Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Okay, hokey title, but it's the best I can do, right now.

As if you have never heard this before - depression sucks. Most especially if you are being seen by way of the VA (Veteran's Administration). Seems that once a month for an hour is more than enough to sort out all your mental health needs. I just wish they'd lay off the "quitting smoking is *good* for you" horseshit. I'm 46 years old and have been smoking for over 25 years. I started smoking knowing that I could "get sick" from it (one of my grandfathers died from lung cancer) and I still smoke, eyes wide open. Yah, keep up with the "you need to quit" crap and I'll keep ragging you about drinking. I don't think I will ever have a cop come to my door and tell me that my child was murdered by someone who had gotten behind the wheel of their car and had one too many smokes. When drinking is treated like smoking is, I'll quit. Till then, just shut the fuck up and let me kill myself the way *I* want to, hokay?

I'm tired and going to bed. I think.

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