Well, I finally made it to the library and posted to my blog. Hopefully I'll have internet access soon and be able to post this without the hassle of going to the library.
No much has happened over the last couple of days. Just he usual of getting the kids to school and trying to maintain throughout the day. Right now the dog is going into my son's room and bringing out papers. Of course, he also tries to get her (the dog) chasing toys and other stuff. All I can say is "He's a trip". Heh.
Okay, enough for today, I am going to play on the computer and, maybe, watch "Galaxy of terror" on the computer. Hey, it's a good movie and I like a lot of those "B" movies. They are usually so cheesy that they are entertaining. What can I say?
Oh, alright, I'll just say "Bye", then.
3 October, 2005
Okay, I have to admit that I feel pretty shitty this evening, but I am taking the time to do a bit of writing to put into my blog. The problem with depression is that you get sad and depressed, but you can't put a finger on just what it is that is causing you to feel that way. I didn't do much today, but I managed to get my computer area cleaned up a bit. Oh, and I hung a holder on the wall for my wife's necklaces. Other than that, I just haven't been worth a shit, today.
Right now, my wife, sister(step) and mother-in-law are in the living room, watching tv and chatting. I'm here at the computer, typing this up before I decide to fool around on the computer. My son is in his room, doing homework and my nephew(step) is down in the basement watching tv and singing along to something. My son just came to me with one of my wife's CD's and asked me to make a copy, so I guess that is what I will do. Enough typing for one day, anyway.
14 October, 2005
Alright, I know that it's been a while since I even updated this thing, but I didn't realize that it's been *that* long. Sheesh. What's really sad, though, is that there has been absolutely nothing happening worth blogging about. I get up, have coffee with my wife and mother-in-law and watch tv until I have to go to the local college and pick up my sister(step). Then, it's off to more tv after supper and then reading till bedtime. Damn, it really is sad, isn't it?
Things will change, soon, I hope. I should have internet access before next weekend and then I can get back into my surfing and blogging habits. Probably not as much as I used to, but some is better than none, I can tell you that! The main problem is that the dude who is going to install the satellite internet waits for almost a week to tell me that the system I had chosen won't be available until December. So, I tell him to go with the other system and I haven't heard a peep from him for three days! Oh, well, Monday starts another week and I will call him then and start bitching. For what good it'll do, anyway. Like that commercial - customer service sucks in this day and age and the consumer is the big loser.
Okay, I've whined enough, on to playing around with the computer.
Oh! I almost forgot. I think my motherboard fried, so I had to change out my hard drives and video card into my "play" computer and I guess that'll have to do until I can scrape up enough money to get a new system. And I *DO* plan on getting a brand new system before too long, too!
I quit, for the evening.
15 October, 2005
Yep, just sittin' around and trying not to do anything. Story of my life. Yep, I am lazy. Period. I don't want to do anything and I sometimes succeed. Sometimes. My wife won't let me get too lazy, as she most certainly has no qualms about making sure that I have a "honey-do" list most assuredly available at all times. It still pisses me off that I can't do a lot of them, though. I can make decent attempts, but my back quite often decides that I can only make the attempt, but not get through to a finished product or whatever.
It's cloudy outside and the temp is dropping. For some reason I get the feeling that it will snow tonight. My wife cleaned off the vents to the main heater, so I may light up the pilot light tonight and see how it works. Well, actually I will light it up and run it for a while, just to make sure that it is in operable condition without having to worry about it stinking up the house or even catching on fire.
Alright, I'm stopping this now - I am babbling way too much and my meds are definitely kicking in. That's all for now.
Oh, the hell with it, I want to type and babble. Not that I have a whole lot to babble about, just that I like to babble. One of my problems is that I am not the world's greatest typist (though I am better than most) but I have a nasty habit of watching my fingers and then looking back at what I wrote and correcting it. Wait. That's not really a problem, is it? At least no one will know just how good or bad of a typist I am. (I am pretty damn good with a mouse, too. Heh.)
I just ate a bunch of chocolate "twizzlers" (kind of like licorice whips, to those who are not sure of what I am speaking about) and my stomach is gently reminding me that it is the boss, not me. Boss of pain, anyway. It doesn't help that I have several gall stones to help it out, along with my hiatle
I have a piece of paper sitting on the desk, next to mine, that is about a writing contest. I think they are looking for unpublished writers and I am wavering about entering it. I have some decent stories, but they need polishing, and I am not all that certain about entering. I guess I need to get on the stick and start my writing up again. And do it seriously, this time.
