maybe in a little while I can do that, just not right now.
My mother-in-law just popped in to show off the little dress she bought for one of her relatives. I don't have a clue who, but I'm sure my wife knows.
I think I'll end this now.
20 October, 2005
Another day is just another day, for me. Though today was a bit more interesting than usual. I had decided to take the dryer connection out of our bedroom and move it down to the basement and reconnect it there. Of course, we made sure that the fuse box had been set to where there was no electricity to anything in the house. Wrong. For some reason, electricity was still going through the plug. I don't have a clue as to how, since everything in the house was supposed to have been turned off when my wife flipped the master switch. The only explanation I can come up with is that the wires are somehow bypassing the fuse box. I guess I'll call an electrician in to work on it, since I don't want to ruin another shirt with bits of metal flying about while the wires are spitting and sputtering. Fun, ya betcha.
Still no internet and it's getting old.
21 October, 2005
Another day, another fun time with my son. It seems that he is heading for, at the least, some "community service" time. I won't say what he has done, but it's not really all that bad. But rules are rules and he has to learn to pay the price for his actions/reactions.
At least I didn't try to electrocute myself today. That's a definite plus, no matter how you look at it. Everyone else is watching tv, but I decided to play around on the computer, instead. Tv is getting old and I guess I need some "me time" away from the tv, for a change. Even though my favorite shows are one tonight, they are all repeats, so I know I'm not missing much. Damn baseball, is what I say. I don't like sports all that much and like them even less when they cause my favorite shows to repeat for all those semi-brain-dead people to watch their sports. Far as I am concerned sports play waaaaaay too much of an "event" for people. It causes schools to bypass the truly intelligent in favor of brain-dead (or, as in some cases, semi-brain-dead) kids. If half of what is geared toward sports was geared towards non-sports activities, there would be much less child violence and more kids getting a better education. At least, they should stop "passing" kids just because of sports - that's a disservice to all intelligent people, especially if they don't enjoy sports. Don't like my opinion? Don't read my stuff, then. Heh.
23 October, 2005
Okay, another day another whatever happens will happen. I had a pretty decent snooze, last night. I managed to sleep for an entire 12 hours with only 3 "wake-ups" from my back pain. I don't quite feel as tired as I usually do, so that's a benefit. Tomorrow, however, will be another deal. There are appointments to go to and my son has been suspended for three days, so he's home for Monday and Tuesday. Nothing major, just a small difficulty at school.
I was watching tv, but that was getting old, so I decided to come and type this up for posting. Hopefully, I will have internet access before the end of the week, but if the guy doesn't call tomorrow, I will call anther business and see what they have to say about setting me up with the satellite internet connection.
Other than that, it's basically the same day, same shit. Going to play on the computer, now.
24 October, 2005
Well, shit. Now there's something wrong with the car. It was running good this morning, but when I went out to start it this afternoon it just kid of groaned and wouldn't start. I am hoping that it's only the battery. Not that I'm all that awful worried, since my mother-in-law has said that we can use her truck (chevy blazer) as much as we need to. She doesn't drive anymore, so that helps, too!
I also finally got off the stick and bought myself some incense. I have been wanting some for quite some time and now I have it burning on the desk next to mine. It's different "flavors", but I haven't been able to figure out which color is for what. I have "Serenity", "Romance", "Strength" and "Refresh". The only thing all that different, that I can tell, is that there are four different colors, so it's anybody's guess, I guess. Heh.
I'm still debating about entering this writing contest that I found out about at the library. It's 20 bucks per story and that's what's making me leery about it. Hell, who knows. There's still time to decide and I have a couple of stories that are mostly done that I could send in. Maybe, maybe not. I'm still thinking on it.
I called the internet guy again today, but he never called back. I will give him until about noon tomorrow and then I will call another installer. This is getting old.
That's all for today.
25 October, 2005
Just sitting around, playing on the computer and doing a bit of laundry, today. My wife just left to take my mother-in-law to an appointment for a perm and my son is sitting in his room, doing homework that he will turn in tomorrow at school. Pretty quiet, all told. Sometimes I like being alone in the quiet; sometimes I don't. With my flaky moods, it could be a toss-up as to whether I am glad for the quiet or the quiet drives me deeper into my depression. I manage to work through it, in the latter case, but it's not fun, I can tell you that.
I'm going to leave this open, so I can add to it, if the mood hits me, later.
Well, I finally managed to listen to a podcast that I downloaded back in July. It was basically Chris Pirillo and Ponzi just arguing about stuff. I can't recall just why I downloaded it, but I guess I thought it would have something to do with computers. Not on this one, that's for sure. More arguments than anything else. Oh, well, I managed to listen to the entire thing, even though I got embarrassed a couple of time. They must really love one another, what with all the arguing. Heh.
I have had another thought. I think I will wait on the internet until next month. I am getting really tired of hanging laundry out on the line. I'll call one of the local electricians and get them out here and have that silly wire moved down to the basement. This shit is getting really old. I don't mind folding laundry, but that hanging bit has got to go, that's all.
27 October, 2005
Another day, yet again. They just don't seem to stop. Piling up, one upon the next. At least today was a decent day. I went in and had my false teeth relined. Took almost 3 hours, too. At least they seem to fit better now, and when I took them out a little while ago, it seems that the upper front of my gums is not hurting as it had been the last couple of weeks. Maybe things are looking up. Even though it took quite a bit of money (I won't say exactly how much, but if you double what I paid you would probably be able to buy a decent computer), it was well worth every penny.
Other than that, the only other excitement was that my brother-in-law managed to find his (and my wife's) brother. Sadly, he is now divorced and living in a nursing home. He's only about a 12 hour drive away, so we are planning to have him here for Christmas. That should make my wife pretty happy. Oh, not my mother-in-law - they had a "falling out" some time ago and she is still so pissed she can hardly say his name. It will be interesting; that I know.
That's about it. Till next time I write.
29 October, 2005
Well, this was a bit of a fruitful day. My wife and I sat down and went through a bunch of containers that had tools and stuff in them and sorted them out. I really had no idea that I had so many screws and nails. Sheesh. At least I know that, if I need a certain type of screw or nail, I probably have it.
Other than that, just a bit of laundry and going to the old building down the street for a Halloween thing for the kids and a little bit of rummage sale for the adults. They even had a haunted house thing that my son went through. He enjoyed it, so it was worth it.
Nothing else to say, right now, so I won't say it.
30 October, 2005
Damn, tomorrow is Halloween. At least the kids are ready for it. They will be really hitting this little town, that's for sure! I can't say as how I blame them - Halloween was a big time for me, when I was a kid. The most memorable one was when I was crying because I couldn't go and my mom finally got fed up with my whining and opened the kitchen door and showed me all the rain pouring down. She said, "Do you want to go out in that!?!?!" Of course, with no other option, I just went about my business, whatever it was that I did that evening.
Tomorrow is a big day in that the folks from the satellite internet will be coming by to check out the place. It's a decent deal and I really look forward to getting this posted and getting back online. I did a quick check of my e-mails the other day, when I stopped at the library, and found that I have over 1300 e-mails just waiting for me. Sheesh. That's going to be fun to go through. I just hope that it won't be too much of a hassle to get the satellite set up. Hope, hope, hope.
Enough for now.
31 October, 2005
Dammit. The idiots from the satellite internet didn't call me back, so I guess I have to call them, again, in the morning. I hope this is not a indication of "customer service". I am beginning to really *need* my internet. It's getting really pitiable.
Other than that, my mother-in-law has finally agreed to have an upper and lower "G.I." done so we can find out why she has so many stomach problems. It's not as bad as it was (at least, according to her), but it's still a good thing to have done. Makes me feel better, anyway. My mom went from pancreatic cancer and I still feel that if she had gone to the doctor a bit more often it could have been caught. I can't really say for sure, but I think that's the way it was.
My teeth feel wonderful. So far I haven't had any sore spots or tenderness anywhere. It's still new, so there's still lots of time for things to start hurting, but at least it's nowhere near as bad as it was even a week ago.
Had to stop for a minute and play with some weird scissors that my wife has. What can I say, I'm nuts, dontcha know.
Okay, enough for now. I think I will try to do some writing. Can't sing or dance, so what else is there? Heh.
1 November, 2005
Things are getting better, finally. The guy from the internet came by and I did the application thing and should have internet by next Wednesday, at the latest. That is, if my "credit" meets their approval. It should, but you never know with come companies.
I have to get a battery for the car, tomorrow, so I will take few minutes and go the library and upload this. At least, I hope it's only the battery. It groans when I try to start it, sounding like it's not getting the power needed to start, so I tend to think it is the battery.
Just talked to my son about those "selling" things the school gives to them. I really, really hate those things. My son has an education due him, not a career selling magazine subscriptions for the school. I told him I would do what I can, but he doesn't even have all the necessary stuff, so I don't know.
There are some new shows on tv that my wife likes to watch, so I guess I will end this now and go sit with her. They aren't science fiction, but they are decent, anyway.
That's all for now.
2 November, 2005
Well, today is the day. I will get to the library this afternoon and get this uploaded. I had to get up early this morning and take my sister(step) to college. My brother-in-law usually takes her, but he's off work today because he and my wife are taking my mother-in-law to a doctor appointment/test. I also think that their truck is in the shop and his wife has their car, so he has to use my mother-in-law's blazer to take her in. That means that I have to wait for them to get back so I can get the battery for our car. No problem, I can play on the computer till then. Maybe wash some dishes. I dunno.
My wife is currently watching some thing on the History Channel that has to do with people living like they did back in 1899 in the Klondike (in Canada). I left because I am not all that interested in it. I am going to finish this up, copy it to disk and play on the computer.
Till next time.
3 November, 2005
Okay, so I didn't make it to the library. My mother-in-law didn't get in to see the doc till late in the day and I never was able to get to the store or the library. I could have gone today, but since my internet will be set up tomorrow, I figured I would just wait and upload this tomorrow.
Also, I think the car has finally bit the big one. I changed out the battery, but it still just groans and moans when I try to start it. I think the fuel injectors are screwed up. Such fun I got, eh?
Well, that's enough for today. I should get this posted tomorrow, so that's good enough.
Well, I finally made it to the library and posted to my blog. Hopefully I'll have internet access soon and be able to post this without the hassle of going to the library.
No much has happened over the last couple of days. Just he usual of getting the kids to school and trying to maintain throughout the day. Right now the dog is going into my son's room and bringing out papers. Of course, he also tries to get her (the dog) chasing toys and other stuff. All I can say is "He's a trip". Heh.
Okay, enough for today, I am going to play on the computer and, maybe, watch "Galaxy of terror" on the computer. Hey, it's a good movie and I like a lot of those "B" movies. They are usually so cheesy that they are entertaining. What can I say?
Oh, alright, I'll just say "Bye", then.
3 October, 2005
Okay, I have to admit that I feel pretty shitty this evening, but I am taking the time to do a bit of writing to put into my blog. The problem with depression is that you get sad and depressed, but you can't put a finger on just what it is that is causing you to feel that way. I didn't do much today, but I managed to get my computer area cleaned up a bit. Oh, and I hung a holder on the wall for my wife's necklaces. Other than that, I just haven't been worth a shit, today.
Right now, my wife, sister(step) and mother-in-law are in the living room, watching tv and chatting. I'm here at the computer, typing this up before I decide to fool around on the computer. My son is in his room, doing homework and my nephew(step) is down in the basement watching tv and singing along to something. My son just came to me with one of my wife's CD's and asked me to make a copy, so I guess that is what I will do. Enough typing for one day, anyway.
14 October, 2005
Alright, I know that it's been a while since I even updated this thing, but I didn't realize that it's been *that* long. Sheesh. What's really sad, though, is that there has been absolutely nothing happening worth blogging about. I get up, have coffee with my wife and mother-in-law and watch tv until I have to go to the local college and pick up my sister(step). Then, it's off to more tv after supper and then reading till bedtime. Damn, it really is sad, isn't it?
Things will change, soon, I hope. I should have internet access before next weekend and then I can get back into my surfing and blogging habits. Probably not as much as I used to, but some is better than none, I can tell you that! The main problem is that the dude who is going to install the satellite internet waits for almost a week to tell me that the system I had chosen won't be available until December. So, I tell him to go with the other system and I haven't heard a peep from him for three days! Oh, well, Monday starts another week and I will call him then and start bitching. For what good it'll do, anyway. Like that commercial - customer service sucks in this day and age and the consumer is the big loser.
Okay, I've whined enough, on to playing around with the computer.
Oh! I almost forgot. I think my motherboard fried, so I had to change out my hard drives and video card into my "play" computer and I guess that'll have to do until I can scrape up enough money to get a new system. And I *DO* plan on getting a brand new system before too long, too!
I quit, for the evening.
15 October, 2005
Yep, just sittin' around and trying not to do anything. Story of my life. Yep, I am lazy. Period. I don't want to do anything and I sometimes succeed. Sometimes. My wife won't let me get too lazy, as she most certainly has no qualms about making sure that I have a "honey-do" list most assuredly available at all times. It still pisses me off that I can't do a lot of them, though. I can make decent attempts, but my back quite often decides that I can only make the attempt, but not get through to a finished product or whatever.
It's cloudy outside and the temp is dropping. For some reason I get the feeling that it will snow tonight. My wife cleaned off the vents to the main heater, so I may light up the pilot light tonight and see how it works. Well, actually I will light it up and run it for a while, just to make sure that it is in operable condition without having to worry about it stinking up the house or even catching on fire.
Alright, I'm stopping this now - I am babbling way too much and my meds are definitely kicking in. That's all for now.
Oh, the hell with it, I want to type and babble. Not that I have a whole lot to babble about, just that I like to babble. One of my problems is that I am not the world's greatest typist (though I am better than most) but I have a nasty habit of watching my fingers and then looking back at what I wrote and correcting it. Wait. That's not really a problem, is it? At least no one will know just how good or bad of a typist I am. (I am pretty damn good with a mouse, too. Heh.)
I just ate a bunch of chocolate "twizzlers" (kind of like licorice whips, to those who are not sure of what I am speaking about) and my stomach is gently reminding me that it is the boss, not me. Boss of pain, anyway. It doesn't help that I have several gall stones to help it out, along with my hiatle
I have a piece of paper sitting on the desk, next to mine, that is about a writing contest. I think they are looking for unpublished writers and I am wavering about entering it. I have some decent stories, but they need polishing, and I am not all that certain about entering. I guess I need to get on the stick and start my writing up again. And do it seriously, this time.
Well, now is the time to stop. I want to check on my wife and see what's going to happen tomorrow. Later.
16 October, 2005
It is now late Sunday afternoon and I am feeling sort of out of it. My son washed the car, today, so I had to go out and do a bit of interior cleaning. Wasn't too bad, but it needs to be vacuumed, badly. I won't vacuum it with the house vacuum, so I guess that when I take it in for front tires tomorrow, I'll run by one of the car wash places and vacuum it out. It really does need that done.
My sister(step) is in the kitchen, doing whatever it is that she does when she cooks. For someone who is legally blind, she gets around pretty good. Of course, it helps that we tell and show her where everything is in the kitchen. She enjoys cooking, so we deal with it. She's actually a pretty good cook. She makes beans (pinto) to die for and she makes a killer meatloaf. Her biscuits and gravy is damn good, too.
My wife is laying down, as her sciatia is acting up a bit. If you are wondering, that's a nerve that runs through your hip and down your legs. Lots of pregnant women suffer from it, as the baby can move and wind up laying on it and causing quite a bit of pain. I have a bit of it, too, so I know how she feels, to a certain extent, anyway.
Tomorrow is when I call the internet guy and see what is up with that. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll do it on Tuesday. I really don't think that he will do it tomorrow, to be honest. Still, that would be nice, though I know it won't happen. Heh.
