Just sitting around, playing on the computer and checking out some files I have had downloaded for quite a while. Even attempted to listen to an old radio show I found and downloaded. Oh, it's legal, I made damn sure of that, I can tell you. Then I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to post here. Exciting life, eh?
My wife and sister(step) are out and about, getting an ID (non-driver for my sister(step)) and other diverse and sundry things. They are supposed to go to my mother-in-laws house and get her so she can do some shopping, then bring her over here for a while. I have to admit, my MIL is most definitely not the "stereotypical" MIL. She's 82 years old and will not hesitate to speak her mind. She says that she has "paid her dues" and if someone doesn't like what she has to say, they can damn well just not listen to her.
I remember, when she was in Tacoma, Washington, for our wedding and her and my wife had gone to some store to get postcards. They were looking for some assistance and my MIL found someone and yelled across the store, "Glenda, I found a man!" Now, she's been divorced for umpteen years, so this was pretty funny and Glenda basically lost it. My MIL got this weird look on her face when she realized what she had said, and then, to top it off, she said, "Oh, I'm not gong to keep him. Gee, man!" She was only about 78 or so when this happened, but it was still funny as hell. Then again, when it comes to the people who may be reading this, it's probably just another "yawner". Especially considering what some other folks write in their blogs.
I was looking for some nails to hang another knife on my wall, but I haven't yet gone into the basement to look. My fault for shoving all the nails into a toolbox and putting it in the trunk of the car, I guess. Maybe after I get done here I will take a look. Oh, yes, I have several knives and swords on the wall, just above my computer. Actually, I only have two real swords and about ten knives. There is one "walking stick" knife/sword that I tend to count on its own. My most recent purchase was in Alamagordo, New Mexico, when I bought a decorated knife that is even decorated on the blade. That's the one I was looking for nails for. Since it's the "prettiest" one, it's going to be the one closest to the computer/desk. I have one large almost machete that has no sheath which has a tendency to jump off the wall. That's one that Glenda says she is going to make me a sheath for. With all the beads, leather and stuff she has to work with, I can just imagine how great it will be!
The temps here have been brutal the last few days, so I haven't been out to mow the yard like I should have. I finished one side about a week ago when the mower went kaput (again!!) and now the yard is "lopsided". Sometime in the next few days, I plan on getting out and doing the entire thing, so it won't be lopsided and it'll look much better. We still run the sprinkler in the afternoons, so it's getting enough water to keep it from turning brown, like so many others around here have done. I'm still hesitant about walking out there barefoot, because there are plants growing that are called "bullheads". They have a thorny seed pod that has two "horns" on it that can easily puncture the tire of a bicycle, so you can just well imagine what it can do to a bare foot! I think I have gotten most of them, but why take the chance? Especially as how they are some fast growing bastards!
Well, that's enough for today, back to doing whatever. Maybe do some dishes and look for some nails, I guess.
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