Hoo boy, it's been a busy couple of days! First, I get word that one of my sisters-in-law has died and I take time to go to her funeral. The weird thing is that she died two days before my sons birthday and the funeral was the day after. Talk about a fun few days. Whew!
At least now things should start to settle down a bit. My wife and I have to reconsider our return to Tacoma, Washington, since not only will the kids be in school in September, but my (step)sister will be going to college classes, as well. So, it looks like the trip will have to be sometime in late August. The main goodie about that is that the trip will take place after the "summer moves" that tend to drive up the prices of rental trucks, thus a bit less cost in the rental of the moving truck. At least I hope so - I haven't checked the prices recently. Guess I should do that, huh? Well, I just did and it looks like it will be around $1000.00 for the truck. Of course, with gas prices the way they are, I'll probably spend that much for gas, too. Damn lying, thieving, lying, greedy, lying oil companies.
Anyway, I had to make another trip to Pueblo today, to take my nephew(step) to the wart doctor, again. Things are going good and it looks like only one more trip to finish up killing off his warts. Poor kid had them all over his heels and the doctor was really concerned about getting them all. But this doctor seems to know his stuff a bit better than the other he has been to, since the ones he has killed have not returned, as they did with the other doctors. I mean, c'mon, how hard can it be to learn how to use liquid nitrogen to "burn" off warts the "proper" way so that they won't return? Well, it took three doctors to find one who has read the manual/procedures on how to do it, I can attest to that.
Let's see, what else?
No problems with the trip to Alamagordo, New Mexico. We stopped at the Wal-mart before we left and picked up a cooler, some Pepsi, bottled Green Tea and ice, before we left the city. With the blazer we were driving, it was pretty cool to have the cooler in the back seat so that Glenda could just reach back and grab whatever we wanted out of the cooler. Oh, and we added some leftover pizza from my sons birthday party, too.
It's kind of funny, but Glenda and I have gotten to where we drive places and don't even turn on the radio in the car. Either just talking about whatever or just a companionable silence works for us. Oh, I still turn on the radio, on occasion, when I am driving by myself, but that's still not all that often. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that it's more to do with how much of the "current" music is not all that good to me, than anything else. I'm happy when I can find an "oldies" station and I usually set the first channel selector to that and/or just leave the radio set on that station. I don't know if Glenda does the same thing, I haven't asked her. Maybe I should, just for snits and griggles.
That's enough for now. Maybe more later.
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