I have an apple that is sitting on the desk next to mine and I think I will eat it tonight. My wife picked it yesterday, from a neighbors tree. It's not all that big, but it has a great flavor. I know that because we have "stolen" apples from the same tree, before. I don't really consider it "bad" stealing, since they are not picking them and they are falling on the ground and rotting there. In a way I look at it as helping them out a bit by keeping some from rotting in their yard. So, sue me, okay? Besides, in this little town, everyone knows my mother-in-law and, by default, they all know her daughter - my wife. So, it's basically a forgone conclusion that they won't do anything except probably tell us to take as many as we want. Everybody knows everybody here and no one is "mean" to anyone else. They may bitch and moan, but that's just human nature.
Well, that's enough for now. I am going to finish up something and then go and get up my wife.
19 October, 2005
Well, hell. Just got a call from my internet guy and he's had a death in the family, so it's going to be a little longer before I get my internet set up. I guess I can wait a couple more days. I could always call one of the other folks, but I like the way this guy operates so I will wait. Other than that, nothing much is happening. Went out yesterday and managed to get the hedges trimmed. I like the trimmer because it is lightweight and it cuts really well. And, because of the way the hedges are I was able to do it without any bending of my back. My arms got tired, but my back was pleased with me and I didn't have to "recuperate" from it very much. Oh, I still hurt, but it wasn't all that bad.
Today is just a sit around and do nothing kind of day. Tomorrow is when we will work in the wiring for the dryer. The hookup is in the room we use as our bedroom and we will have to disconnect the wire in there and pull it down into the basement. The hardest part will be moving the bed to get to the plug so I can unmount it from the wall. Getting it set up in the basement will be a piece of cake, considering that it's a little cramped and the vent will have to be positioned in just the right area to keep the basement from getting flooded with lint from the dryer.
I just realized that I have some work to do, right beside my desk. The swamp cooler is right outside the window and the vent comes in and almost points at my face. So I will have to get some plastic and cover it up. Maybe in a little while I can do that, just not right now.
My mother-in-law just popped in to show off the little dress she bought for one of her relatives. I don't have a clue who, but I'm sure my wife knows.
I think I'll end this now.
20 October, 2005
Another day is just another day, for me. Though today was a bit more interesting than usual. I had decided to take the dryer connection out of our bedroom and move it down to the basement and reconnect it there. Of course, we made sure that the fuse box had been set to where there was no electricity to anything in the house. Wrong. For some reason, electricity was still going through the plug. I don't have a clue as to how, since everything in the house was supposed to have been turned off when my wife flipped the master switch. The only explanation I can come up with is that the wires are somehow bypassing the fuse box. I guess I'll call an electrician in to work on it, since I don't want to ruin another shirt with bits of metal flying about while the wires are spitting and sputtering. Fun, ya betcha.
Still no internet and it's getting old.
21 October, 2005
Another day, another fun time with my son. It seems that he is heading for, at the least, some "community service" time. I won't say what he has done, but it's not really all that bad. But rules are rules and he has to learn to pay the price for his actions/reactions.
At least I didn't try to electrocute myself today. That's a definite plus, no matter how you look at it. Everyone else is watching tv, but I decided to play around on the computer, instead. Tv is getting old and I guess I need some "me time" away from the tv, for a change. Even though my favorite shows are one tonight, they are all repeats, so I know I'm not missing much. Damn baseball, is what I say. I don't like sports all that much and like them even less when they cause my favorite shows to repeat for all those semi-brain-dead people to watch their sports. Far as I am concerned sports play waaaaaay too much of an "event" for people. It causes schools to bypass the truly intelligent in favor of brain-dead (or, as in some cases, semi-brain-dead) kids. If half of what is geared toward sports was geared towards non-sports activities, there would be much less child violence and more kids getting a better education. At least, they should stop "passing" kids just because of sports - that's a disservice to all intelligent people, especially if they don't enjoy sports. Don't like my opinion? Don't read my stuff, then. Heh.
23 October, 2005
Okay, another day another whatever happens will happen. I had a pretty decent snooze, last night. I managed to sleep for an entire 12 hours with only 3 "wake-ups" from my back pain. I don't quite feel as tired as I usually do, so that's a benefit. Tomorrow, however, will be another deal. There are appointments to go to and my son has been suspended for three days, so he's home for Monday and Tuesday. Nothing major, just a small difficulty at school.
I was watching tv, but that was getting old, so I decided to come and type this up for posting. Hopefully, I will have internet access before the end of the week, but if the guy doesn't call tomorrow, I will call anther business and see what they have to say about setting me up with the satellite internet connection.
Other than that, it's basically the same day, same shit. Going to play on the computer, now.
24 October, 2005
Well, shit. Now there's something wrong with the car. It was running good this morning, but when I went out to start it this afternoon it just kid of groaned and wouldn't start. I am hoping that it's only the battery. Not that I'm all that awful worried, since my mother-in-law has said that we can use her truck (chevy blazer) as much as we need to. She doesn't drive anymore, so that helps, too!
I also finally got off the stick and bought myself some incense. I have been wanting some for quite some time and now I have it burning on the desk next to mine. It's different "flavors", but I haven't been able to figure out which color is for what. I have "Serenity", "Romance", "Strength" and "Refresh". The only thing all that different, that I can tell, is that there are four different colors, so it's anybody's guess, I guess. Heh.
I'm still debating about entering this writing contest that I found out about at the library. It's 20 bucks per story and that's what's making me leery about it. Hell, who knows. There's still time to decide and I have a couple of stories that are mostly done that I could send in. Maybe, maybe not. I'm still thinking on it.
I called the internet guy again today, but he never called back. I will give him until about noon tomorrow and then I will call another installer. This is getting old.
That's all for today.
25 October, 2005
Just sitting around, playing on the computer and doing a bit of laundry, today. My wife just left to take my mother-in-law to an appointment for a perm and my son is sitting in his room, doing homework that he will turn in tomorrow at school. Pretty quiet, all told. Sometimes I like being alone in the quiet; sometimes I don't. With my flaky moods, it could be a toss-up as to whether I am glad for the quiet or the quiet drives me deeper into my depression. I manage to work through it, in the latter case, but it's not fun, I can tell you that.
I'm going to leave this open, so I can add to it, if the mood hits me, later.
Well, I finally managed to listen to a podcast that I downloaded back in July. It was basically Chris Pirillo and Ponzi just arguing about stuff. I can't recall just why I downloaded it, but I guess I thought it would have something to do with computers. Not on this one, that's for sure. More arguments than anything else. Oh, well, I managed to listen to the entire thing, even though I got embarrassed a couple of time. They must really love one another, what with all the arguing. Heh.
I have had another thought. I think I will wait on the internet until next month. I am getting really tired of hanging laundry out on the line. I'll call one of the local electricians and get them out here and have that silly wire moved down to the basement. This shit is getting really old. I don't mind folding laundry, but that hanging bit has got to go, that's all.
27 October, 2005
Another day, yet again. They just don't seem to stop. Piling up, one upon the next. At least today was a decent day. I went in and had my false teeth relined. Took almost 3 hours, too. At least they seem to fit better now, and when I took them out a little while ago, it seems that the upper front of my gums is not hurting as it had been the last couple of weeks. Maybe things are looking up. Even though it took quite a bit of money (I won't say exactly how much, but if you double what I paid you would probably be able to buy a decent computer), it was well worth every penny.
Other than that, the only other excitement was that my brother-in-law managed to find his (and my wife's) brother. Sadly, he is now divorced and living in a nursing home. He's only about a 12 hour drive away, so we are planning to have him here for Christmas. That should make my wife pretty happy. Oh, not my mother-in-law - they had a "falling out" some time ago and she is still so pissed she can hardly say his name. It will be interesting; that I know.
That's about it. Till next time I write.
29 October, 2005
Well, this was a bit of a fruitful day. My wife and I sat down and went through a bunch of containers that had tools and stuff in them and sorted them out. I really had no idea that I had so many screws and nails. Sheesh. At least I know that, if I need a certain type of screw or nail, I probably have it.
Other than that, just a bit of laundry and going to the old building down the street for a Halloween thing for the kids and a little bit of rummage sale for the adults. They even had a haunted house thing that my son went through. He enjoyed it, so it was worth it.
Nothing else to say, right now, so I won't say it.
30 October, 2005
Damn, tomorrow is Halloween. At least the kids are ready for it. They will be really hitting this little town, that's for sure! I can't say as how I blame them - Halloween was a big time for me, when I was a kid. The most memorable one was when I was crying because I couldn't go and my mom finally got fed up with my whining and opened the kitchen door and showed me all the rain pouring down. She said, "Do you want to go out in that!?!?!" Of course, with no other option, I just went about my business, whatever it was that I did that evening.
Tomorrow is a big day in that the folks from the satellite internet will be coming by to check out the place. It's a decent deal and I really look forward to getting this posted and getting back online. I did a quick check of my e-mails the other day, when I stopped at the library, and found that I have over 1300 e-mails just waiting for me. Sheesh. That's going to be fun to go through. I just hope that it won't be too much of a hassle to get the satellite set up. Hope, hope, hope.
Enough for now.
31 October, 2005
Dammit. The idiots from the satellite internet didn't call me back, so I guess I have to call them, again, in the morning. I hope this is not a indication of "customer service". I am beginning to really *need* my internet. It's getting really pitiable.
Other than that, my mother-in-law has finally agreed to have an upper and lower "G.I." done so we can find out why she has so many stomach problems. It's not as bad as it was (at least, according to her), but it's still a good thing to have done. Makes me feel better, anyway. My mom went from pancreatic cancer and I still feel that if she had gone to the doctor a bit more often it could have been caught. I can't really say for sure, but I think that's the way it was.
My teeth feel wonderful. So far I haven't had any sore spots or tenderness anywhere. It's still new, so there's still lots of time for things to start hurting, but at least it's nowhere near as bad as it was even a week ago.
Had to stop for a minute and play with some weird scissors that my wife has. What can I say, I'm nuts, dontcha know.
Okay, enough for now. I think I will try to do some writing. Can't sing or dance, so what else is there? Heh.
1 November, 2005
Things are getting better, finally. The guy from the internet came by and I did the application thing and should have internet by next Wednesday, at the latest. That is, if my "credit" meets their approval. It should, but you never know with come companies.
I have to get a battery for the car, tomorrow, so I will take few minutes and go the library and upload this. At least, I hope it's only the battery. It groans when I try to start it, sounding like it's not getting the power needed to start, so I tend to think it is the battery.
Just talked to my son about those "selling" things the school gives to them. I really, really hate those things. My son has an education due him, not a career selling magazine subscriptions for the school. I told him I would do what I can, but he doesn't even have all the necessary stuff, so I don't know.
There are some new shows on tv that my wife likes to watch, so I guess I will end this now and go sit with her. They aren't science fiction, but they are decent, anyway.
That's all for now.
2 November, 2005
Well, today is the day. I will get to the library this afternoon and get this uploaded. I had to get up early this morning and take my sister(step) to college. My brother-in-law usually takes her, but he's off work today because he and my wife are taking my mother-in-law to a doctor appointment/test. I also think that their truck is in the shop and his wife has their car, so he has to use my mother-in-law's blazer to take her in. That means that I have to wait for them to get back so I can get the battery for our car. No problem, I can play on the computer till then. Maybe wash some dishes. I dunno.
My wife is currently watching some thing on the History Channel that has to do with people living like they did back in 1899 in the Klondike (in Canada). I left because I am not all that interested in it. I am going to finish this up, copy it to disk and play on the computer.
Till next time.
3 November, 2005
Okay, so I didn't make it to the library. My mother-in-law didn't get in to see the doc till late in the day and I never was able to get to the store or the library. I could have gone today, but since my internet will be set up tomorrow, I figured I would just wait and upload this tomorrow.
Also, I think the car has finally bit the big one. I changed out the battery, but it still just groans and moans when I try to start it. I think the fuel injectors are screwed up. Such fun I got, eh?
Well, that's enough for today. I should get this posted tomorrow, so that's good enough.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I made it!!!!
*****Okay, I finally made it to the library. Below are my posts that I wrote up and now have the opportunity to actually post here. Have fun reading. (Yeah, right. Heh.)*****
I am writing this on 5 September, 2005.
Kind of a "catch-up" here. Actually, I am writing this without access to the internet. Oh, I may go to the library and see if I can upload this to my blog, but I know that some libraries won't let you upload things, but I may get lucky.
Well, we have finally moved. It was a royal pain in the ass, as you may well understand. Moving always is. Even when I moved in the Air Force, it was a pain. No matter if someone else did the actual packing and shipping. Pain in the ass city, period.
I most definitely don't have the space I used to have, but when the purchase is final, I'll have a lot more space. It's not too bad, since I have my "own" little corner to play with my computers. I only have two set up, right now. The other has not even been turned on, but it's ready to be. I have some half-assed plans to put everything I can on CD and then get a new hard drive, since the bad sectors keep expanding. (I just remembered that I need to format a floppy disk for my son for school, so I will do that now.)
This part is written on 6 September, 2005
Well, I didn't manage to get back to the computer, last night. Figures. I got caught up with doing stuff and completely blew off doing anything on the computer. Of course, I had to change out the printer cable with another printer and, when I turned the monitor back on this evening, I was faced with a screen that was telling me that the video card was having fits. A simple re-boot took care of that, as I figured it would. My kids are in the basement, doing horrible things to the small tv there, and my wife and sister(step) are in the living room with my mother-in-law. They are not really watching tv, rather my mother-in-law is holding forth on various subjects and my wife and sister(step) are giggling and laughing. My mother-in-law can be a real hoot when she wants to be.
I think I'll end this here, as I have a feeling that things will need to be moved/found/checked on/whatever real soon.
All I can say is that I can't wait for my internet access. I have a feeling that I will be crawling the walls soon, if I don't get online (at home, that is).
September 8, 2005
Okay, so I haven't been able to get this uploaded. Maybe in the next couple of days I can get to the library and get this put up. I dunno. I bought a new file cabinet yesterday and I still have to go through a plastic container full of documents and junk so I can transfer it to either the two-drawer cabinet or the 4-drawer. Of course, the 4-drawer will also hold computer bits and pieces, so that's a benefit.
Crap, I just realized that I haven't been reading my blogs, either. Boy, will I have a lot to catch up on!
Right now, it's about 1:40 in the afternoon - my wife is taking a nap, my kid is in school, along with my nephew(step) and my sister(step), so it's kind of quiet. Except that the door to my son's room keeps swining shut from the wind. Oh, my mother-in-law just left, too. She sat with us, watching tv, for a while. It was kind of funny, too, as she fell asleep at least twice and we didn't even notice until she started snoring. Heh.
Okay, I just went and completely closed my son's door so it would quit swinging and banging in the wind. I guess I'll quit this, too and maybe join my wife for a nap. Either that, or play around on the computer and see what happens.
September 9, 2005
interesting day. Found out that my son has another medical problem that we will have to deal with. The good thing is that it's controlled with medication, so it's not too bad. My wife is not feeling too great and I am sure that she blames her ex. He may be my son's biological father but I am his dad. And I feel like I am his dad, too. I couldn't wish for a better son. Oh, he's not my "favorite", since I don't have one, but he is up there. I feel that the medication will help him in school and maybe around the house, too. The screaming matches between him and my nephew(step) are getting real old.