Well, now is the time to stop. I want to check on my wife and see what's going to happen tomorrow. Later.
16 October, 2005
It is now late Sunday afternoon and I am feeling sort of out of it. My son washed the car, today, so I had to go out and do a bit of interior cleaning. Wasn't too bad, but it needs to be vacuumed, badly. I won't vacuum it with the house vacuum, so I guess that when I take it in for front tires tomorrow, I'll run by one of the car wash places and vacuum it out. It really does need that done.
My sister(step) is in the kitchen, doing whatever it is that she does when she cooks. For someone who is legally blind, she gets around pretty good. Of course, it helps that we tell and show her where everything is in the kitchen. She enjoys cooking, so we deal with it. She's actually a pretty good cook. She makes beans (pinto) to die for and she makes a killer meatloaf. Her biscuits and gravy is damn good, too.
My wife is laying down, as her sciatia is acting up a bit. If you are wondering, that's a nerve that runs through your hip and down your legs. Lots of pregnant women suffer from it, as the baby can move and wind up laying on it and causing quite a bit of pain. I have a bit of it, too, so I know how she feels, to a certain extent, anyway.
Tomorrow is when I call the internet guy and see what is up with that. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll do it on Tuesday. I really don't think that he will do it tomorrow, to be honest. Still, that would be nice, though I know it won't happen. Heh.
I have an apple that is sitting on the desk next to mine and I think I will eat it tonight. My wife picked it yesterday, from a neighbors tree. It's not all that big, but it has a great flavor. I know that because we have "stolen" apples from the same tree, before. I don't really consider it "bad" stealing, since they are not picking them and they are falling on the ground and rotting there. In a way I look at it as helping them out a bit by keeping some from rotting in their yard. So, sue me, okay? Besides, in this little town, everyone knows my mother-in-law and, by default, they all know her daughter - my wife. So, it's basically a forgone conclusion that they won't do anything except probably tell us to take as many as we want. Everybody knows everybody here and no one is "mean" to anyone else. They may bitch and moan, but that's just human nature.
Well, that's enough for now. I am going to finish up something and then go and get up my wife.
19 October, 2005
Well, hell. Just got a call from my internet guy and he's had a death in the family, so it's going to be a little longer before I get my internet set up. I guess I can wait a couple more days. I could always call one of the other folks, but I like the way this guy operates so I will wait. Other than that, nothing much is happening. Went out yesterday and managed to get the hedges trimmed. I like the trimmer because it is lightweight and it cuts really well. And, because of the way the hedges are I was able to do it without any bending of my back. My arms got tired, but my back was pleased with me and I didn't have to "recuperate" from it very much. Oh, I still hurt, but it wasn't all that bad.
Today is just a sit around and do nothing kind of day. Tomorrow is when we will work in the wiring for the dryer. The hookup is in the room we use as our bedroom and we will have to disconnect the wire in there and pull it down into the basement. The hardest part will be moving the bed to get to the plug so I can unmount it from the wall. Getting it set up in the basement will be a piece of cake, considering that it's a little cramped and the vent will have to be positioned in just the right area to keep the basement from getting flooded with lint from the dryer.
I just realized that I have some work to do, right beside my desk. The swamp cooler is right outside the window and the vent comes in and almost points at my face. So I will have to get some plastic and cover it up. Maybe in a little while I can do that, just not right now.
My mother-in-law just popped in to show off the little dress she bought for one of her relatives. I don't have a clue who, but I'm sure my wife knows.
I think I'll end this now.
20 October, 2005
Another day is just another day, for me. Though today was a bit more interesting than usual. I had decided to take the dryer connection out of our bedroom and move it down to the basement and reconnect it there. Of course, we made sure that the fuse box had been set to where there was no electricity to anything in the house. Wrong. For some reason, electricity was still going through the plug. I don't have a clue as to how, since everything in the house was supposed to have been turned off when my wife flipped the master switch. The only explanation I can come up with is that the wires are somehow bypassing the fuse box. I guess I'll call an electrician in to work on it, since I don't want to ruin another shirt with bits of metal flying about while the wires are spitting and sputtering. Fun, ya betcha.
Still no internet and it's getting old.
21 October, 2005
Another day, another fun time with my son. It seems that he is heading for, at the least, some "community service" time. I won't say what he has done, but it's not really all that bad. But rules are rules and he has to learn to pay the price for his actions/reactions.
