(Oh, you know which one - "I'm baaaaaack", sheesh!)
Ah, well - let's see...
I am boring. Period.
Since I last updated the most I have accomplished is finishing up the enclosure for my mother-in-law to keep her geese in. First time I have ever put up a fence. And, if I have anything to day about it, the last time, too. All in all it's a pretty decent job for someone who has never done it before. I think I surprised my wife when I said that we needed 15 metal posts to attach the fence to. I just mentally figured it out and we got 15 and, by golly, we needed 15 to put up that fence. Damn, I don't mean to make it sound like I was the only one doing it - it was most definitely a "family affair". We all pitched in and did whatever we could to get that thing up and finished. As a matter of fact, it was my wife and sister(step) who got the hardware and physically put up the gate. I did my part, as much as I could, anyway, and I am now paying for it physically.
Oh, the TV went on the fritz and I have to wait until this Friday to get a new one. I can't complain, this one has been through two long distance moves, several in-town moves, storage, and much lifting and grunting (the bastid is heavy!). So, I feel that it has more than paid for itself. I look forward to getting a better one that doesn't quite weigh as much, too. Hmmmm... Do you have any idea what it's like not having a TV? It's not so much as that I miss lots of TV shows, since I only have three that I watch every week. (Okay, they are Battlestar Galactica, SG-1, and Stargate Atlantis, happy?) But not having a TV for the kids is what sucks, and sucks big time. What can you do with a kid whose main joy in life is walking around saying, "I'm boooooooored"? No matter what some people say, talking can only go so far, then it's a chore for both parties, especially when one is 47 years old and the other is 12 years old. It's even more sad when the male parent is not able to do "physical" things with them!
So, Friday is the big day - I get to watch my shows and the kids get to whine about which movie to watch. Oh, did I mention that I have over 2000 movies? Yep, mostly VHS, but getting more and more DVD's as time passes. At least the search for a movie to watch can occupy quite a bit of time, for the kids, anyway. There are so many that I haven't even watched that I keep thinking about putting one of the DVD's in the computer and watching it there. But since the kids computer is directly behind me, it would be like putting a bowl of kibbles on the floor and telling the dog not to eat it. Don't ask me why I used that analogy, I don't even have a dog, for cryin' out loud.
I spent most of today on the computer, trying to recuperate from putting up that fence. Me and methadone are fast becoming the best of the best of buddies, I can tell you. If you have never taken methadone, I can also tell you this - it's not so much as it takes the pain away, it's more like you can sit back and giggle at it, as it ravages your body. You don't really seem to care that you hurt, but you still have that "twitch" in the back of the mind that tells you once the methadone stops working you will most assuredly know about it.
Well, it's getting time to chase the children to bed and making my own way to bed, as well. One is going to spend the night with a buddy, so that's one that won't be up until all hours, whining that he can't sleep, while reading/playing/whatever, instead of laying down and closing his eyes.
That's all for now.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Sunday, June 12, 2005
My pirate name is:
Dread Pirate Kidd

Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Catching up
Damn, it's been a while since I posted anything here. Well, hell, I have said that I have a boring life, so I guess that excuse will work as well as any other.
Hmmm... let's see, what has happened since the last time I posted?
Well, I took my (step)nephew and his mom, my (step)sister, to the wart doctor yesterday. It's a good thing that I am a good listener, since that is mainly what I did all the hour and a half there and hour and a half back. Even when we stopped at Lowes to check the prices on fences, she just could not stop yammering. I say that in a nice way, but you know how it goes. I really felt sorry for the two guys back of the counter at Lowes. Not that she hit on them or anything, just that she can't help just making funny (???) comments about things and how they are going. Ah, well, at least that's over for another month.
I'm still in the process of changing my meds (for depression) and I have a feeling that it's going both ways. Yep, one minute I feel fine and the next I am almost in tears. Maybe I've gone from depression to Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, or whatever the hell they are calling it, now. I hope not, I have enough problem with my back, without starting something new, right now.
I've been at home all day, except for one trip to Walmart to get a replacement kiddie pool. I tried to pump up the one yesterday and found that it had a nice hole in the bottom so that the air just kept on going, instead of inflating the silly thing. I took my son with me and he was slightly bummed because the new issue of Mad Magazine isn't out yet. So, to make up for that, he decided that some strawberry flavored Altoids would do. Since he has been at his buddys(ies?? Screw it.) house all day I don't know how they are fairing. The one he got for my (step)nephew is mostly gone, since he has been playing at the computer all day and munching on them.
Oh, I think I am fairly disgusted with the Army, now, too. My (step)nephew got a copy of that Army computer game from his school and I thought I would be cool and put it on the kids computer for him. Sucks. The damned thing needs so much resources that I am scared to put it on this computer. It's a video hog, a RAM hog, and just too damned much for me to fool around with. So, until I can scrounge up a "new" computer for the kids to play with (yah, right, like that is gonna happen) they will just have to deal with the games that I can put on it.
Other than that, I guess I've said all that I want to, today. Going to go and read some other blogs and get my mind out of the dirt, for a change.
Hmmm... let's see, what has happened since the last time I posted?
Well, I took my (step)nephew and his mom, my (step)sister, to the wart doctor yesterday. It's a good thing that I am a good listener, since that is mainly what I did all the hour and a half there and hour and a half back. Even when we stopped at Lowes to check the prices on fences, she just could not stop yammering. I say that in a nice way, but you know how it goes. I really felt sorry for the two guys back of the counter at Lowes. Not that she hit on them or anything, just that she can't help just making funny (???) comments about things and how they are going. Ah, well, at least that's over for another month.
I'm still in the process of changing my meds (for depression) and I have a feeling that it's going both ways. Yep, one minute I feel fine and the next I am almost in tears. Maybe I've gone from depression to Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, or whatever the hell they are calling it, now. I hope not, I have enough problem with my back, without starting something new, right now.
I've been at home all day, except for one trip to Walmart to get a replacement kiddie pool. I tried to pump up the one yesterday and found that it had a nice hole in the bottom so that the air just kept on going, instead of inflating the silly thing. I took my son with me and he was slightly bummed because the new issue of Mad Magazine isn't out yet. So, to make up for that, he decided that some strawberry flavored Altoids would do. Since he has been at his buddys(ies?? Screw it.) house all day I don't know how they are fairing. The one he got for my (step)nephew is mostly gone, since he has been playing at the computer all day and munching on them.
Oh, I think I am fairly disgusted with the Army, now, too. My (step)nephew got a copy of that Army computer game from his school and I thought I would be cool and put it on the kids computer for him. Sucks. The damned thing needs so much resources that I am scared to put it on this computer. It's a video hog, a RAM hog, and just too damned much for me to fool around with. So, until I can scrounge up a "new" computer for the kids to play with (yah, right, like that is gonna happen) they will just have to deal with the games that I can put on it.
Other than that, I guess I've said all that I want to, today. Going to go and read some other blogs and get my mind out of the dirt, for a change.
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