My sister(step) just stepped in and gave me an update on the hurricane thing. I know that this may make me sound evil, but I just can't bring up a whole lot of sympathy for the folks hit by that hurricane. I mean, it would be like me building a house in a swamp and whining for help while it is sinking. I mean, C'mon, for crying out loud. Can't these people think far enough ahead to realize that they are going to get hit by a hurricane, at some point? Do they have *that* much "faith" in their god? If someone dies during a hurricane, it's called a tragedy and you are supposed to suck it up and wander around mouthing platitudes like, "they are in a better place, now" and such like. Then, if someone survives the hurricane, it's "god was watching out for them". Well, hell, is god good or not? I guess that the people who died were supposed to die and go to god. I dunno, all I can say is that I have trouble in believing in a god who will "smite" you with a thunderbolt and say that its doing it because it loves you. Hmmm... Yup. Got cancer? It's god telling you that it loves you. Has to be that way, or that god cannot control "the devil" and evil is allowed free reign. So, remember to bow down to the christian god, cuz if you don't it'll lovingly smite you down and send you to hell while telling you that it loves you. Heh.
Okay, enough religious babbling. It depresses me. Anyway, there is my outlook on religion and hurricanes. It also applies to those who build houses on hillsides, on earthquake faults, and other such like things.
September 11, 2005
Ah, another day, another batch of depression. Well, not exactly. Today has been better than the previous couple of days. I didn't get to sleep until about 12:30 am last night, but I managed to get up around 10:30 this morning. That's a pretty decent deal, for me, anyway. My wife and sister(step) went out and cleaned and polished my mother-in-laws truck (Blazer). It seems that my MIL may have put wax on it at some point in the past, but forgot to take it off. With just a little bit of effort on their part, it shined up really nice. I did a couple of things (mainly polishing the roof, since they both really detest climbing a ladder) and managed to go through a stack of papers I needed to check out and put in the right file cabinet. Oh, and I managed to put up my wife's certificates on the living room wall.
Right now, my sister(step) is cooking burgers for the boys and my wife has gone across the street to my MIL's house to find some chicken noodle soup. I usually don't eat chicken noodle soup, but I have this weird urge to eat some. Maybe even try to polish off the pickled pigs foot in the fridge. Oh, I can already hear the moaning and screeching - "Oh, my goddess, that sick SOB eats *pickled pigs feet*!?!?!?!?!?!" Yeah, I was introduced to them when I was a kid and I still enjoy them on occasion. Not much worse than what some other people eat, so don't knock something you don't like and I won't knock what you like to eat. Oh, I know that there are some scummy things eaten by people who will turn up their "hoity-toity" noses at pigs feet, so just keep your comments to yourself, unless you want to get into what you like to eat and how I should moan and whine that that is "icky" to me. Deal with it, eh?
Okay, that's enough for today.
September 16, 2005
Oh, I know it's getting a bit too long, but what can I say? I won't have internet access until October and this is just a way for me to continue with bits and pieces until that time comes when I can upload this. I did make a run to the library, but I forgot to put this on disk and see if I could have uploaded it to the blog. Ah, well, such is life. Things have started to slow down a bit and we are doing things a little at a time. I did some more odd-jobs in the yard and my wife has attempted to paint a bench of my mother-in-law's. The poor thing is sitting in our back yard, awaiting the second coat of red paint on the metal parts. I just realized that I need to do something with this computer, as it is making just a bit too much noise. More than it should, anyway. I guess that, tomorrow, I can take it out back and spray some air in it and make sure all the cards and cables are tight and secure. Maybe.
Oh, yeah, we now have a dog. Some type of long-haired terrier mix, I think. Still not completely housebroken, but we are working on that. She's very friendly and loves to lick. And she enjoys car trips. Not to the point of sticking her head out the window (which I will not let her do, period) but she loves to watch what is going on and going by her. I'm more of a cat-type person (Yah, a guy who likes cats, deal with it) but she's okay; for a dog, anyway.
Okay, enough for now, it's late and I think I am going to bed. Got a busy day ahead of me - if it's nice and my wife is feeling okay, we are going to garage sales. Bye.
September 17, 2005
Another day, another whatever. I managed to do a bit more yard work, today. I cut down some bushes that were growing a bit wild in the area where we would like to put the garden for next year. Now comes the fun part - roto-tilling the area. With all the roots and sand, it's going to be fun. Still, once we get it tilled and the fertilizer added, it should set well for the winter and be quite ready for planting in the spring. The worst part to come will be our attempts to keep the rabbits and squirrels out. We had a garden at my mother-in-laws house and the damned squirrels and rabbits ate most of the plants. Those suckers ate the tomato plants down to the ground. They didn't touch the carrots, the hypocrites.
I'm just sitting here, playing around on the computer. Did a backup of my important files and am in the process of chasing my son into the tub so he can go to church. With my brother-in-law being a deacon in the local catholic church, religion is kinda important to him. I think he likes to go just so the "little old ladies" can fawn over him. Hell, they seem to think he's the best thing they have come across in ages. One even gave him five dollars, just because "he's so cute". Of course, being a parent, I keep wondering just whose kid they are talking about. That, and I want them to send *that* one home and keep the one who's a pain in the butt. Heh.
Okay, that's it for now. I don't know if I'll add to this anymore today or not. Probably not. I guess I'll just play around a bit more. Enough work for one day. (Gads, this is getting big, isn't it?)
September 19, 2005
Just getting ready to head downtown. My wife has a doc appointment and I need to go to the social security office since the idiots in Fresno managed to screw up my address. I just hope that the stuff they mailed manages to make it to me, even though the address has the wrong town on it. The folks in Fresno changed it, but since it has already been through all their hoops, it's considered as "closed out". Maybe I will get it, I dunno.
Anyway, I plan on putting this on to a disk and maybe getting it uploaded today. Hope so.
Other than that, it's a typical day. I was out in the yard on Saturday and managed to screw up my back royally. Spent most of yesterday sitting/laying around and moaning. Movement was only as extremely necessary. Today is much better, not too awful much pain, though it still hurts.
Okay, that's enough for now. going to shut down and put this on a floppy and hope that we can stop by the library and I can upload it.
September 20, 2005
Well, hell, another chance shot to shit. When I had the time to get to the library, I forgot the disk and the time I did remember the disk other stuff came up and I didn't have the time. Such is my life. One damned thing after another. And me without the time necessary for any of them.
Other than a bit of running around, today was definitely nothing special. Woke up, had coffee, went to the hospital so my wife could get some x-rays done, took a tape measure back to the guy who put in my tv satellite dish and had supper. Now, I'm just sitting here on the computer, while my wife tries to sleep. She as a pinched nerve in her hip and it's driving her crazy. At least I can fully sympathize with her, as I know what pain is and what it can be like. Maybe the new meds will help - I certainly hope so!
Alright, enough for now, I'm gonna play on the computer and just veg out.
September 22, 2005
Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I keep trying to get to the library to upload this, but things keep getting in the way. I guess I'll have to set aside some time and make sure that it is allocated to doing nothing but going to the library to get this posted to the blog. Not that anyone will read it, but at least it will be there, for me, if for nothing else.
After three weeks of living in the new house, I still haven't found out if there is outside plugs for electricity. I really should check, since I have hedges to trim and I still have to get a hedge trimmer - electric, of course.
Just had to go out the front and tell the dog to quit barking. Haven't the foggiest what she was barking at, but that seems to be one of the "jobs" that dogs have, barking at anything and nothing. The only drawback, if you can call it that, is that she seems to have a motorized tongue. She loves to lick faces and ears and still has a tendency to just go "wild" with running from person to person and trying to get her tongue on faces.
Oh, almost forgot. If anyone reads this, I have a tidbit to pass on. If you have CD's that have scratches on them, I have found that using toothpaste works great. Just gently rub some toothpaste on the CD, let it sit for about 20 minutes and then gently wash off with lukewarm water. I have brought back five CDs with this method, so far. I haven't tried if with my data CDs, but it works great on music CDs. Maybe I'll make a "play" data CD and see if it works on that. Of course, since most of my data CD's just sit in binders, I don't have to worry about scratches all that much, but you never know. I have found that some CD drives can get downright vicious with CDs, so...
Okay, that's enough for today, I'm off to play on the computer. I think I'll call the satellite internet guy today and see what he has to say about setting me up. Other than that (oh, and an appointment for my son), today is just another one of them days.
September 23, 2005
Okay, another day has passed and I still haven't made time to get to the library to upload this. If I have to, I guess I can wait until the 3rd of October, as I will be getting my internet set up then. It was interesting, seeing as how the satellite dish gives off some type of radiation. Nothing all that bad, as long as you don't sleep next to the silly thing. Crap, that just made me realize that our bedroom is just on the other side of the wall where the dish is going to be mounted. Maybe the wall will keep out the "rays", but I guess I should call the guy who puts it in and ask, just to make sure. Not that I'm all that awful worried, neither my wife nor I can have children, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. Heh.
Nothing much happened today, so I guess I'll end this here. No need to write about the same damned thing, day after day, eh?
September 24, 2005
Well, hell, I screwed up, again. I went out and did some yard work and wound up with a back that just don't like me, at all. My wife has sciatica (pinched nerve in the hip area) and she is really hurting, but I think it's a "toss-up" as to which of us is hurting more. I am barely able to sit and do this and the meds are just not kicking in, yet. Still, I think I hurt more, just thinking about how much my wife is hurting. I really don't like it when she is hurting. Guess that's love, huh? I'd rather have a broken leg than for her to have this damned sciatica. I just hate it when she is hurting, period.
I am writing this on 5 September, 2005.
Kind of a "catch-up" here. Actually, I am writing this without access to the internet. Oh, I may go to the library and see if I can upload this to my blog, but I know that some libraries won't let you upload things, but I may get lucky.
Well, we have finally moved. It was a royal pain in the ass, as you may well understand. Moving always is. Even when I moved in the Air Force, it was a pain. No matter if someone else did the actual packing and shipping. Pain in the ass city, period.
I most definitely don't have the space I used to have, but when the purchase is final, I'll have a lot more space. It's not too bad, since I have my "own" little corner to play with my computers. I only have two set up, right now. The other has not even been turned on, but it's ready to be. I have some half-assed plans to put everything I can on CD and then get a new hard drive, since the bad sectors keep expanding. (I just remembered that I need to format a floppy disk for my son for school, so I will do that now.)
This part is written on 6 September, 2005
Well, I didn't manage to get back to the computer, last night. Figures. I got caught up with doing stuff and completely blew off doing anything on the computer. Of course, I had to change out the printer cable with another printer and, when I turned the monitor back on this evening, I was faced with a screen that was telling me that the video card was having fits. A simple re-boot took care of that, as I figured it would. My kids are in the basement, doing horrible things to the small tv there, and my wife and sister(step) are in the living room with my mother-in-law. They are not really watching tv, rather my mother-in-law is holding forth on various subjects and my wife and sister(step) are giggling and laughing. My mother-in-law can be a real hoot when she wants to be.
I think I'll end this here, as I have a feeling that things will need to be moved/found/checked on/whatever real soon.
All I can say is that I can't wait for my internet access. I have a feeling that I will be crawling the walls soon, if I don't get online (at home, that is).
September 8, 2005
Okay, so I haven't been able to get this uploaded. Maybe in the next couple of days I can get to the library and get this put up. I dunno. I bought a new file cabinet yesterday and I still have to go through a plastic container full of documents and junk so I can transfer it to either the two-drawer cabinet or the 4-drawer. Of course, the 4-drawer will also hold computer bits and pieces, so that's a benefit.
Crap, I just realized that I haven't been reading my blogs, either. Boy, will I have a lot to catch up on!
Right now, it's about 1:40 in the afternoon - my wife is taking a nap, my kid is in school, along with my nephew(step) and my sister(step), so it's kind of quiet. Except that the door to my son's room keeps swining shut from the wind. Oh, my mother-in-law just left, too. She sat with us, watching tv, for a while. It was kind of funny, too, as she fell asleep at least twice and we didn't even notice until she started snoring. Heh.
Okay, I just went and completely closed my son's door so it would quit swinging and banging in the wind. I guess I'll quit this, too and maybe join my wife for a nap. Either that, or play around on the computer and see what happens.
September 9, 2005
interesting day. Found out that my son has another medical problem that we will have to deal with. The good thing is that it's controlled with medication, so it's not too bad. My wife is not feeling too great and I am sure that she blames her ex. He may be my son's biological father but I am his dad. And I feel like I am his dad, too. I couldn't wish for a better son. Oh, he's not my "favorite", since I don't have one, but he is up there. I feel that the medication will help him in school and maybe around the house, too. The screaming matches between him and my nephew(step) are getting real old.
My sister(step) just stepped in and gave me an update on the hurricane thing. I know that this may make me sound evil, but I just can't bring up a whole lot of sympathy for the folks hit by that hurricane. I mean, it would be like me building a house in a swamp and whining for help while it is sinking. I mean, C'mon, for crying out loud. Can't these people think far enough ahead to realize that they are going to get hit by a hurricane, at some point? Do they have *that* much "faith" in their god? If someone dies during a hurricane, it's called a tragedy and you are supposed to suck it up and wander around mouthing platitudes like, "they are in a better place, now" and such like. Then, if someone survives the hurricane, it's "god was watching out for them". Well, hell, is god good or not? I guess that the people who died were supposed to die and go to god. I dunno, all I can say is that I have trouble in believing in a god who will "smite" you with a thunderbolt and say that its doing it because it loves you. Hmmm... Yup. Got cancer? It's god telling you that it loves you. Has to be that way, or that god cannot control "the devil" and evil is allowed free reign. So, remember to bow down to the christian god, cuz if you don't it'll lovingly smite you down and send you to hell while telling you that it loves you. Heh.
Okay, enough religious babbling. It depresses me. Anyway, there is my outlook on religion and hurricanes. It also applies to those who build houses on hillsides, on earthquake faults, and other such like things.
September 11, 2005
Ah, another day, another batch of depression. Well, not exactly. Today has been better than the previous couple of days. I didn't get to sleep until about 12:30 am last night, but I managed to get up around 10:30 this morning. That's a pretty decent deal, for me, anyway. My wife and sister(step) went out and cleaned and polished my mother-in-laws truck (Blazer). It seems that my MIL may have put wax on it at some point in the past, but forgot to take it off. With just a little bit of effort on their part, it shined up really nice. I did a couple of things (mainly polishing the roof, since they both really detest climbing a ladder) and managed to go through a stack of papers I needed to check out and put in the right file cabinet. Oh, and I managed to put up my wife's certificates on the living room wall.
Right now, my sister(step) is cooking burgers for the boys and my wife has gone across the street to my MIL's house to find some chicken noodle soup. I usually don't eat chicken noodle soup, but I have this weird urge to eat some. Maybe even try to polish off the pickled pigs foot in the fridge. Oh, I can already hear the moaning and screeching - "Oh, my goddess, that sick SOB eats *pickled pigs feet*!?!?!?!?!?!" Yeah, I was introduced to them when I was a kid and I still enjoy them on occasion. Not much worse than what some other people eat, so don't knock something you don't like and I won't knock what you like to eat. Oh, I know that there are some scummy things eaten by people who will turn up their "hoity-toity" noses at pigs feet, so just keep your comments to yourself, unless you want to get into what you like to eat and how I should moan and whine that that is "icky" to me. Deal with it, eh?
Okay, that's enough for today.
September 16, 2005
Oh, I know it's getting a bit too long, but what can I say? I won't have internet access until October and this is just a way for me to continue with bits and pieces until that time comes when I can upload this. I did make a run to the library, but I forgot to put this on disk and see if I could have uploaded it to the blog. Ah, well, such is life. Things have started to slow down a bit and we are doing things a little at a time. I did some more odd-jobs in the yard and my wife has attempted to paint a bench of my mother-in-law's. The poor thing is sitting in our back yard, awaiting the second coat of red paint on the metal parts. I just realized that I need to do something with this computer, as it is making just a bit too much noise. More than it should, anyway. I guess that, tomorrow, I can take it out back and spray some air in it and make sure all the cards and cables are tight and secure. Maybe.