At least I didn't try to electrocute myself today. That's a definite plus, no matter how you look at it. Everyone else is watching tv, but I decided to play around on the computer, instead. Tv is getting old and I guess I need some "me time" away from the tv, for a change. Even though my favorite shows are one tonight, they are all repeats, so I know I'm not missing much. Damn baseball, is what I say. I don't like sports all that much and like them even less when they cause my favorite shows to repeat for all those semi-brain-dead people to watch their sports. Far as I am concerned sports play waaaaaay too much of an "event" for people. It causes schools to bypass the truly intelligent in favor of brain-dead (or, as in some cases, semi-brain-dead) kids. If half of what is geared toward sports was geared towards non-sports activities, there would be much less child violence and more kids getting a better education. At least, they should stop "passing" kids just because of sports - that's a disservice to all intelligent people, especially if they don't enjoy sports. Don't like my opinion? Don't read my stuff, then. Heh.
23 October, 2005
Okay, another day another whatever happens will happen. I had a pretty decent snooze, last night. I managed to sleep for an entire 12 hours with only 3 "wake-ups" from my back pain. I don't quite feel as tired as I usually do, so that's a benefit. Tomorrow, however, will be another deal. There are appointments to go to and my son has been suspended for three days, so he's home for Monday and Tuesday. Nothing major, just a small difficulty at school.
I was watching tv, but that was getting old, so I decided to come and type this up for posting. Hopefully, I will have internet access before the end of the week, but if the guy doesn't call tomorrow, I will call anther business and see what they have to say about setting me up with the satellite internet connection.
Other than that, it's basically the same day, same shit. Going to play on the computer, now.
24 October, 2005
Well, shit. Now there's something wrong with the car. It was running good this morning, but when I went out to start it this afternoon it just kid of groaned and wouldn't start. I am hoping that it's only the battery. Not that I'm all that awful worried, since my mother-in-law has said that we can use her truck (chevy blazer) as much as we need to. She doesn't drive anymore, so that helps, too!
I also finally got off the stick and bought myself some incense. I have been wanting some for quite some time and now I have it burning on the desk next to mine. It's different "flavors", but I haven't been able to figure out which color is for what. I have "Serenity", "Romance", "Strength" and "Refresh". The only thing all that different, that I can tell, is that there are four different colors, so it's anybody's guess, I guess. Heh.
I'm still debating about entering this writing contest that I found out about at the library. It's 20 bucks per story and that's what's making me leery about it. Hell, who knows. There's still time to decide and I have a couple of stories that are mostly done that I could send in. Maybe, maybe not. I'm still thinking on it.
I called the internet guy again today, but he never called back. I will give him until about noon tomorrow and then I will call another installer. This is getting old.
That's all for today.
25 October, 2005
Just sitting around, playing on the computer and doing a bit of laundry, today. My wife just left to take my mother-in-law to an appointment for a perm and my son is sitting in his room, doing homework that he will turn in tomorrow at school. Pretty quiet, all told. Sometimes I like being alone in the quiet; sometimes I don't. With my flaky moods, it could be a toss-up as to whether I am glad for the quiet or the quiet drives me deeper into my depression. I manage to work through it, in the latter case, but it's not fun, I can tell you that.
I'm going to leave this open, so I can add to it, if the mood hits me, later.
Well, I finally managed to listen to a podcast that I downloaded back in July. It was basically Chris Pirillo and Ponzi just arguing about stuff. I can't recall just why I downloaded it, but I guess I thought it would have something to do with computers. Not on this one, that's for sure. More arguments than anything else. Oh, well, I managed to listen to the entire thing, even though I got embarrassed a couple of time. They must really love one another, what with all the arguing. Heh.
I have had another thought. I think I will wait on the internet until next month. I am getting really tired of hanging laundry out on the line. I'll call one of the local electricians and get them out here and have that silly wire moved down to the basement. This shit is getting really old. I don't mind folding laundry, but that hanging bit has got to go, that's all.
27 October, 2005
Another day, yet again. They just don't seem to stop. Piling up, one upon the next. At least today was a decent day. I went in and had my false teeth relined. Took almost 3 hours, too. At least they seem to fit better now, and when I took them out a little while ago, it seems that the upper front of my gums is not hurting as it had been the last couple of weeks. Maybe things are looking up. Even though it took quite a bit of money (I won't say exactly how much, but if you double what I paid you would probably be able to buy a decent computer), it was well worth every penny.
Other than that, the only other excitement was that my brother-in-law managed to find his (and my wife's) brother. Sadly, he is now divorced and living in a nursing home. He's only about a 12 hour drive away, so we are planning to have him here for Christmas. That should make my wife pretty happy. Oh, not my mother-in-law - they had a "falling out" some time ago and she is still so pissed she can hardly say his name. It will be interesting; that I know.
