Sunday, May 29, 2005

Oh, foggy Sunday

Sundays kinda suck, for me. I still recall my school days where every Sunday was not all that great because Monday and another start to the school week was just a little ways off. Always has been that way, as long as I can recall. I am not a "religious" person, except in ways that usually piss off those who are "religious". I have my own ideas about what is "truth" and I am always willing to listen to others spout off their ideas, as long as they are willing to listen to mine. It usually works out that I have to listen to them, but they immediately tune me out because what I say conflicts so much with their dogma and has so much more honesty in it that they cannot bear to hear it. I still don't like Sundays very much.

My wife is at my mother-in-laws house messing wife the geese and I had to call her so she could pick up some things on her way home. I should have gone with her, but I just couldn't bring myself to make myself leave the house today. I've just settled into my "corner" and vegged out. This is the most ambitious I have been all day. Actually, I am going by what my shrink has told me and I am in the process of cutting back on certain of my meds. I hope it works out okay, and that I don't get the urge to eat a bullet, like I was at one point not too long ago. If the shrink is right, I'll be able to cut back and it won't hurt me. I am trying my best, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Take it one day at a time and keep my chin up, as hokey as that sounds.

Well, that's about it, for today. Guess I'll read some more blogs and finish up my CD burning that I started.

Yesterday was the last day of the end of your old life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Such a day, I've got

Just abso-fucking-lutely wonderful. Now I find out that I have a hiatal hernia. Shit. If you don't know what that is, it's where the opening in your diaphragm where your esophagus goes through is bigger than it should be. Thus, you have your stomach actually pushing up into your chest, just under your lungs. Dammit. Yeah, when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade, right? What the hell do you make with stomach acid? Huh? What, something like battery acid? Maybe just turn it into puke, hah? Hell.

My ISP has been down most of the day, and just recently came back up. That was not too much of a problem as my wife and sister went over to my mother-in-laws house, the kids went to school and I spent about half the day out mowing the yard. Yah, it's that big of a yard.

When I finished, and after a shower, I sat and listened to some Pink Floyd and Wings. Hey, I know what is music and that shit that is called rap is in no way to be considered as music. Music is something you sing to, not talk to. Geeze. Still, if that is what floats your boat, go for it, I'll not try to talk you out of it - I have that much respect for people, anyway. Just don't bitch at me for my opinion as to what is music and what is not. On the other hand, go ahead and bitch about my opinion, it's funny when people do.

The last day of school really sucks. Three months of "I'm bored, there's nothing to do. Can we go to wherever? Can we, huh, can we, huh, huh, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!! I HAVE to go, there's NOTHING TO DO HERE!!!! WHINE!!!!!!!!!" Such fun. Something to really look forward to, that's for sure. And I'm the reincarnation of Barney Fife, too. You betcha.

Damn ISP.

Damn back.

Damn stomach.

Damn it.

English is such a stupid language.

Have fun.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Doing the grass thing

Okay, I gave it my best shot, but the mower just wasn't in it for me, today.

Of course, it didn't help that I woke up at 1:00 PM today, thanks to medication that is supposed to make me feel "happier". Guess that's the "trade off" of them. My peeve is that they don't seem to be working all that great. Then again, it's probably just my body, doing the "toleration" thing, as usual. Eh? Oh, by "toleration" I mean that I seem to build up a tolerance to any meds I take. I've probably written about this before, so that's all I'll say about it, unless someone tells me different, then I'll discuss it.

So, along about 3:00 PM, I decided that the half of the front yard that wasn't cut three days ago needed to be cut, so I headed out to do so. After less than half of the area was cut, the mower decided that it didn't like me anymore. It was showing it's dislike by running slower and slower and, when I refilled it with gas, it just wouldn't start again. At some point, after the no-start strike by the mower, I decided to hit the old dog-runs with the "weed-eater". Actually it's made by "Black and Decker", but it's the best one I have ever owned.

So, I get done with the dog runs and the manager of the place comes over and tries to help me get the mower started. He pulled out the spark plug and scraped it a bit and it started up. He left and as I was attempting to finish the job, it quit again. He was just leaving and, seeing me sitting on the ground, in almost terminal disgust, he said that he'd get a new spark plug for it and bring it by tomorrow. That I can live with, since I was hurting so bad it was an extreme effort just to not scream each time I moved.

Now, I am on the net, and will be for a while. Maybe, once my meds kick in, I'll go up to the bedroom and try to work on my stories. Till then, I'll just surf the web and see which is what and where.


Friday, May 13, 2005

A little catching up?

Geeze, I didn't realize that it's been so long since I posted here. Heh. Life has a habit of kicking me in the ass so much that I think my butthole is in the region of my shoulderblades, at times.

Well, let's see.

Since I have last posted I have had an upper GI done. Those are definitely not fun, since I could not eat, drink or smoke prior to the exam. The hospital is a three and a half hour drive from where I live and the only thing that saved me was that my wife and I drove down the day before and spent the night in a motel. We went out to Red Lobster and pigged out on one of their specials so I didn't have to worry too much about being hungry in the morning, before the exam. Sadly, no "fun" was to be had in the motel room, since I was hurting too much to be able to give her the attention I like to give her. The worst part was that there was some Native American shindig going on in Albuquerque and the only room we could find was a suite for $100.00 a night. Let me tell you, if I get a suite, you can damn well be sure that I will milk that mother to the best of my ability. Well, next time, anyway. Heh.

One of the other things I have been up to is working on the "goose house" for my mother-in-law (mainly painting). It's still funny that we have spent hours upon hours fixing up an outhouse that is about 100 years old into a "cute" place for the geese to hang out in. We started with four geese and are now down to two. Two died, though we have no idea why. So, what do we do? My MIL decides to buy two more. Now she will have two running loose outside while she babies the other two in the house until they are old enough to join the other two outside. Well, at least it gives her something to do and that's always a good thing for someone who is 82 years old and lives alone. Actually, we only let the two outside yesterday, for the first time. It was funny as hell, watching those two get their "outside feet" and flopping around and following my MIL as if she was "momma". It was even funnier when she went inside for a moment and those two geese stood right at the screen door and practically cried for her to come back out.

Not much other than that, I have to admit. Gads, I am truly a boring person. I seem to just sit at my computer and veg out most of the time. I did try to get my laptop running in the bedroom, but the damned thing doesn't want to recognize the CD drive, so I will have to get that up and running if I expect to work on any of my stories in the bedroom. Oh, it's okay, I will be doing that while my wife reads. When it's time to bump uglies, we have a habit of just clearing off the bed and going for it, everything else can damn well wait for an hour or so.

Anyway, that's about it. Nothing special. Told you I was boring, what can I say?


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Actually, this is from yesterday...

Gads, what a blah day. When I woke up this morning, the second thing out of my wife's mouth was that she wanted to go to my mother-in-laws house and put up a fence around the front garden to keep the rabbits from eating all the tulip bulbs out of the ground. I politely declined to go along, not only because I had just woken up and had not woken up completely, but because I just didn't feel like going. I have a sneaking suspicion that she had an ulterior motive, but I will not bring that up, as it causes a bit too much emotional problems. (She does read this, on occasion, and I don't want to put in anything that she would not "appreciate". I guess.)

Besides, I just feel to blah to get involved in much of anything. Even this is such a chore that I am amazed that I am getting this much down.

Anyway, here's a blurb I found - unfortunately I haven't a clue as to who said it, so if you know, let me know so I can attribute it properly. Deal?

"English doesn't borrow from other languages; English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."

Later is later and maybe I am, too.