Oh, yeah, we now have a dog. Some type of long-haired terrier mix, I think. Still not completely housebroken, but we are working on that. She's very friendly and loves to lick. And she enjoys car trips. Not to the point of sticking her head out the window (which I will not let her do, period) but she loves to watch what is going on and going by her. I'm more of a cat-type person (Yah, a guy who likes cats, deal with it) but she's okay; for a dog, anyway.
Okay, enough for now, it's late and I think I am going to bed. Got a busy day ahead of me - if it's nice and my wife is feeling okay, we are going to garage sales. Bye.
September 17, 2005
Another day, another whatever. I managed to do a bit more yard work, today. I cut down some bushes that were growing a bit wild in the area where we would like to put the garden for next year. Now comes the fun part - roto-tilling the area. With all the roots and sand, it's going to be fun. Still, once we get it tilled and the fertilizer added, it should set well for the winter and be quite ready for planting in the spring. The worst part to come will be our attempts to keep the rabbits and squirrels out. We had a garden at my mother-in-laws house and the damned squirrels and rabbits ate most of the plants. Those suckers ate the tomato plants down to the ground. They didn't touch the carrots, the hypocrites.
I'm just sitting here, playing around on the computer. Did a backup of my important files and am in the process of chasing my son into the tub so he can go to church. With my brother-in-law being a deacon in the local catholic church, religion is kinda important to him. I think he likes to go just so the "little old ladies" can fawn over him. Hell, they seem to think he's the best thing they have come across in ages. One even gave him five dollars, just because "he's so cute". Of course, being a parent, I keep wondering just whose kid they are talking about. That, and I want them to send *that* one home and keep the one who's a pain in the butt. Heh.
Okay, that's it for now. I don't know if I'll add to this anymore today or not. Probably not. I guess I'll just play around a bit more. Enough work for one day. (Gads, this is getting big, isn't it?)
September 19, 2005
Just getting ready to head downtown. My wife has a doc appointment and I need to go to the social security office since the idiots in Fresno managed to screw up my address. I just hope that the stuff they mailed manages to make it to me, even though the address has the wrong town on it. The folks in Fresno changed it, but since it has already been through all their hoops, it's considered as "closed out". Maybe I will get it, I dunno.
Anyway, I plan on putting this on to a disk and maybe getting it uploaded today. Hope so.
Other than that, it's a typical day. I was out in the yard on Saturday and managed to screw up my back royally. Spent most of yesterday sitting/laying around and moaning. Movement was only as extremely necessary. Today is much better, not too awful much pain, though it still hurts.
Okay, that's enough for now. going to shut down and put this on a floppy and hope that we can stop by the library and I can upload it.
September 20, 2005
Well, hell, another chance shot to shit. When I had the time to get to the library, I forgot the disk and the time I did remember the disk other stuff came up and I didn't have the time. Such is my life. One damned thing after another. And me without the time necessary for any of them.
Other than a bit of running around, today was definitely nothing special. Woke up, had coffee, went to the hospital so my wife could get some x-rays done, took a tape measure back to the guy who put in my tv satellite dish and had supper. Now, I'm just sitting here on the computer, while my wife tries to sleep. She as a pinched nerve in her hip and it's driving her crazy. At least I can fully sympathize with her, as I know what pain is and what it can be like. Maybe the new meds will help - I certainly hope so!
Alright, enough for now, I'm gonna play on the computer and just veg out.
September 22, 2005
Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I keep trying to get to the library to upload this, but things keep getting in the way. I guess I'll have to set aside some time and make sure that it is allocated to doing nothing but going to the library to get this posted to the blog. Not that anyone will read it, but at least it will be there, for me, if for nothing else.
After three weeks of living in the new house, I still haven't found out if there is outside plugs for electricity. I really should check, since I have hedges to trim and I still have to get a hedge trimmer - electric, of course.
Just had to go out the front and tell the dog to quit barking. Haven't the foggiest what she was barking at, but that seems to be one of the "jobs" that dogs have, barking at anything and nothing. The only drawback, if you can call it that, is that she seems to have a motorized tongue. She loves to lick faces and ears and still has a tendency to just go "wild" with running from person to person and trying to get her tongue on faces.
Oh, almost forgot. If anyone reads this, I have a tidbit to pass on. If you have CD's that have scratches on them, I have found that using toothpaste works great. Just gently rub some toothpaste on the CD, let it sit for about 20 minutes and then gently wash off with lukewarm water. I have brought back five CDs with this method, so far. I haven't tried if with my data CDs, but it works great on music CDs. Maybe I'll make a "play" data CD and see if it works on that. Of course, since most of my data CD's just sit in binders, I don't have to worry about scratches all that much, but you never know. I have found that some CD drives can get downright vicious with CDs, so...
Okay, that's enough for today, I'm off to play on the computer. I think I'll call the satellite internet guy today and see what he has to say about setting me up. Other than that (oh, and an appointment for my son), today is just another one of them days.
September 23, 2005
Okay, another day has passed and I still haven't made time to get to the library to upload this. If I have to, I guess I can wait until the 3rd of October, as I will be getting my internet set up then. It was interesting, seeing as how the satellite dish gives off some type of radiation. Nothing all that bad, as long as you don't sleep next to the silly thing. Crap, that just made me realize that our bedroom is just on the other side of the wall where the dish is going to be mounted. Maybe the wall will keep out the "rays", but I guess I should call the guy who puts it in and ask, just to make sure. Not that I'm all that awful worried, neither my wife nor I can have children, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. Heh.
Nothing much happened today, so I guess I'll end this here. No need to write about the same damned thing, day after day, eh?
September 24, 2005
Well, hell, I screwed up, again. I went out and did some yard work and wound up with a back that just don't like me, at all. My wife has sciatica (pinched nerve in the hip area) and she is really hurting, but I think it's a "toss-up" as to which of us is hurting more. I am barely able to sit and do this and the meds are just not kicking in, yet. Still, I think I hurt more, just thinking about how much my wife is hurting. I really don't like it when she is hurting. Guess that's love, huh? I'd rather have a broken leg than for her to have this damned sciatica. I just hate it when she is hurting, period.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Just stuff
Oh, what joy it is to pack up all your crap so you can move it. Such fun. Then again, I'm usually full of shit, so you can take it any way you want. I will happily admit to my faults, unlike many who decline to admit that they are human and can make mistakes. I try not to get too close to those kind of folks, since they usually tend towards pig-headedness, to put it nicely. My time is mine to waste, but that's going a bit too far, even for me and my weirdness.
Hmmm... What to write. I am just sitting around, doing some file copying to CD and trying to keep an eye on the kids playing with their XBox. Or is it X-Box? I don't really care, it's mainly something for the kids to do when they get really bored and no one is willing to run them to the pool. We haven't been to the pool in a while, so I figure that one more trip will do it for the year. I hope so, anyway. School starts up on the 29th of August so they don't have much time left. That, and the weather has been kind of funky, recently. I think all the hotness has departed and the coolness is here to stay.
Oh! I almost forgot. I have to mention this - it looks like I will have to go with satellite Internet access at the new home. It may be hard to believe, but the little town we are moving to doesn't even have DSL Internet! Satellite won't be too bad, since no one really plays anything online that would require something like DSL or cable to play. As long as nothing requires "twitchy" moves, it should be okay, I guess. I do a lot of file transfers with a buddy in Washington state, so I don't know, yet, how that will be affected. It seems that downloading is set to some kind of "limit" so I will have to see what happens. Oh, don't worry, nothing illegal - I'm too chicken when it comes to what could happen if I did get stupid enough to do something illegal. So, I guess I'll still miss out on all the P2P file-sharing networks out there. No great loss, I have enough problems what with all the legal crap I download and/or buy and deal with.
Guess that's it for this time. I'm tired of typing and just want to go over the files I have copied. Such fun, I got.
Hmmm... What to write. I am just sitting around, doing some file copying to CD and trying to keep an eye on the kids playing with their XBox. Or is it X-Box? I don't really care, it's mainly something for the kids to do when they get really bored and no one is willing to run them to the pool. We haven't been to the pool in a while, so I figure that one more trip will do it for the year. I hope so, anyway. School starts up on the 29th of August so they don't have much time left. That, and the weather has been kind of funky, recently. I think all the hotness has departed and the coolness is here to stay.
Oh! I almost forgot. I have to mention this - it looks like I will have to go with satellite Internet access at the new home. It may be hard to believe, but the little town we are moving to doesn't even have DSL Internet! Satellite won't be too bad, since no one really plays anything online that would require something like DSL or cable to play. As long as nothing requires "twitchy" moves, it should be okay, I guess. I do a lot of file transfers with a buddy in Washington state, so I don't know, yet, how that will be affected. It seems that downloading is set to some kind of "limit" so I will have to see what happens. Oh, don't worry, nothing illegal - I'm too chicken when it comes to what could happen if I did get stupid enough to do something illegal. So, I guess I'll still miss out on all the P2P file-sharing networks out there. No great loss, I have enough problems what with all the legal crap I download and/or buy and deal with.
Guess that's it for this time. I'm tired of typing and just want to go over the files I have copied. Such fun, I got.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Today's crap
Huh. Well, they finally got me. I just had to delete a spam from my comments. To be honest, I figured that it was only a matter of time. And I am smart enough to know that, at some future point, some other slime will put their trash up, again. I mean, how much money can outweigh the guilt, the sadness and the lack of self-esteem that doing shit like that (posting spam) causes? Damned useless, moronic, shitheaded, lowlife, no-life-having assholes is what they are. End of discussion. Period.
Okay, I know that I am not the neatest person in the world, but I really wish people would ask before they start going through my stuff. I know it looks messy, but I know exactly where everything is. When things are moved by someone else, it makes me feel bad to ask someone else where my stuff is. I guess it's either a "woman thing" or a "wife thing", I don't know. It's not that messy, like I said, and I know where things are. Oh, well, live and learn and ask, I guess.
My wife is now going through things in the basement, boxing them up and getting them set up to get moved to the new house. I have found that my best bet is to just stay out of her way. Mainly because she is hesitant about asking me to help, due to my back. I do ask her if I can help, but she tends to fall back on my medical status and rarely asks me to do anything. You have no idea how frustrating that is! Of course, I also tend to sort of jump into whatever she is doing, lift and grunt to move stuff, and then spend many hours on my back due to the pain. The main problem is that I just feel so damned useless that I could scream. Sort of like how I feel when I do something stupid, like lifting stuff I shouldn't.
Oh, the hell with it, here goes.
Okay, I know that I am not the neatest person in the world, but I really wish people would ask before they start going through my stuff. I know it looks messy, but I know exactly where everything is. When things are moved by someone else, it makes me feel bad to ask someone else where my stuff is. I guess it's either a "woman thing" or a "wife thing", I don't know. It's not that messy, like I said, and I know where things are. Oh, well, live and learn and ask, I guess.
My wife is now going through things in the basement, boxing them up and getting them set up to get moved to the new house. I have found that my best bet is to just stay out of her way. Mainly because she is hesitant about asking me to help, due to my back. I do ask her if I can help, but she tends to fall back on my medical status and rarely asks me to do anything. You have no idea how frustrating that is! Of course, I also tend to sort of jump into whatever she is doing, lift and grunt to move stuff, and then spend many hours on my back due to the pain. The main problem is that I just feel so damned useless that I could scream. Sort of like how I feel when I do something stupid, like lifting stuff I shouldn't.
Oh, the hell with it, here goes.
Monday, August 15, 2005
A good day
It's been a fruitful day. We managed to get the house we have wanted for quite some time. Well... Actually we are going to rent it for a while, until my money comes in, and then we will purchase it outright. It's not too bad, the price is under $80,000. It's in a very small town, and very old, thus the small price tag. I'm still attempting to come to grips with it, to be honest. Tomorrow, I get to see how much time I can spend on the telephone, seeing what can be changed, added, deleted, etc., at the new address. Of course, my main concern is the internet access. I would probably kill myself if I have to drop back down to dialup. I most certainly hope that it doesn't come to that, I would make a nasty corpse. I'm not all that good looking to begin with, so I know. Here's to hoping.
So, off to bed - to dream of moving, yet again. Heh.
So, off to bed - to dream of moving, yet again. Heh.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
New stuff
I've decided to increase my blogroll by adding in the blogs that I read on a (usually) daily basis. They are on the right side of the screen, if you are curious. Somewhat eclectic, but basically pretty good stuff. You may notice that there are no political blogs listed. Well, that's for good reason - I try to keep politics out of this blog, as much as I can. I have found that there are way too many people who will happily judge a person by the politics they keep, and will also happily call someone every dirty name in the book if the views held aren't exactly like theirs. So, I try not to bring it up, if possible. You can certainly ask, if you want. Just remember that there is much more to a person than their political views, and I will remember the same.
Maybe I'll have some interesting stuff to add later, but you never know. Tomorrow is my day to watch some stuff I have copied from tv and, considering my wife will be out of town most of the day, who knows what may happen. Heh. Like my life is that exciting.
Maybe I'll have some interesting stuff to add later, but you never know. Tomorrow is my day to watch some stuff I have copied from tv and, considering my wife will be out of town most of the day, who knows what may happen. Heh. Like my life is that exciting.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The last few days
Wow, what a weekend! I have been pretty busy the last few days and today (Tuesday) is my "sit-around-and-do-nothing-much" day.
Let's see - - on Friday my wife, son, mother-in-law and I took a trip to Pueblo, Colorado, in order to watch my brother-in-law be ordained as a deacon in one of the local Catholic churches. He's the first deacon in this area in over 150 years. My mother-in-law is tickled pink to be "in the book" as the mother of the first deacon in this area in such a long time. Anyway, we left here about 4 PM and got there about five thirty, ate at a restaurant and then went to the ceremony. I think there was a total of eight guys getting ordained, so it lasted from 6 PM till about 10 PM, including the sort-of "snack time" afterwards. Then we left and finally managed to get my mother-in-law home about 11:30 PM and then home and to bed about 1 AM.
On Saturday morning, we dragged ourselves out of bead about 9 AM and went to garage sales. Got some decent deals, including an X-Box for a hundred bucks, which came with four disks with games on them. I think I'll hook it up later today and let the kids check it out. I'm not much of a "game box" player, except for games on the computer. Still, I may check it out. Heh.
On Sunday morning, we got up about 7 AM so we could go to the first Mass performed by my brother-in-law. It was a 9 AM Mass, so we didn't get out of all the hoo-ra until about noon. Then we went over to my mother-in-laws house for a while and then on to my brother-in-laws house for a while. We finally managed to get back home about 5 PM. Oh, I almost forgot! The Mass was taped and shown on the local leased cable channel and one part is pretty cool. The location of the camera was back to one side, near the front, and my sister(step) and her son were clearly visible from the back. When they did the communion bit (you know, the bread and wine thing) the camera clearly caught my mother-in-law coming back to the pew and pulling on my sister's(step) hair. We all got a good laugh out of that, knowing that perhaps dozens of people will see that.
On Monday my wife and I got up about 8:30 AM so we could give my brother-in-law a tape of the ceremony (which we copied off the tv station which broadcasted it) and I could get to a doctor appointment. We were running around, including a stop at my mother-in-law's house, until 5 PM.
As you can see, the weekend was pretty busy (for me, anyway) and today, Tuesday, is my day to be a "bum". Of course, when I woke up about noon, the rest of the family was not here, having gone to my mother-in-law's house. As I type this, I am home alone and just reading e-mail and surfing the web. Oh, and doing this blog write-up, too.