That's about it. Till next time I write.
29 October, 2005
Well, this was a bit of a fruitful day. My wife and I sat down and went through a bunch of containers that had tools and stuff in them and sorted them out. I really had no idea that I had so many screws and nails. Sheesh. At least I know that, if I need a certain type of screw or nail, I probably have it.
Other than that, just a bit of laundry and going to the old building down the street for a Halloween thing for the kids and a little bit of rummage sale for the adults. They even had a haunted house thing that my son went through. He enjoyed it, so it was worth it.
Nothing else to say, right now, so I won't say it.
30 October, 2005
Damn, tomorrow is Halloween. At least the kids are ready for it. They will be really hitting this little town, that's for sure! I can't say as how I blame them - Halloween was a big time for me, when I was a kid. The most memorable one was when I was crying because I couldn't go and my mom finally got fed up with my whining and opened the kitchen door and showed me all the rain pouring down. She said, "Do you want to go out in that!?!?!" Of course, with no other option, I just went about my business, whatever it was that I did that evening.
Tomorrow is a big day in that the folks from the satellite internet will be coming by to check out the place. It's a decent deal and I really look forward to getting this posted and getting back online. I did a quick check of my e-mails the other day, when I stopped at the library, and found that I have over 1300 e-mails just waiting for me. Sheesh. That's going to be fun to go through. I just hope that it won't be too much of a hassle to get the satellite set up. Hope, hope, hope.
Enough for now.
31 October, 2005
Dammit. The idiots from the satellite internet didn't call me back, so I guess I have to call them, again, in the morning. I hope this is not a indication of "customer service". I am beginning to really *need* my internet. It's getting really pitiable.
Other than that, my mother-in-law has finally agreed to have an upper and lower "G.I." done so we can find out why she has so many stomach problems. It's not as bad as it was (at least, according to her), but it's still a good thing to have done. Makes me feel better, anyway. My mom went from pancreatic cancer and I still feel that if she had gone to the doctor a bit more often it could have been caught. I can't really say for sure, but I think that's the way it was.
My teeth feel wonderful. So far I haven't had any sore spots or tenderness anywhere. It's still new, so there's still lots of time for things to start hurting, but at least it's nowhere near as bad as it was even a week ago.
Had to stop for a minute and play with some weird scissors that my wife has. What can I say, I'm nuts, dontcha know.
Okay, enough for now. I think I will try to do some writing. Can't sing or dance, so what else is there? Heh.
1 November, 2005
Things are getting better, finally. The guy from the internet came by and I did the application thing and should have internet by next Wednesday, at the latest. That is, if my "credit" meets their approval. It should, but you never know with come companies.
I have to get a battery for the car, tomorrow, so I will take few minutes and go the library and upload this. At least, I hope it's only the battery. It groans when I try to start it, sounding like it's not getting the power needed to start, so I tend to think it is the battery.
Just talked to my son about those "selling" things the school gives to them. I really, really hate those things. My son has an education due him, not a career selling magazine subscriptions for the school. I told him I would do what I can, but he doesn't even have all the necessary stuff, so I don't know.
There are some new shows on tv that my wife likes to watch, so I guess I will end this now and go sit with her. They aren't science fiction, but they are decent, anyway.
That's all for now.
2 November, 2005
Well, today is the day. I will get to the library this afternoon and get this uploaded. I had to get up early this morning and take my sister(step) to college. My brother-in-law usually takes her, but he's off work today because he and my wife are taking my mother-in-law to a doctor appointment/test. I also think that their truck is in the shop and his wife has their car, so he has to use my mother-in-law's blazer to take her in. That means that I have to wait for them to get back so I can get the battery for our car. No problem, I can play on the computer till then. Maybe wash some dishes. I dunno.
My wife is currently watching some thing on the History Channel that has to do with people living like they did back in 1899 in the Klondike (in Canada). I left because I am not all that interested in it. I am going to finish this up, copy it to disk and play on the computer.
Till next time.
3 November, 2005
Okay, so I didn't make it to the library. My mother-in-law didn't get in to see the doc till late in the day and I never was able to get to the store or the library. I could have gone today, but since my internet will be set up tomorrow, I figured I would just wait and upload this tomorrow.
Also, I think the car has finally bit the big one. I changed out the battery, but it still just groans and moans when I try to start it. I think the fuel injectors are screwed up. Such fun I got, eh?
Well, that's enough for today. I should get this posted tomorrow, so that's good enough.
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