Tomorrow is grass cutting day, so I may not post, but you never know. Hell, with my luck, I may be able to post in a few days about how I cut off some appendage while mowing the yard. Either that, or have an interesting story about how the weed-whacker ate my shoe or something.
That's it for today. Have a nice one.
Let's see - - on Friday my wife, son, mother-in-law and I took a trip to Pueblo, Colorado, in order to watch my brother-in-law be ordained as a deacon in one of the local Catholic churches. He's the first deacon in this area in over 150 years. My mother-in-law is tickled pink to be "in the book" as the mother of the first deacon in this area in such a long time. Anyway, we left here about 4 PM and got there about five thirty, ate at a restaurant and then went to the ceremony. I think there was a total of eight guys getting ordained, so it lasted from 6 PM till about 10 PM, including the sort-of "snack time" afterwards. Then we left and finally managed to get my mother-in-law home about 11:30 PM and then home and to bed about 1 AM.
On Saturday morning, we dragged ourselves out of bead about 9 AM and went to garage sales. Got some decent deals, including an X-Box for a hundred bucks, which came with four disks with games on them. I think I'll hook it up later today and let the kids check it out. I'm not much of a "game box" player, except for games on the computer. Still, I may check it out. Heh.
On Sunday morning, we got up about 7 AM so we could go to the first Mass performed by my brother-in-law. It was a 9 AM Mass, so we didn't get out of all the hoo-ra until about noon. Then we went over to my mother-in-laws house for a while and then on to my brother-in-laws house for a while. We finally managed to get back home about 5 PM. Oh, I almost forgot! The Mass was taped and shown on the local leased cable channel and one part is pretty cool. The location of the camera was back to one side, near the front, and my sister(step) and her son were clearly visible from the back. When they did the communion bit (you know, the bread and wine thing) the camera clearly caught my mother-in-law coming back to the pew and pulling on my sister's(step) hair. We all got a good laugh out of that, knowing that perhaps dozens of people will see that.
On Monday my wife and I got up about 8:30 AM so we could give my brother-in-law a tape of the ceremony (which we copied off the tv station which broadcasted it) and I could get to a doctor appointment. We were running around, including a stop at my mother-in-law's house, until 5 PM.
As you can see, the weekend was pretty busy (for me, anyway) and today, Tuesday, is my day to be a "bum". Of course, when I woke up about noon, the rest of the family was not here, having gone to my mother-in-law's house. As I type this, I am home alone and just reading e-mail and surfing the web. Oh, and doing this blog write-up, too.
Tomorrow is grass cutting day, so I may not post, but you never know. Hell, with my luck, I may be able to post in a few days about how I cut off some appendage while mowing the yard. Either that, or have an interesting story about how the weed-whacker ate my shoe or something.
That's it for today. Have a nice one.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Something funny
Oh, I just HAVE to blog about something I found the other day. It deals with a website that many people have read and enjoyed, myself included. The person who has this site enjoys "saying it like it is" and, in general, having a blast by saying whatever strikes his fancy. Here's the link: Yup, "the best page in the universe". What's so damned funny is that this link is about blogs and associated terms/situations. What he doesn't realize is that his entire site is a blog. He may deny it, but it's still the truth. Just something I thought I'd throw out for anyone who reads my drivel.
Anyway, I thought that it was funny and, to be honest, I enjoy reading his site. Lots of angst and fun interspersed with the madness. My kind of reading material. Heh.
That about it for today. Just a "hit-n-run" post.
Anyway, I thought that it was funny and, to be honest, I enjoy reading his site. Lots of angst and fun interspersed with the madness. My kind of reading material. Heh.
That about it for today. Just a "hit-n-run" post.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Another day, another blabbering
Another fun-filled day. I haven't really done anything, except change out the CD drive on the kids computer and do dishes. Other than that, it's been just another typical day. Keeping track of what the kids are watching on tv and surfing the net. So much fun, I can tell you.
I have checked out some CD's we got at garage sales over the weekend. Found out that I was too stupid, once again, to check on a couple and paid 50 cents for a couple of empty CD cases. One of the other CD's doesn't even work and yet another seemed to be some kind of telemarketing setup CD. (I didn't pay for that last one, it was in a "free" box.)
Seems that one of my sons' buddies has decided to be buddy with him, again. You see there was a big whoop-te-doo over someone getting shot with a BB gun and, of course, all of them held the others responsible and friends didn't want to be friends, and all that that entails. But, things are settling down and they are, from what I can tell, back to being friends again.
My wife and sister(step) went out earlier to take my sister(step) to an eye doctor appointment and then they had to go to my mother-in-laws house to get her truck and then do some shopping. Tomorrow is my turn - I have to take my nephew(step) to his "wart doctor" and that is about a 2 hour drive away. The only problem is taking my sister(step), who has a habit of talking. And talking. And talking. She has arguments with the tv and has no problem with talking to walls. It's not too bad, since I rag her unmercifully about getting lost in the bathroom.
Okay, everyone is now home and I need another bath.
I have checked out some CD's we got at garage sales over the weekend. Found out that I was too stupid, once again, to check on a couple and paid 50 cents for a couple of empty CD cases. One of the other CD's doesn't even work and yet another seemed to be some kind of telemarketing setup CD. (I didn't pay for that last one, it was in a "free" box.)
Seems that one of my sons' buddies has decided to be buddy with him, again. You see there was a big whoop-te-doo over someone getting shot with a BB gun and, of course, all of them held the others responsible and friends didn't want to be friends, and all that that entails. But, things are settling down and they are, from what I can tell, back to being friends again.
My wife and sister(step) went out earlier to take my sister(step) to an eye doctor appointment and then they had to go to my mother-in-laws house to get her truck and then do some shopping. Tomorrow is my turn - I have to take my nephew(step) to his "wart doctor" and that is about a 2 hour drive away. The only problem is taking my sister(step), who has a habit of talking. And talking. And talking. She has arguments with the tv and has no problem with talking to walls. It's not too bad, since I rag her unmercifully about getting lost in the bathroom.
Okay, everyone is now home and I need another bath.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Late again, as usual
Oh, well, such is life. Hell with trying to "keep up with the Jones'", I have enough trouble keeping up with myself. Not to worry, I'll just stumble along and do what I want, so that works for me.
Interesting day. I'm sort of in the middle of sorting through all the movies we have. Of course, my wife is doing the most sorting, I am just sort of checking them off against the list from the database. Yes, we have a database of all the movies we have. After all, it's the easiest way to keep track of over 2000 movies. Yes, over two thousand. Most are VHS, but we are getting there with collecting DVD's, too.
I figured I would spend a few minutes and write up something to put in my blog.
My son is sitting (laying) on the couch and whining about us watching a movie all together. He is of the mind that when you say "maybe" or "possibly", he is to take it that it means "yes". Gets interesting, at times. Then again, if you flat out say "no", he tends to do everything except hyper-ventilate. Oh, he's nothing like he was a couple of years ago, but seeing as how he is now 12 years old, he can, on occasion, deal with the word "no". I guess we are to blame, since we do have a nasty tendency to tell him "later" and not carry through with it. Of course, I have the fun habit of asking him if I can start acting like he does. That produces the most amazing look of disgruntlement. It should be put on the bulletin board at the post office to be used as a guide for having the "look of being disgruntled". (I still wonder what the hell a look of being "gruntled" would be. Can anyone enlighten me, please?)
Okay, it's now late and I am going to go to bed.
Interesting day. I'm sort of in the middle of sorting through all the movies we have. Of course, my wife is doing the most sorting, I am just sort of checking them off against the list from the database. Yes, we have a database of all the movies we have. After all, it's the easiest way to keep track of over 2000 movies. Yes, over two thousand. Most are VHS, but we are getting there with collecting DVD's, too.
I figured I would spend a few minutes and write up something to put in my blog.
My son is sitting (laying) on the couch and whining about us watching a movie all together. He is of the mind that when you say "maybe" or "possibly", he is to take it that it means "yes". Gets interesting, at times. Then again, if you flat out say "no", he tends to do everything except hyper-ventilate. Oh, he's nothing like he was a couple of years ago, but seeing as how he is now 12 years old, he can, on occasion, deal with the word "no". I guess we are to blame, since we do have a nasty tendency to tell him "later" and not carry through with it. Of course, I have the fun habit of asking him if I can start acting like he does. That produces the most amazing look of disgruntlement. It should be put on the bulletin board at the post office to be used as a guide for having the "look of being disgruntled". (I still wonder what the hell a look of being "gruntled" would be. Can anyone enlighten me, please?)
Okay, it's now late and I am going to go to bed.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Missed again
Crap, I missed another day of my attempt to post each and every single day. Guess that blows my status completely out of the water. Honestly, it's not like I give a really hard crap about it, though. Heh.
Okay, yesterday was kind of explainable. We got up early so that my wife, sister(step) and nephew(step) could go to their doctor appointments (one after the other, so it was nice) and I stayed home with my son, while they were gone. I was copying files to CD, so I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing all that much, until they got home. Then we went to my mother-in-laws house and were going to take some of her grandkids to the pool with our kids. Of course, the weather was kinda flaky, so we never actually got to go into the water, so what with running back and forth (the phone at the pool was either monopolized by one of the teenagers working there or it was broke, take a guess which one I think it was) it was suddenly 7:00 pm by the time we got home.
This morning, we got up about 9:30 and wound up watching Hellboy on DVD. Pretty entertaining, even if I have never read the comic. Then, my wife and sister(step) left and went to my mother-in-laws house. Oh, they took my nephew(step) but left my son here with me. He's whining about going to the pool, but the weather outside is kinda flaky, again, so we are planning on taking the kids to the pool tomorrow. Maybe I can make myself post, sometime, tomorrow, so I can work on my "blogger status." Heh.
Okay, I'm still copying things to CD, so I am stopping here and finishing that up. Hope you are having a decent day/evening/night/whatever.
Okay, yesterday was kind of explainable. We got up early so that my wife, sister(step) and nephew(step) could go to their doctor appointments (one after the other, so it was nice) and I stayed home with my son, while they were gone. I was copying files to CD, so I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing all that much, until they got home. Then we went to my mother-in-laws house and were going to take some of her grandkids to the pool with our kids. Of course, the weather was kinda flaky, so we never actually got to go into the water, so what with running back and forth (the phone at the pool was either monopolized by one of the teenagers working there or it was broke, take a guess which one I think it was) it was suddenly 7:00 pm by the time we got home.
This morning, we got up about 9:30 and wound up watching Hellboy on DVD. Pretty entertaining, even if I have never read the comic. Then, my wife and sister(step) left and went to my mother-in-laws house. Oh, they took my nephew(step) but left my son here with me. He's whining about going to the pool, but the weather outside is kinda flaky, again, so we are planning on taking the kids to the pool tomorrow. Maybe I can make myself post, sometime, tomorrow, so I can work on my "blogger status." Heh.
Okay, I'm still copying things to CD, so I am stopping here and finishing that up. Hope you are having a decent day/evening/night/whatever.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Today's meandering
Oh, shit! I missed a day of posting! Does that mean that I am no longer a "good" blogger? Or just someone who is not as concerned about posting as much as humanly possible (as some bloggers are)? Heh.
I love to read. Mainly, I love to read Science Fiction. If I had to pick a favorite writer, I would have to say that Robert Heinlein is the best. I don't stop to say that any particular writer is not any good, as I have a tendency to read first and decide after I have finished the story. One thing I have to comment on is that I tend to draw the line when they (Science Fiction writers) cross the line into fantasy. Some writers have tried to combine the two, Fantasy and Science Fiction), and it tends to result in mostly mediocre returns; most with outstandingly crappy results. Oh, there are probably some out there, that I haven't read, that are really very good, I just haven't found them, yet.
In my opinion there is one writer who seems to stand head and shoulders above other writers when it comes to trying to combine Fantasy and Science Fiction, with results that are head and shoulders above the rest in terms of being really sucky. That writer is Stephen King. I don't know. It seems to come out as either sucky fantasy or testicular-cancer inducing fiction. Either way, I have never been able to get more than about 6 pages into any of his books. "Jim is blah, blah, blah, Harry did blah blah blah, but don't really expect to see them much, even though I spent twenty pages giving them background that will never show up again, but Susan did blah blah blah, while over at the shack in the swamp someone is given an important description that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, as such." Actually, I did manage to get halfway through "The Stand", but the movie, sucky-ass as it was, was miles and miles better than the book. At least, to me it was. Sorry if I upset any King fans, but what I have just written is my opinion and, good, bad or indifferent, it is just as important and valuable as your opinion is.
I realized that I made a comment about not knowing if anyone is reading this or not. Makes me wonder. I guess I will have to do some looking around Blogger and see if there is a way to see how many folks are stopping by to check this crap out. Can't hurt. It's not like I am a blog-whore anyway. Wait. Does blog-whore mean that I want people to read my blog or that I read other people's blogs? Maybe I'll do some reading and find out, since I don't think anyone reading this will actually stoop to making a comment. Oh! Sorry Zero Boss! Not meaning to add you into that. Heh. Just a slip.
Okay, I have helped the maintenance guy fix the ceiling fan in the "computer room" and my wife is now taking a nap. Since I have only been up, myself, for a couple of hours, I think I will just do some surfing and see what I can see.
Does this mean that I am required to post again, as soon as humanly possible, in order to be put into the same category as the "good bloggers"? Feh, hell with that, I'll post when I damn well want to, blogger status be damned.
I love to read. Mainly, I love to read Science Fiction. If I had to pick a favorite writer, I would have to say that Robert Heinlein is the best. I don't stop to say that any particular writer is not any good, as I have a tendency to read first and decide after I have finished the story. One thing I have to comment on is that I tend to draw the line when they (Science Fiction writers) cross the line into fantasy. Some writers have tried to combine the two, Fantasy and Science Fiction), and it tends to result in mostly mediocre returns; most with outstandingly crappy results. Oh, there are probably some out there, that I haven't read, that are really very good, I just haven't found them, yet.
In my opinion there is one writer who seems to stand head and shoulders above other writers when it comes to trying to combine Fantasy and Science Fiction, with results that are head and shoulders above the rest in terms of being really sucky. That writer is Stephen King. I don't know. It seems to come out as either sucky fantasy or testicular-cancer inducing fiction. Either way, I have never been able to get more than about 6 pages into any of his books. "Jim is blah, blah, blah, Harry did blah blah blah, but don't really expect to see them much, even though I spent twenty pages giving them background that will never show up again, but Susan did blah blah blah, while over at the shack in the swamp someone is given an important description that has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, as such." Actually, I did manage to get halfway through "The Stand", but the movie, sucky-ass as it was, was miles and miles better than the book. At least, to me it was. Sorry if I upset any King fans, but what I have just written is my opinion and, good, bad or indifferent, it is just as important and valuable as your opinion is.
I realized that I made a comment about not knowing if anyone is reading this or not. Makes me wonder. I guess I will have to do some looking around Blogger and see if there is a way to see how many folks are stopping by to check this crap out. Can't hurt. It's not like I am a blog-whore anyway. Wait. Does blog-whore mean that I want people to read my blog or that I read other people's blogs? Maybe I'll do some reading and find out, since I don't think anyone reading this will actually stoop to making a comment. Oh! Sorry Zero Boss! Not meaning to add you into that. Heh. Just a slip.
Okay, I have helped the maintenance guy fix the ceiling fan in the "computer room" and my wife is now taking a nap. Since I have only been up, myself, for a couple of hours, I think I will just do some surfing and see what I can see.
Does this mean that I am required to post again, as soon as humanly possible, in order to be put into the same category as the "good bloggers"? Feh, hell with that, I'll post when I damn well want to, blogger status be damned.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Today's blathering
Well, I said that I will try to play catch-up with my posts, and here it is.
I grew up in Arkansas. (Oh, shut up.) We lived just outside of a small town. (Oh, shut up!) We weren't the richest folks around, but we most definitely weren't the poorest. We made do and that's saying something when you live in a small town in Arkansas. (Will you stop?!?) When I was big enough I actually made my own money by picking peaches. I was one of the lucky ones - I could wear just about anything, since the "peach fuzz" never seemed to bother me. All about me, people were wearing long-sleeved shirts in August, while I was in shorts, tennis shoes and short-sleeved shirts. Of course, it also helped that I was half-monkey and managed to be the one who climbed into the trees for peaches that others couldn't quite get to.
Oh. Hell. No.
No, I think I have changed my mind.
Since it seems that few, if any, are reading this, I will talk about what the hell I want to. If I want to whine, I will fucking whine and that's all there is to it. If no one wants to read my whines, that's fine, at least I am WRITING and that's my main point.
I. Will. WRITE.
I read the other day where a lady who does publishing work is being scammed by way of someone using her name to spam folks about using her services. That really sucks. I mean, it's bad enough that there are all those low-life, scum-sucking, totally useless shits doing spamming and stealing identities. Now, it's getting so anyone with an honest outlook is prey to them. I don't have a URL (yet), but I honestly expect that some slime-bag will use it to send out spam or even attempt to steal my identity. That's the sad part, when you want to hope for the best, yet are forced to accept that some scuzzey, hopeless, shit-brain will steal anything that's not locked down and password protected. I can only hope, that when it happens to me, that the low-life scum-gurgler at least gives me a "reach-around" when he/she/it screws me. That way, I won't feel too bad when I use the legal system to give her/him/it a "dirty sanchez". Heh. (I won't link to Wikipedia to give you the definitions to those two items, but you can have fun looking them up all by your lonesome, eh?)
Okay, what else?
Trying to keep it flowing, here, if you are wondering. That's one of my main problems - flow. I have so much running through my head that it's hard to slow it down enough to get it onto the page. I have a really nasty habit of not being able to keep a thought flowing. I get one idea going along really well and then, screech, vroom, it's off and running in a completely different direction. I am trying to type this and I keep thinking of how I need to make a trip to the Social Security office today. I have a feeling that they are going to try to send my money to a bank where I have closed the account, so I have to check that out. My wife and sister(step) are currently at the local college, getting my sister(step) set up for fall classes. So, when they get back, I will make that trip to the S.S. office.
Ah, yes. When I am out and about, I also have to stop by the cable tv place and get another booklet about how the remote control works. My old tv bit the big one and we went out an bought a new one the other night. I did try to call the cable folks, but the codes they gave me to set up the remote didn't work, so I figure asking them for a booklet shouldn't get their knickers in too much of a knot. I keep having this semi-idea of getting one of those remote control watches, but with my luck, the damned thing will blow my arm off when I try to program it. I have a habit of trying to make things like that do a bit more than they are really supposed to do. Kind of like how I have one computer that has been reformatted at least 5 times in the last three months. Heh. I have found out a few things about Windows XP that aren't common knowledge, that's for sure.
Okay, that's it for today. I will see if I can come back tomorrow with more blathering bullshit to bore the bejeebers out of the poor schmucks how have the bad luck to read this crap. Heh, heh, heh.
I grew up in Arkansas. (Oh, shut up.) We lived just outside of a small town. (Oh, shut up!) We weren't the richest folks around, but we most definitely weren't the poorest. We made do and that's saying something when you live in a small town in Arkansas. (Will you stop?!?) When I was big enough I actually made my own money by picking peaches. I was one of the lucky ones - I could wear just about anything, since the "peach fuzz" never seemed to bother me. All about me, people were wearing long-sleeved shirts in August, while I was in shorts, tennis shoes and short-sleeved shirts. Of course, it also helped that I was half-monkey and managed to be the one who climbed into the trees for peaches that others couldn't quite get to.
Oh. Hell. No.
No, I think I have changed my mind.
Since it seems that few, if any, are reading this, I will talk about what the hell I want to. If I want to whine, I will fucking whine and that's all there is to it. If no one wants to read my whines, that's fine, at least I am WRITING and that's my main point.
I. Will. WRITE.
I read the other day where a lady who does publishing work is being scammed by way of someone using her name to spam folks about using her services. That really sucks. I mean, it's bad enough that there are all those low-life, scum-sucking, totally useless shits doing spamming and stealing identities. Now, it's getting so anyone with an honest outlook is prey to them. I don't have a URL (yet), but I honestly expect that some slime-bag will use it to send out spam or even attempt to steal my identity. That's the sad part, when you want to hope for the best, yet are forced to accept that some scuzzey, hopeless, shit-brain will steal anything that's not locked down and password protected. I can only hope, that when it happens to me, that the low-life scum-gurgler at least gives me a "reach-around" when he/she/it screws me. That way, I won't feel too bad when I use the legal system to give her/him/it a "dirty sanchez". Heh. (I won't link to Wikipedia to give you the definitions to those two items, but you can have fun looking them up all by your lonesome, eh?)
Okay, what else?
Trying to keep it flowing, here, if you are wondering. That's one of my main problems - flow. I have so much running through my head that it's hard to slow it down enough to get it onto the page. I have a really nasty habit of not being able to keep a thought flowing. I get one idea going along really well and then, screech, vroom, it's off and running in a completely different direction. I am trying to type this and I keep thinking of how I need to make a trip to the Social Security office today. I have a feeling that they are going to try to send my money to a bank where I have closed the account, so I have to check that out. My wife and sister(step) are currently at the local college, getting my sister(step) set up for fall classes. So, when they get back, I will make that trip to the S.S. office.
Ah, yes. When I am out and about, I also have to stop by the cable tv place and get another booklet about how the remote control works. My old tv bit the big one and we went out an bought a new one the other night. I did try to call the cable folks, but the codes they gave me to set up the remote didn't work, so I figure asking them for a booklet shouldn't get their knickers in too much of a knot. I keep having this semi-idea of getting one of those remote control watches, but with my luck, the damned thing will blow my arm off when I try to program it. I have a habit of trying to make things like that do a bit more than they are really supposed to do. Kind of like how I have one computer that has been reformatted at least 5 times in the last three months. Heh. I have found out a few things about Windows XP that aren't common knowledge, that's for sure.
Okay, that's it for today. I will see if I can come back tomorrow with more blathering bullshit to bore the bejeebers out of the poor schmucks how have the bad luck to read this crap. Heh, heh, heh.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
More meandering
Okay, since my life is/has been so boring the last few days, I guess I can tell an anecdote about growing up. Maybe not. Then again...
All right, I'll just talk about the last few days.
Nothing much has happened. We all went up to my Mother-in-laws house the other day and had what my wife called a "picnic with mom" afternoon. We has some leftover pizza from the evening before and we took that, and some flavored bottled water (I didn't drink any - universe forbid if I drank something other than pure Pepsi!), up to her place and ate. Oh, and drank, too. (Just water and Pepsi, no booze.) Of course my wife did happen to have an ulterior motive. Turned out that that was the day her brother was to bring over ten bags of ready-mix cement. I didn't know about that, until just before we left the house to go to mom's.
I did what I could, when it came to helping unload those suckers, but I felt like slime since I couldn't help the way I really wanted to. Being medically unfit for all but the most basic of chores really sucks. Hell, I'm lucky if I can vacuum one room without wanting to lay down and scream for an hour or so. But, without consideration to my medical condition (in another word, "stupidly"), I helped move some of those bags of cement. Needless to say, methadone was my closest and dearest friend for that evening. So much so, that I even got constipated and didn't poop for three days. Such fun.
Shit, I just realized that most of my posts seem to be me whining about my condition. Well, I think that will change with my next post. I am going to relate to pleasant things if it frigging kills me. Nobody likes a whiner and I seem to spend most of my time doing that. Okay, okay, I will do whatever I can to stop that shit and move on.
Maybe I will talk about my childhood. Can't be any worse than some of what I have read on other blogs. I mean, if someone can talk about how they are such a dick tease and get tons of comments, can I do less? Wait. Did that come out right? Hell with it, I can say it if I want to. Still... Something just doesn't seem right, here. Oh. I see. Shit. Nevermind.
At least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I post more than quite a few of the blogs I have read. Though I do post a hell of a lot less than most that I do read. Maybe I'll get off my ass and try to play catch up with them. Can't hurt and maybe it'll start my creative juices to flowing a bit better and I can get back into my writing. Beats going out to moms every day, just for something to do, maybe. Hopefully?
That's enough blathering for now.
All right, I'll just talk about the last few days.
Nothing much has happened. We all went up to my Mother-in-laws house the other day and had what my wife called a "picnic with mom" afternoon. We has some leftover pizza from the evening before and we took that, and some flavored bottled water (I didn't drink any - universe forbid if I drank something other than pure Pepsi!), up to her place and ate. Oh, and drank, too. (Just water and Pepsi, no booze.) Of course my wife did happen to have an ulterior motive. Turned out that that was the day her brother was to bring over ten bags of ready-mix cement. I didn't know about that, until just before we left the house to go to mom's.
I did what I could, when it came to helping unload those suckers, but I felt like slime since I couldn't help the way I really wanted to. Being medically unfit for all but the most basic of chores really sucks. Hell, I'm lucky if I can vacuum one room without wanting to lay down and scream for an hour or so. But, without consideration to my medical condition (in another word, "stupidly"), I helped move some of those bags of cement. Needless to say, methadone was my closest and dearest friend for that evening. So much so, that I even got constipated and didn't poop for three days. Such fun.
Shit, I just realized that most of my posts seem to be me whining about my condition. Well, I think that will change with my next post. I am going to relate to pleasant things if it frigging kills me. Nobody likes a whiner and I seem to spend most of my time doing that. Okay, okay, I will do whatever I can to stop that shit and move on.
Maybe I will talk about my childhood. Can't be any worse than some of what I have read on other blogs. I mean, if someone can talk about how they are such a dick tease and get tons of comments, can I do less? Wait. Did that come out right? Hell with it, I can say it if I want to. Still... Something just doesn't seem right, here. Oh. I see. Shit. Nevermind.
At least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I post more than quite a few of the blogs I have read. Though I do post a hell of a lot less than most that I do read. Maybe I'll get off my ass and try to play catch up with them. Can't hurt and maybe it'll start my creative juices to flowing a bit better and I can get back into my writing. Beats going out to moms every day, just for something to do, maybe. Hopefully?
That's enough blathering for now.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Just sitting around, playing on the computer and checking out some files I have had downloaded for quite a while. Even attempted to listen to an old radio show I found and downloaded. Oh, it's legal, I made damn sure of that, I can tell you. Then I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to post here. Exciting life, eh?
My wife and sister(step) are out and about, getting an ID (non-driver for my sister(step)) and other diverse and sundry things. They are supposed to go to my mother-in-laws house and get her so she can do some shopping, then bring her over here for a while. I have to admit, my MIL is most definitely not the "stereotypical" MIL. She's 82 years old and will not hesitate to speak her mind. She says that she has "paid her dues" and if someone doesn't like what she has to say, they can damn well just not listen to her.
I remember, when she was in Tacoma, Washington, for our wedding and her and my wife had gone to some store to get postcards. They were looking for some assistance and my MIL found someone and yelled across the store, "Glenda, I found a man!" Now, she's been divorced for umpteen years, so this was pretty funny and Glenda basically lost it. My MIL got this weird look on her face when she realized what she had said, and then, to top it off, she said, "Oh, I'm not gong to keep him. Gee, man!" She was only about 78 or so when this happened, but it was still funny as hell. Then again, when it comes to the people who may be reading this, it's probably just another "yawner". Especially considering what some other folks write in their blogs.
I was looking for some nails to hang another knife on my wall, but I haven't yet gone into the basement to look. My fault for shoving all the nails into a toolbox and putting it in the trunk of the car, I guess. Maybe after I get done here I will take a look. Oh, yes, I have several knives and swords on the wall, just above my computer. Actually, I only have two real swords and about ten knives. There is one "walking stick" knife/sword that I tend to count on its own. My most recent purchase was in Alamagordo, New Mexico, when I bought a decorated knife that is even decorated on the blade. That's the one I was looking for nails for. Since it's the "prettiest" one, it's going to be the one closest to the computer/desk. I have one large almost machete that has no sheath which has a tendency to jump off the wall. That's one that Glenda says she is going to make me a sheath for. With all the beads, leather and stuff she has to work with, I can just imagine how great it will be!
The temps here have been brutal the last few days, so I haven't been out to mow the yard like I should have. I finished one side about a week ago when the mower went kaput (again!!) and now the yard is "lopsided". Sometime in the next few days, I plan on getting out and doing the entire thing, so it won't be lopsided and it'll look much better. We still run the sprinkler in the afternoons, so it's getting enough water to keep it from turning brown, like so many others around here have done. I'm still hesitant about walking out there barefoot, because there are plants growing that are called "bullheads". They have a thorny seed pod that has two "horns" on it that can easily puncture the tire of a bicycle, so you can just well imagine what it can do to a bare foot! I think I have gotten most of them, but why take the chance? Especially as how they are some fast growing bastards!
Well, that's enough for today, back to doing whatever. Maybe do some dishes and look for some nails, I guess.
Just sitting around, playing on the computer and checking out some files I have had downloaded for quite a while. Even attempted to listen to an old radio show I found and downloaded. Oh, it's legal, I made damn sure of that, I can tell you. Then I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to post here. Exciting life, eh?
My wife and sister(step) are out and about, getting an ID (non-driver for my sister(step)) and other diverse and sundry things. They are supposed to go to my mother-in-laws house and get her so she can do some shopping, then bring her over here for a while. I have to admit, my MIL is most definitely not the "stereotypical" MIL. She's 82 years old and will not hesitate to speak her mind. She says that she has "paid her dues" and if someone doesn't like what she has to say, they can damn well just not listen to her.
I remember, when she was in Tacoma, Washington, for our wedding and her and my wife had gone to some store to get postcards. They were looking for some assistance and my MIL found someone and yelled across the store, "Glenda, I found a man!" Now, she's been divorced for umpteen years, so this was pretty funny and Glenda basically lost it. My MIL got this weird look on her face when she realized what she had said, and then, to top it off, she said, "Oh, I'm not gong to keep him. Gee, man!" She was only about 78 or so when this happened, but it was still funny as hell. Then again, when it comes to the people who may be reading this, it's probably just another "yawner". Especially considering what some other folks write in their blogs.
I was looking for some nails to hang another knife on my wall, but I haven't yet gone into the basement to look. My fault for shoving all the nails into a toolbox and putting it in the trunk of the car, I guess. Maybe after I get done here I will take a look. Oh, yes, I have several knives and swords on the wall, just above my computer. Actually, I only have two real swords and about ten knives. There is one "walking stick" knife/sword that I tend to count on its own. My most recent purchase was in Alamagordo, New Mexico, when I bought a decorated knife that is even decorated on the blade. That's the one I was looking for nails for. Since it's the "prettiest" one, it's going to be the one closest to the computer/desk. I have one large almost machete that has no sheath which has a tendency to jump off the wall. That's one that Glenda says she is going to make me a sheath for. With all the beads, leather and stuff she has to work with, I can just imagine how great it will be!
The temps here have been brutal the last few days, so I haven't been out to mow the yard like I should have. I finished one side about a week ago when the mower went kaput (again!!) and now the yard is "lopsided". Sometime in the next few days, I plan on getting out and doing the entire thing, so it won't be lopsided and it'll look much better. We still run the sprinkler in the afternoons, so it's getting enough water to keep it from turning brown, like so many others around here have done. I'm still hesitant about walking out there barefoot, because there are plants growing that are called "bullheads". They have a thorny seed pod that has two "horns" on it that can easily puncture the tire of a bicycle, so you can just well imagine what it can do to a bare foot! I think I have gotten most of them, but why take the chance? Especially as how they are some fast growing bastards!
Well, that's enough for today, back to doing whatever. Maybe do some dishes and look for some nails, I guess.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Just some stuff
Well, I've finally gotten a bit of good news. Seems that the Social Security Administration has decided to agree with the Veterans Administration on my status and has approved my disability status.
I started this "goat-rope" over two years ago and it had to actually go to a federal judge before they decided that they would go along with the VA. The VA decided, about three years ago, that I was "unemployable" due to my medical and mental condition. The mental may get better (at least, I hope it does!) but the medical will only get worse. When you have a disk that is disintegrating, it makes quite a lot of things difficult, if not downright impossible, to do. As I have said before, the drugs may make it tolerable, but they won't make the disk better or the pain/status go away. Just mask it, a bit, that's all.
It's weird, but this has made me both happy and sad. Happy in that they have finally determined that my condition is not all that great. Sad in that they have finally determined that my condition is not all that great. I don't enjoy this, by any stretch of the imagination. Truth is that I would much rather be working and supporting my family than getting "assistance". I have tried, honestly I have. But when medical and mental problems become so great that hard work and mental alertness take a back seat to pain and depression, holding a job is next to impossible. Oh, I try to do a bit of computer consulting, but I most definitely pick and choose what I do and what I don't. I don't want to make a commitment and not be able to carry it out. That is what really sucks, because I have ALWAYS taken "giving my word" as more binding than the most convoluted contract ever written.
Anyway, I'll take this the best that I can and toodle along as best I can. That's about all I can do, to be honest. And honesty is my "stock in trade".
I started this "goat-rope" over two years ago and it had to actually go to a federal judge before they decided that they would go along with the VA. The VA decided, about three years ago, that I was "unemployable" due to my medical and mental condition. The mental may get better (at least, I hope it does!) but the medical will only get worse. When you have a disk that is disintegrating, it makes quite a lot of things difficult, if not downright impossible, to do. As I have said before, the drugs may make it tolerable, but they won't make the disk better or the pain/status go away. Just mask it, a bit, that's all.
It's weird, but this has made me both happy and sad. Happy in that they have finally determined that my condition is not all that great. Sad in that they have finally determined that my condition is not all that great. I don't enjoy this, by any stretch of the imagination. Truth is that I would much rather be working and supporting my family than getting "assistance". I have tried, honestly I have. But when medical and mental problems become so great that hard work and mental alertness take a back seat to pain and depression, holding a job is next to impossible. Oh, I try to do a bit of computer consulting, but I most definitely pick and choose what I do and what I don't. I don't want to make a commitment and not be able to carry it out. That is what really sucks, because I have ALWAYS taken "giving my word" as more binding than the most convoluted contract ever written.
Anyway, I'll take this the best that I can and toodle along as best I can. That's about all I can do, to be honest. And honesty is my "stock in trade".
Thursday, July 07, 2005
More ramblings
Hoo boy, it's been a busy couple of days! First, I get word that one of my sisters-in-law has died and I take time to go to her funeral. The weird thing is that she died two days before my sons birthday and the funeral was the day after. Talk about a fun few days. Whew!
At least now things should start to settle down a bit. My wife and I have to reconsider our return to Tacoma, Washington, since not only will the kids be in school in September, but my (step)sister will be going to college classes, as well. So, it looks like the trip will have to be sometime in late August. The main goodie about that is that the trip will take place after the "summer moves" that tend to drive up the prices of rental trucks, thus a bit less cost in the rental of the moving truck. At least I hope so - I haven't checked the prices recently. Guess I should do that, huh? Well, I just did and it looks like it will be around $1000.00 for the truck. Of course, with gas prices the way they are, I'll probably spend that much for gas, too. Damn lying, thieving, lying, greedy, lying oil companies.
Anyway, I had to make another trip to Pueblo today, to take my nephew(step) to the wart doctor, again. Things are going good and it looks like only one more trip to finish up killing off his warts. Poor kid had them all over his heels and the doctor was really concerned about getting them all. But this doctor seems to know his stuff a bit better than the other he has been to, since the ones he has killed have not returned, as they did with the other doctors. I mean, c'mon, how hard can it be to learn how to use liquid nitrogen to "burn" off warts the "proper" way so that they won't return? Well, it took three doctors to find one who has read the manual/procedures on how to do it, I can attest to that.
Let's see, what else?
No problems with the trip to Alamagordo, New Mexico. We stopped at the Wal-mart before we left and picked up a cooler, some Pepsi, bottled Green Tea and ice, before we left the city. With the blazer we were driving, it was pretty cool to have the cooler in the back seat so that Glenda could just reach back and grab whatever we wanted out of the cooler. Oh, and we added some leftover pizza from my sons birthday party, too.
It's kind of funny, but Glenda and I have gotten to where we drive places and don't even turn on the radio in the car. Either just talking about whatever or just a companionable silence works for us. Oh, I still turn on the radio, on occasion, when I am driving by myself, but that's still not all that often. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that it's more to do with how much of the "current" music is not all that good to me, than anything else. I'm happy when I can find an "oldies" station and I usually set the first channel selector to that and/or just leave the radio set on that station. I don't know if Glenda does the same thing, I haven't asked her. Maybe I should, just for snits and griggles.
That's enough for now. Maybe more later.
At least now things should start to settle down a bit. My wife and I have to reconsider our return to Tacoma, Washington, since not only will the kids be in school in September, but my (step)sister will be going to college classes, as well. So, it looks like the trip will have to be sometime in late August. The main goodie about that is that the trip will take place after the "summer moves" that tend to drive up the prices of rental trucks, thus a bit less cost in the rental of the moving truck. At least I hope so - I haven't checked the prices recently. Guess I should do that, huh? Well, I just did and it looks like it will be around $1000.00 for the truck. Of course, with gas prices the way they are, I'll probably spend that much for gas, too. Damn lying, thieving, lying, greedy, lying oil companies.
Anyway, I had to make another trip to Pueblo today, to take my nephew(step) to the wart doctor, again. Things are going good and it looks like only one more trip to finish up killing off his warts. Poor kid had them all over his heels and the doctor was really concerned about getting them all. But this doctor seems to know his stuff a bit better than the other he has been to, since the ones he has killed have not returned, as they did with the other doctors. I mean, c'mon, how hard can it be to learn how to use liquid nitrogen to "burn" off warts the "proper" way so that they won't return? Well, it took three doctors to find one who has read the manual/procedures on how to do it, I can attest to that.
Let's see, what else?
No problems with the trip to Alamagordo, New Mexico. We stopped at the Wal-mart before we left and picked up a cooler, some Pepsi, bottled Green Tea and ice, before we left the city. With the blazer we were driving, it was pretty cool to have the cooler in the back seat so that Glenda could just reach back and grab whatever we wanted out of the cooler. Oh, and we added some leftover pizza from my sons birthday party, too.
It's kind of funny, but Glenda and I have gotten to where we drive places and don't even turn on the radio in the car. Either just talking about whatever or just a companionable silence works for us. Oh, I still turn on the radio, on occasion, when I am driving by myself, but that's still not all that often. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that it's more to do with how much of the "current" music is not all that good to me, than anything else. I'm happy when I can find an "oldies" station and I usually set the first channel selector to that and/or just leave the radio set on that station. I don't know if Glenda does the same thing, I haven't asked her. Maybe I should, just for snits and griggles.
That's enough for now. Maybe more later.
Monday, June 27, 2005
I REFUSE to use that cliche!!
(Oh, you know which one - "I'm baaaaaack", sheesh!)
Ah, well - let's see...
I am boring. Period.
Since I last updated the most I have accomplished is finishing up the enclosure for my mother-in-law to keep her geese in. First time I have ever put up a fence. And, if I have anything to day about it, the last time, too. All in all it's a pretty decent job for someone who has never done it before. I think I surprised my wife when I said that we needed 15 metal posts to attach the fence to. I just mentally figured it out and we got 15 and, by golly, we needed 15 to put up that fence. Damn, I don't mean to make it sound like I was the only one doing it - it was most definitely a "family affair". We all pitched in and did whatever we could to get that thing up and finished. As a matter of fact, it was my wife and sister(step) who got the hardware and physically put up the gate. I did my part, as much as I could, anyway, and I am now paying for it physically.
Oh, the TV went on the fritz and I have to wait until this Friday to get a new one. I can't complain, this one has been through two long distance moves, several in-town moves, storage, and much lifting and grunting (the bastid is heavy!). So, I feel that it has more than paid for itself. I look forward to getting a better one that doesn't quite weigh as much, too. Hmmmm... Do you have any idea what it's like not having a TV? It's not so much as that I miss lots of TV shows, since I only have three that I watch every week. (Okay, they are Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis, happy?) But not having a TV for the kids is what sucks, and sucks big time. What can you do with a kid whose main joy in life is walking around saying, "I'm boooooooored"? No matter what some people say, talking can only go so far, then it's a chore for both parties, especially when one is 47 years old and the other is 12 years old. It's even more sad when the male parent is not able to do "physical" things with them!
So, Friday is the big day - I get to watch my shows and the kids get to whine about which movie to watch. Oh, did I mention that I have over 2000 movies? Yep, mostly VHS, but getting more and more DVD's as time passes. At least the search for a movie to watch can occupy quite a bit of time, for the kids, anyway. There are so many that I haven't even watched that I keep thinking about putting one of the DVD's in the computer and watching it there. But since the kids computer is directly behind me, it would be like putting a bowl of kibbles on the floor and telling the dog not to eat it. Don't ask me why I used that analogy, I don't even have a dog, for cryin' out loud.
I spent most of today on the computer, trying to recuperate from putting up that fence. Me and methadone are fast becoming the best of the best of buddies, I can tell you. If you have never taken methadone, I can also tell you this - it's not so much as it takes the pain away, it's more like you can sit back and giggle at it, as it ravages your body. You don't really seem to care that you hurt, but you still have that "twitch" in the back of the mind that tells you once the methadone stops working you will most assuredly know about it.
Well, it's getting time to chase the children to bed and making my own way to bed, as well. One is going to spend the night with a buddy, so that's one that won't be up until all hours, whining that he can't sleep, while reading/playing/whatever, instead of laying down and closing his eyes.
That's all for now.
Ah, well - let's see...
I am boring. Period.
Since I last updated the most I have accomplished is finishing up the enclosure for my mother-in-law to keep her geese in. First time I have ever put up a fence. And, if I have anything to day about it, the last time, too. All in all it's a pretty decent job for someone who has never done it before. I think I surprised my wife when I said that we needed 15 metal posts to attach the fence to. I just mentally figured it out and we got 15 and, by golly, we needed 15 to put up that fence. Damn, I don't mean to make it sound like I was the only one doing it - it was most definitely a "family affair". We all pitched in and did whatever we could to get that thing up and finished. As a matter of fact, it was my wife and sister(step) who got the hardware and physically put up the gate. I did my part, as much as I could, anyway, and I am now paying for it physically.
Oh, the TV went on the fritz and I have to wait until this Friday to get a new one. I can't complain, this one has been through two long distance moves, several in-town moves, storage, and much lifting and grunting (the bastid is heavy!). So, I feel that it has more than paid for itself. I look forward to getting a better one that doesn't quite weigh as much, too. Hmmmm... Do you have any idea what it's like not having a TV? It's not so much as that I miss lots of TV shows, since I only have three that I watch every week. (Okay, they are Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis, happy?) But not having a TV for the kids is what sucks, and sucks big time. What can you do with a kid whose main joy in life is walking around saying, "I'm boooooooored"? No matter what some people say, talking can only go so far, then it's a chore for both parties, especially when one is 47 years old and the other is 12 years old. It's even more sad when the male parent is not able to do "physical" things with them!
So, Friday is the big day - I get to watch my shows and the kids get to whine about which movie to watch. Oh, did I mention that I have over 2000 movies? Yep, mostly VHS, but getting more and more DVD's as time passes. At least the search for a movie to watch can occupy quite a bit of time, for the kids, anyway. There are so many that I haven't even watched that I keep thinking about putting one of the DVD's in the computer and watching it there. But since the kids computer is directly behind me, it would be like putting a bowl of kibbles on the floor and telling the dog not to eat it. Don't ask me why I used that analogy, I don't even have a dog, for cryin' out loud.
I spent most of today on the computer, trying to recuperate from putting up that fence. Me and methadone are fast becoming the best of the best of buddies, I can tell you. If you have never taken methadone, I can also tell you this - it's not so much as it takes the pain away, it's more like you can sit back and giggle at it, as it ravages your body. You don't really seem to care that you hurt, but you still have that "twitch" in the back of the mind that tells you once the methadone stops working you will most assuredly know about it.
Well, it's getting time to chase the children to bed and making my own way to bed, as well. One is going to spend the night with a buddy, so that's one that won't be up until all hours, whining that he can't sleep, while reading/playing/whatever, instead of laying down and closing his eyes.
That's all for now.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
My pirate name is:
Dread Pirate Kidd

Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Catching up
Damn, it's been a while since I posted anything here. Well, hell, I have said that I have a boring life, so I guess that excuse will work as well as any other.
Hmmm... let's see, what has happened since the last time I posted?
Well, I took my (step)nephew and his mom, my (step)sister, to the wart doctor yesterday. It's a good thing that I am a good listener, since that is mainly what I did all the hour and a half there and hour and a half back. Even when we stopped at Lowes to check the prices on fences, she just could not stop yammering. I say that in a nice way, but you know how it goes. I really felt sorry for the two guys back of the counter at Lowes. Not that she hit on them or anything, just that she can't help just making funny (???) comments about things and how they are going. Ah, well, at least that's over for another month.
I'm still in the process of changing my meds (for depression) and I have a feeling that it's going both ways. Yep, one minute I feel fine and the next I am almost in tears. Maybe I've gone from depression to Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, or whatever the hell they are calling it, now. I hope not, I have enough problem with my back, without starting something new, right now.
I've been at home all day, except for one trip to Walmart to get a replacement kiddie pool. I tried to pump up the one yesterday and found that it had a nice hole in the bottom so that the air just kept on going, instead of inflating the silly thing. I took my son with me and he was slightly bummed because the new issue of Mad Magazine isn't out yet. So, to make up for that, he decided that some strawberry flavored Altoids would do. Since he has been at his buddys(ies?? Screw it.) house all day I don't know how they are fairing. The one he got for my (step)nephew is mostly gone, since he has been playing at the computer all day and munching on them.
Oh, I think I am fairly disgusted with the Army, now, too. My (step)nephew got a copy of that Army computer game from his school and I thought I would be cool and put it on the kids computer for him. Sucks. The damned thing needs so much resources that I am scared to put it on this computer. It's a video hog, a RAM hog, and just too damned much for me to fool around with. So, until I can scrounge up a "new" computer for the kids to play with (yah, right, like that is gonna happen) they will just have to deal with the games that I can put on it.
Other than that, I guess I've said all that I want to, today. Going to go and read some other blogs and get my mind out of the dirt, for a change.
Hmmm... let's see, what has happened since the last time I posted?
Well, I took my (step)nephew and his mom, my (step)sister, to the wart doctor yesterday. It's a good thing that I am a good listener, since that is mainly what I did all the hour and a half there and hour and a half back. Even when we stopped at Lowes to check the prices on fences, she just could not stop yammering. I say that in a nice way, but you know how it goes. I really felt sorry for the two guys back of the counter at Lowes. Not that she hit on them or anything, just that she can't help just making funny (???) comments about things and how they are going. Ah, well, at least that's over for another month.
I'm still in the process of changing my meds (for depression) and I have a feeling that it's going both ways. Yep, one minute I feel fine and the next I am almost in tears. Maybe I've gone from depression to Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, or whatever the hell they are calling it, now. I hope not, I have enough problem with my back, without starting something new, right now.
I've been at home all day, except for one trip to Walmart to get a replacement kiddie pool. I tried to pump up the one yesterday and found that it had a nice hole in the bottom so that the air just kept on going, instead of inflating the silly thing. I took my son with me and he was slightly bummed because the new issue of Mad Magazine isn't out yet. So, to make up for that, he decided that some strawberry flavored Altoids would do. Since he has been at his buddys(ies?? Screw it.) house all day I don't know how they are fairing. The one he got for my (step)nephew is mostly gone, since he has been playing at the computer all day and munching on them.
Oh, I think I am fairly disgusted with the Army, now, too. My (step)nephew got a copy of that Army computer game from his school and I thought I would be cool and put it on the kids computer for him. Sucks. The damned thing needs so much resources that I am scared to put it on this computer. It's a video hog, a RAM hog, and just too damned much for me to fool around with. So, until I can scrounge up a "new" computer for the kids to play with (yah, right, like that is gonna happen) they will just have to deal with the games that I can put on it.
Other than that, I guess I've said all that I want to, today. Going to go and read some other blogs and get my mind out of the dirt, for a change.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Oh, foggy Sunday
Sundays kinda suck, for me. I still recall my school days where every Sunday was not all that great because Monday and another start to the school week was just a little ways off. Always has been that way, as long as I can recall. I am not a "religious" person, except in ways that usually piss off those who are "religious". I have my own ideas about what is "truth" and I am always willing to listen to others spout off their ideas, as long as they are willing to listen to mine. It usually works out that I have to listen to them, but they immediately tune me out because what I say conflicts so much with their dogma and has so much more honesty in it that they cannot bear to hear it. I still don't like Sundays very much.
My wife is at my mother-in-laws house messing wife the geese and I had to call her so she could pick up some things on her way home. I should have gone with her, but I just couldn't bring myself to make myself leave the house today. I've just settled into my "corner" and vegged out. This is the most ambitious I have been all day. Actually, I am going by what my shrink has told me and I am in the process of cutting back on certain of my meds. I hope it works out okay, and that I don't get the urge to eat a bullet, like I was at one point not too long ago. If the shrink is right, I'll be able to cut back and it won't hurt me. I am trying my best, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Take it one day at a time and keep my chin up, as hokey as that sounds.
Well, that's about it, for today. Guess I'll read some more blogs and finish up my CD burning that I started.
Yesterday was the last day of the end of your old life.
My wife is at my mother-in-laws house messing wife the geese and I had to call her so she could pick up some things on her way home. I should have gone with her, but I just couldn't bring myself to make myself leave the house today. I've just settled into my "corner" and vegged out. This is the most ambitious I have been all day. Actually, I am going by what my shrink has told me and I am in the process of cutting back on certain of my meds. I hope it works out okay, and that I don't get the urge to eat a bullet, like I was at one point not too long ago. If the shrink is right, I'll be able to cut back and it won't hurt me. I am trying my best, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Take it one day at a time and keep my chin up, as hokey as that sounds.
Well, that's about it, for today. Guess I'll read some more blogs and finish up my CD burning that I started.
Yesterday was the last day of the end of your old life.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Such a day, I've got
Just abso-fucking-lutely wonderful. Now I find out that I have a hiatal hernia. Shit. If you don't know what that is, it's where the opening in your diaphragm where your esophagus goes through is bigger than it should be. Thus, you have your stomach actually pushing up into your chest, just under your lungs. Dammit. Yeah, when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade, right? What the hell do you make with stomach acid? Huh? What, something like battery acid? Maybe just turn it into puke, hah? Hell.
My ISP has been down most of the day, and just recently came back up. That was not too much of a problem as my wife and sister went over to my mother-in-laws house, the kids went to school and I spent about half the day out mowing the yard. Yah, it's that big of a yard.
When I finished, and after a shower, I sat and listened to some Pink Floyd and Wings. Hey, I know what is music and that shit that is called rap is in no way to be considered as music. Music is something you sing to, not talk to. Geeze. Still, if that is what floats your boat, go for it, I'll not try to talk you out of it - I have that much respect for people, anyway. Just don't bitch at me for my opinion as to what is music and what is not. On the other hand, go ahead and bitch about my opinion, it's funny when people do.
The last day of school really sucks. Three months of "I'm bored, there's nothing to do. Can we go to wherever? Can we, huh, can we, huh, huh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!! I HAVE to go, there's NOTHING TO DO HERE!!!! WHINE!!!!!!!!!" Such fun. Something to really look forward to, that's for sure. And I'm the reincarnation of Barney Fife, too. You betcha.
Damn ISP.
Damn back.
Damn stomach.
Damn it.
English is such a stupid language.
Have fun.
My ISP has been down most of the day, and just recently came back up. That was not too much of a problem as my wife and sister went over to my mother-in-laws house, the kids went to school and I spent about half the day out mowing the yard. Yah, it's that big of a yard.
When I finished, and after a shower, I sat and listened to some Pink Floyd and Wings. Hey, I know what is music and that shit that is called rap is in no way to be considered as music. Music is something you sing to, not talk to. Geeze. Still, if that is what floats your boat, go for it, I'll not try to talk you out of it - I have that much respect for people, anyway. Just don't bitch at me for my opinion as to what is music and what is not. On the other hand, go ahead and bitch about my opinion, it's funny when people do.
The last day of school really sucks. Three months of "I'm bored, there's nothing to do. Can we go to wherever? Can we, huh, can we, huh, huh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!! I HAVE to go, there's NOTHING TO DO HERE!!!! WHINE!!!!!!!!!" Such fun. Something to really look forward to, that's for sure. And I'm the reincarnation of Barney Fife, too. You betcha.
Damn ISP.
Damn back.
Damn stomach.
Damn it.
English is such a stupid language.
Have fun.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Doing the grass thing
Okay, I gave it my best shot, but the mower just wasn't in it for me, today.
Of course, it didn't help that I woke up at 1:00 PM today, thanks to medication that is supposed to make me feel "happier". Guess that's the "trade off" of them. My peeve is that they don't seem to be working all that great. Then again, it's probably just my body, doing the "toleration" thing, as usual. Eh? Oh, by "toleration" I mean that I seem to build up a tolerance to any meds I take. I've probably written about this before, so that's all I'll say about it, unless someone tells me different, then I'll discuss it.
So, along about 3:00 PM, I decided that the half of the front yard that wasn't cut three days ago needed to be cut, so I headed out to do so. After less than half of the area was cut, the mower decided that it didn't like me anymore. It was showing it's dislike by running slower and slower and, when I refilled it with gas, it just wouldn't start again. At some point, after the no-start strike by the mower, I decided to hit the old dog-runs with the "weed-eater". Actually it's made by "Black and Decker", but it's the best one I have ever owned.
So, I get done with the dog runs and the manager of the place comes over and tries to help me get the mower started. He pulled out the spark plug and scraped it a bit and it started up. He left and as I was attempting to finish the job, it quit again. He was just leaving and, seeing me sitting on the ground, in almost terminal disgust, he said that he'd get a new spark plug for it and bring it by tomorrow. That I can live with, since I was hurting so bad it was an extreme effort just to not scream each time I moved.
Now, I am on the net, and will be for a while. Maybe, once my meds kick in, I'll go up to the bedroom and try to work on my stories. Till then, I'll just surf the web and see which is what and where.
Of course, it didn't help that I woke up at 1:00 PM today, thanks to medication that is supposed to make me feel "happier". Guess that's the "trade off" of them. My peeve is that they don't seem to be working all that great. Then again, it's probably just my body, doing the "toleration" thing, as usual. Eh? Oh, by "toleration" I mean that I seem to build up a tolerance to any meds I take. I've probably written about this before, so that's all I'll say about it, unless someone tells me different, then I'll discuss it.
So, along about 3:00 PM, I decided that the half of the front yard that wasn't cut three days ago needed to be cut, so I headed out to do so. After less than half of the area was cut, the mower decided that it didn't like me anymore. It was showing it's dislike by running slower and slower and, when I refilled it with gas, it just wouldn't start again. At some point, after the no-start strike by the mower, I decided to hit the old dog-runs with the "weed-eater". Actually it's made by "Black and Decker", but it's the best one I have ever owned.
So, I get done with the dog runs and the manager of the place comes over and tries to help me get the mower started. He pulled out the spark plug and scraped it a bit and it started up. He left and as I was attempting to finish the job, it quit again. He was just leaving and, seeing me sitting on the ground, in almost terminal disgust, he said that he'd get a new spark plug for it and bring it by tomorrow. That I can live with, since I was hurting so bad it was an extreme effort just to not scream each time I moved.
Now, I am on the net, and will be for a while. Maybe, once my meds kick in, I'll go up to the bedroom and try to work on my stories. Till then, I'll just surf the web and see which is what and where.
Friday, May 13, 2005
A little catching up?
Geeze, I didn't realize that it's been so long since I posted here. Heh. Life has a habit of kicking me in the ass so much that I think my butthole is in the region of my shoulderblades, at times.
Well, let's see.
Since I have last posted I have had an upper GI done. Those are definitely not fun, since I could not eat, drink or smoke prior to the exam. The hospital is a three and a half hour drive from where I live and the only thing that saved me was that my wife and I drove down the day before and spent the night in a motel. We went out to Red Lobster and pigged out on one of their specials so I didn't have to worry too much about being hungry in the morning, before the exam. Sadly, no "fun" was to be had in the motel room, since I was hurting too much to be able to give her the attention I like to give her. The worst part was that there was some Native American shindig going on in Albuquerque and the only room we could find was a suite for $100.00 a night. Let me tell you, if I get a suite, you can damn well be sure that I will milk that mother to the best of my ability. Well, next time, anyway. Heh.
One of the other things I have been up to is working on the "goose house" for my mother-in-law (mainly painting). It's still funny that we have spent hours upon hours fixing up an outhouse that is about 100 years old into a "cute" place for the geese to hang out in. We started with four geese and are now down to two. Two died, though we have no idea why. So, what do we do? My MIL decides to buy two more. Now she will have two running loose outside while she babies the other two in the house until they are old enough to join the other two outside. Well, at least it gives her something to do and that's always a good thing for someone who is 82 years old and lives alone. Actually, we only let the two outside yesterday, for the first time. It was funny as hell, watching those two get their "outside feet" and flopping around and following my MIL as if she was "momma". It was even funnier when she went inside for a moment and those two geese stood right at the screen door and practically cried for her to come back out.
Not much other than that, I have to admit. Gads, I am truly a boring person. I seem to just sit at my computer and veg out most of the time. I did try to get my laptop running in the bedroom, but the damned thing doesn't want to recognize the CD drive, so I will have to get that up and running if I expect to work on any of my stories in the bedroom. Oh, it's okay, I will be doing that while my wife reads. When it's time to bump uglies, we have a habit of just clearing off the bed and going for it, everything else can damn well wait for an hour or so.
Anyway, that's about it. Nothing special. Told you I was boring, what can I say?
Well, let's see.
Since I have last posted I have had an upper GI done. Those are definitely not fun, since I could not eat, drink or smoke prior to the exam. The hospital is a three and a half hour drive from where I live and the only thing that saved me was that my wife and I drove down the day before and spent the night in a motel. We went out to Red Lobster and pigged out on one of their specials so I didn't have to worry too much about being hungry in the morning, before the exam. Sadly, no "fun" was to be had in the motel room, since I was hurting too much to be able to give her the attention I like to give her. The worst part was that there was some Native American shindig going on in Albuquerque and the only room we could find was a suite for $100.00 a night. Let me tell you, if I get a suite, you can damn well be sure that I will milk that mother to the best of my ability. Well, next time, anyway. Heh.
One of the other things I have been up to is working on the "goose house" for my mother-in-law (mainly painting). It's still funny that we have spent hours upon hours fixing up an outhouse that is about 100 years old into a "cute" place for the geese to hang out in. We started with four geese and are now down to two. Two died, though we have no idea why. So, what do we do? My MIL decides to buy two more. Now she will have two running loose outside while she babies the other two in the house until they are old enough to join the other two outside. Well, at least it gives her something to do and that's always a good thing for someone who is 82 years old and lives alone. Actually, we only let the two outside yesterday, for the first time. It was funny as hell, watching those two get their "outside feet" and flopping around and following my MIL as if she was "momma". It was even funnier when she went inside for a moment and those two geese stood right at the screen door and practically cried for her to come back out.
Not much other than that, I have to admit. Gads, I am truly a boring person. I seem to just sit at my computer and veg out most of the time. I did try to get my laptop running in the bedroom, but the damned thing doesn't want to recognize the CD drive, so I will have to get that up and running if I expect to work on any of my stories in the bedroom. Oh, it's okay, I will be doing that while my wife reads. When it's time to bump uglies, we have a habit of just clearing off the bed and going for it, everything else can damn well wait for an hour or so.
Anyway, that's about it. Nothing special. Told you I was boring, what can I say?
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Actually, this is from yesterday...
Gads, what a blah day. When I woke up this morning, the second thing out of my wife's mouth was that she wanted to go to my mother-in-laws house and put up a fence around the front garden to keep the rabbits from eating all the tulip bulbs out of the ground. I politely declined to go along, not only because I had just woken up and had not woken up completely, but because I just didn't feel like going. I have a sneaking suspicion that she had an ulterior motive, but I will not bring that up, as it causes a bit too much emotional problems. (She does read this, on occasion, and I don't want to put in anything that she would not "appreciate". I guess.)
Besides, I just feel to blah to get involved in much of anything. Even this is such a chore that I am amazed that I am getting this much down.
Anyway, here's a blurb I found - unfortunately I haven't a clue as to who said it, so if you know, let me know so I can attribute it properly. Deal?
"English doesn't borrow from other languages; English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."
Later is later and maybe I am, too.
Besides, I just feel to blah to get involved in much of anything. Even this is such a chore that I am amazed that I am getting this much down.
Anyway, here's a blurb I found - unfortunately I haven't a clue as to who said it, so if you know, let me know so I can attribute it properly. Deal?
"English doesn't borrow from other languages; English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."
Later is later and maybe I am, too.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Another post, why not?
Shit. I think that my meds are beginning to either work against one another or that I am finally becoming "used to" them. That's the way I seem to operate when it comes to medication - I either have complications from then fighting one another or my body gets so used to it that it just doesn't work as well as it did when I started it. One case I can recall is the drug Flexerill(sp?) which is a muscle relaxant. I started on that and I was loopy like you wouldn't believe. However, after about 6 months, I could pop those suckers like candy and the effect was not even as great as if they were candy. So now I don't take them anymore. Story of my life in regards to medications.
Anyway, I figured I'd take a few minutes and post here. I'm going to read a few blogs and then tear into my "play" computer and see if I can verify why it shows a 32k bad sector on the hard disk. Well, that and why the windows explorer tends to screw up, too. Crap, that means that I will have to run Norton from the CD. Oh, well, that's okay, too, I don't want to load Norton up anyway, just run the diagnostics.
And how is/was/will be your day?
Anyway, I figured I'd take a few minutes and post here. I'm going to read a few blogs and then tear into my "play" computer and see if I can verify why it shows a 32k bad sector on the hard disk. Well, that and why the windows explorer tends to screw up, too. Crap, that means that I will have to run Norton from the CD. Oh, well, that's okay, too, I don't want to load Norton up anyway, just run the diagnostics.
And how is/was/will be your day?
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